
Smite Dev Tracker

26 May

25 May


Originally posted by BaroqueTier

Come on now, are you seriously going to pretend that "Divinely approved lovers" somehow isn't ideal or desirable?

According to The Symposium Achilles and Patroclus are approved by the divine, and according to The Laws, homosexuality is odius to the gods.

Again read the Symposium and the Laws. It's impossible to engage in this conversation fully if you're just reading facts about it.

Specifically the exerpt about Achilles and Patroclus is a character speech. But beyond that, the laws are written about Plato's ideal society - one in which sexuality just wouldn't exist at all. Plato's later beliefs ALSO very much condemned heterosexual activity, acknowledging that it was necessary for procreation, but that it was really a distraction and wasn't really a virtue. This doesn't necessarily mean that people couldn't love each other, just that sexual acts were unnecessary and wrong. His condemnation didn't include any laws that actually prohibit sex of any kind. Rather, he proposed that Sex itself be seen as unsavory, and homosexual sex (obviously done without the intent of procreation) be seen as socially reprehensible - like incest.


Hey! There are 2 episodes here, and we're looking to source/add the rest:


Can confirm: This is not any of her Card Arts :)


Originally posted by KingQuackster

This doesn't really look consistent with other default card arts styles and might be some lore key art like this

You are correct in that this is not Card Art. :) The official Card Art for Morgan Le Fay is part of the Patch Badge that was tweeted a little earlier, for those curious:

Edit: Clarification


Originally posted by Sinisterniik

I hope I linked this correctly

This was one of his responses to my post talking about wildly different skills levels in my games.

It sounds like OPs play group should be using the report button more.

The conversation was nuanced. I pressed him specifically on this issue for clarification. He was very specific about how to report:

As for reporting -use the "did not play assigned role" option - or use "intentional feeding" or "afk" if they are dying/ignoring fights to a detriment.

I expressed my displeasure with giving someone a ban over being a "bad player", but he didn't respond.

I did not intend to "encourage you to report bad players" And in, fact you should not report people who are trying their best but struggling.

You should report people who are not playing their role, or AFKing, not fighting, spamming taunting following you instead, etc - i said this pretty clearly in one of my responses too.

My main point of all the these lengthy responses to you is - people are inconsistent and going to have bad games - that doesnt mean matchmaking is broken - it also does not mean you should report them either tho.

You seem to be misinterpreting just the very short phrase i used in the very first response to you (sounds like OPs playgroup should use the report button more) - and that was intended just to clarify that you have that option when people arent even trying to play the game, but it sounds like you always thought they were even in some of your more egregious examples? Which i guess is my mistake.

I even looked up multiple g...

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24 May

21 May


Each ability says its energy gain, and the ult says how much it costs. Can you show me what your descriptions look like because I see them there in game on each ability and how much they give.

20 May

19 May


Originally posted by BaroqueTier

And if we're going to accept that it was a common interpretation, then it seems like a totally valid interpretation today. Rather than just a 'meme' that's propagated by the west.

It feels like you're really downplaying the other side. You say it was common for them to believe this but it was also common to believe against it.

The issue is that there are 2 interpretations both of them contested and you decided to plant your flag in one side in the name of "historic accuracy" which is a very claim to lay on the reasoning for the change.

The description was "changed to be more accurate" implies that one interpretation is inaccurate while the other is accurate with hirez claiming that the updated one is the correct one and the other one is wrong. Do you not see the issue here?

Appart from that I want to hear your view on one more thing regarding plato from earlier though. Plato was openly against both homosexuality...

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You say it was common for them to believe this but it was also common to believe against it.

This is just a standard that can't be proven. That's more the problem. We have evidence to support that the view was pretty common. Again, in context, Phaedrus wouldn't just assume that people thought Achilles and Patroclus were lovers, unless there was a common opinion that they were. As well as the fact we've seen it referenced often (with little to no evidence suggesting there was some big dissent on the topic - at least that we've discovered so far) from ancient texts we've recovered.

The description was "changed to be more accurate" implies that one interpretation is inaccurate while the other is accurate with hirez claiming that the updated one is the correct one and the other one is wrong. Do you not see the issue here?

This is just misreading the change. It wasn't done for "historical accuracy", or at...

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Originally posted by BaroqueTier

So first, this is specifically Athens.

Fine, I can leave this as "Differ by region."

He wasn't. You need to read the Symposium if you're going to argue against it. This isn't really a contested fact, here. I don't really have much to say about your rebuttal here because it seems like you haven't actually read it, and are approaching it with assumptions about the text itself based on it coming from Plato. This is not to call you out or anything, I haven't read everything out there either, and I wouldn't blame anyone for not reading a specific writing of Plato ever. It's just without having the context, there's nothing much to say here, because I haven't known anyone to ever read this section of the symposium and come out of it thinking he was referring to them being close and sharing love more akin to close friends/brothers. Again it is very specifically referenced as a form of pederasty, but with roles flipped.

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I am not arguing that the interpretation does not exist. Of course it does. I'm arguing on its validity.

Then this is where we're going to fundamentally disagree.

I see (and I imagine many others do as well) that the simple fact this was a common assessment even within the culture itself as enough evidence to see it as a valid interpretation. The fact that we have ancient writing in which a character giving a speech very much just assumes that the audience would accept that Patroclus and Achilles were lovers is enough to say that within the culture, this wasn't an uncommon view of their relationship. And if we're going to accept that it was a common interpretation, then it seems like a totally valid interpretation today. Rather than just a 'meme' that's propagated by the west.

To give more context here, this is why I wouldn't necessarily view Gilgamesh/Enkidu the same way, even though they have the same types of language in dire...

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Originally posted by BigWompNrg

Book of thoth not increasing power with stacks. I was messing around with some builds in jungle practice and it seems book of thoth passive is not increasing power. My friend and I both had the same issue even after selling/repurchasing the item and hitting the stacks button a few times. Book of thoth stacks/passive does increase basic damage though. Possibly bugged, or maybe im dumb.

From what I'm seeing in live, book of thoth is giving power properly based on its mana. Book of Thoth does not increase power based on stacks, it increases mana, and converts 7% (10% when evolved) to power. So a Book of Thoth fully stacked on its own gives 180 power.

Right now from what I can tell it is working - were you seeing something different?