
Smite Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by pyro745

Can you confirm the %pen amount on Heartseeker? Not sure if it’s still the case, but for a while it said: 10% pen 10% pen

Making it seem like it had 20% total?

That is a UI display bug. Because we 'unified' Physical and Magical Penetration across the board, all these items actually have X% Physical Penetration and X% Magical Penetration.

Our tooltips automatically generate what stats an item has, and for these items we have to override it but we missed that on Heartseeker.

tl;dr Yes, it is only supposed to provide 10% Penetration.


Originally posted by dank_summers

Thank you the sun beam bow meta has been one of the worst

Im confused about the pen items though, is the current patch still only giving the 15%

No, they will give 25%.

Since Merlin Patch they SAID they give 25%, but were giving 15%. The change means the tooltip is now correct. The note was there just so people didn't think we were nerfing the item by adding ~700 gold to them.


Originally posted by Constant_Revenue2213

Have you thought about adding more power to the AS items and adding additional passives to the carry starters to make them more viable? I think sharpshooter arrow got a deserved nerf but now it’s less viable than Smite 1’s Ornate Arrow. I’d much rather have Ornate or Diamond than Sharpshooter its current state. Also the lifesteal on Leather to Hunters Cowl is ABYSMALLY USELESS.

There should be some distinguishable benefit to using it vs just getting bumba’s dagger. Especially since Dagger now provides AS. I get it everyone hates when ADC’s are melting everyone but this community has to get over that it takes 20 mins for these characters to get online. It’s ridiculous that every patch is another nerf to adc items.

It's something we have kept an eye on, but so long as people who are building Death's Toll, Leather Cowl, and Ornate succeed (outside of top level player most people build these and succeed, with Ornate being a bit underwhelming) the flexibility is cool.

Warrior's Axe was hit mostly because it led to a lot of play pattern frustration. Trading some stats for stronger jungle control near the lane with Bumba's feels like an interesting tradeoff, and I see why top level values it.

That strategy does become weaker as a whole with this patch, so in theory reasons for doing it are also going down compared to the more standard starters.

Another reason for buffing them would be to just bring up carries as a whole, but as a role they seem to be doing OK. So yeah, we could buff them but the urgency for that doesn't seem super high.


Hey y'all,

We wanted to respond quickly to the rushing objective meta that has developed. Most of these changes are targeted at addressing that.

Outside of that Arondight was a top performer and while we want to keep the active strong, it was also too good in the stats it provided.

Titan's Bane and Obsidian Shard are part of a larger scale Penetration adjustment we want to do, but felt like getting this in could allow Carries and Mids to have a much more potent tool against being run down by bruisers and tanks; but with a cost indicative of how strong the effect is.

Warrior's Axe is also being adjusted to discourage Carries from starting it while still keeping it viable for the brawlers in the Solo lane.

24 Mar


He's being temporarily disabled. Appreciate the report!

21 Mar


Originally posted by Waxpython

It’s coded as a debuff on smite 2 and worked, you can claim it’s a bug but it’s proven to work

No, this is just incorrect.

Hun Batz prot shred doesn't (and never did) proc stone of binding.

Hun Batz ASPECT has a stun, and that stun will proc stone of binding. It still does that even with the balance change.


We allow other blink threads as long as they satisfy our discussion quota. This is a big change to the game, and it's normal that people want to discuss it in more than 1 post, and I don't really see an issue with that.

20 Mar


Originally posted by Proper-Problem-3807

Yeah I speculated the same thing cause it looks like I’m just getting disconnected but that instant connection back changes that for me. It’s a weird problem never experienced anything like it before but it just sucks cause I love the game and I’m trying to get nu wa to mastery 10. Because nu wa supremacy

Looking into what our server is kicking back - I'm wondering if you're playing from a college campus wifi, or something similar?

Wondering if you can take your steam deck somewhere else and see if it fixes the issue for you. (and if you're on a campus, this would mean one not on campus) Currently it looks like the server is giving an error specifically with your requests that imply there's something at the network level especially because it's happening on both steam deck and xbox which are on different client versions.


Originally posted by Proper-Problem-3807

All good well thank you for passing it on. Side note have you ever seen anything like this? Or am I the only person who has this issue

This is the first I have seen this specific problem personally.

Generally being kicked to lobby is your connection to the server instance dropped. This is often due to instability on the players end; but what is weird is you get kicked nearly instantly and are able to nearly instantly rejoin. Timing out should take longer, and if you were unstable it doesn't look like it.

But thats me speculating, people with a lot more ability to dive into it will be able to figure out more.


Originally posted by Proper-Problem-3807

I have no clue why it’s happening I play on Xbox and steam deck it’s occurring on both and didn’t happen until the new update when the new hod came out. I have tested it and it occurs with different gods and not just nu wa

I pinged the internal group about it so they can dive into it; but I don't have any immediate suggestions to fix it unfortunately.


You can send it my way; depending on the bug I might be able to help (or at least make sure we have it documented) but if it is account related I won't really be able to help and a ticket is what you will need to use.


Originally posted by Outso187

Its still the dame calculation? I don't doubt it, it would make sense but do we have official confirmation it still works the same?

Also, you accidentally put Void Shield on your calculations, instead of Stone.

Yep, order of operations for % Reduction, Flat Reduction, %, Flat should be the same.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Flareb00t


Yea Flareb00t, how dare you as a dev specifically decide to make conquest matches last longer smh

This is the funniest sh*t i've ever seen you just caught random strays lmaooooo

17 Mar


Originally posted by Baecchus

Voted for allowing memes and less moderation in general. The sentiment is dreary enough as it is. I think feedback/criticism can be discussed in a more civil and constructive manner if people have something to cheer them up here as well.

Letting people post whatever they want would be a good way for Hi-Rez to get a feel for how the community as a whole feels too. Smite is at a point where any type of feedback is desperately needed.

edit: to add, what does censoring negative sentiment or "doomposting" as people call it achieve? I don't want to get myself nuked from the subreddit since anything that's remotely negative gets removed here but why is someone asking if the game is doing poorly getting removed while all those posts of people telling this subreddit to brigade the steam page with positive reviews were allowed to stay up during Vegas?

Not to mention there were fake "smite 2 is amazing" posts from brand new accounts here during that time. Reddit itself...

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Negative posts about smite are allowed, and that's the mentality we've always been going with. Nobody is above criticism, when it's fair.

However, we see 5-6 DAILY posts that are either 'is this game dead' or 'this game will be dead' and it's typically 1-2 sentences and that's it. It's just not productive and ends up being spammy. And I can fully understand why such posts would be hated by people, myself included


Just wanna say since there's a lot of feedback on this - doomposting is very annoying and we do remove 99% of it - it's just that some of them slip through the cracks.

Please do report any you see, they will be looked on a case by case basis!


Originally posted by TheToastyToast

r/smite mods are so cool 

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We just want the game to succeed and for the community to thrive as much as anyone else!


Originally posted by TheMadolche

Thank you for this. 

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Originally posted by trxxv

Appreciate this.
