No datamining spoilers in unmarked threads.
No datamining spoilers in unmarked threads.
This should be fixed now, sorry about that!
Im 19 know 3 languages and starting studies at Vienna for Music what are you?
Hey, uh, fun fact, lying about this is very dumb when anyone can take a look at your post history and find out that you're lying like in 5 minutes lmaooo
Hi guys! I just want to say thank you all so much for your support and believing in me all these years! It was truly an honor! I had so much fun meeting you guys and making SMITE!
Cheers to the next adventure! I will never forget you!
Tina 🥰
Gods on rotation should now sort to the top at the Gods page
Why's that? Surely it should sort all gods you own at the top of the page by default (which would mean no sorting for people who own all gods). Is there a reason to prioritize gods on rotation to the top when there's a filter to do that in the god menu?
Just curious
I think you meant Infographic!
My bad, thanks! :D
They said they are working on it
I was actually just considering writing a post about this lmao.
For the past week the matches in arena have been awful to the point its genuinely unplayable. Every second or third match we get someone who either dies at the start and gets mad and stops playing, or just never goes to play at all.
Checking their profile and it's always not isolated and they are doing that in several matches.
I've once queued with a person like that a week later and they did the same thing straight from when the game started, no change whatsoever.
These people are NOT good for the game and keeping them around provides no value whatsoever. It makes player frustration huge, I have friends who are considering pausing smite for now just because it's not fun anymore when you know you lost from the start.
Good stuff, very nicely summed up!
Originally posted by FRESHxJZ: im trying to link smite 1 to 2, everything on hi-rez is correct but when i go to smite 1 it has be signed into a smurf account i never used can i cant log out into my main account no mater what i do any help?If you reach out to Customer Support, they can help get your account unlinked.
I’ve tried reporting this bug but I don’t know that they’ve acknowledged it
Consider it acknowledged.
The issue is just something that takes time to solve, and it technically affects all dashes in the game.
The information below is from last week's patch. OB4 releases next week.
External link →Do you guys know theres a bug where you cant do anything after trying to use vgs chat? Needed to quit the game to fix it
Do you have clear repro steps? I just messed around with it and couldn't cause an issue.
Did it go live? If so is jungle practice not up to date then?
Depending on the type of 'fix' Jungle Practice won't get it.
Basically the Server and your Client have files that dictate how the game works. In Server Games (Conquest for example) your client can predict some things, but ultimately the server makes the call. We can update our server to say "Hey, if this bug condition gets hit, don't do it.".
If this is the type of fix, Jungle Practice won't have it because your client is the only authority since it isn't a networked match. Your client won't have the fix.
Some bugs can be fixed server side only, some client side only, and some require both. Generally if you download an update, your client got something for a fix. If its just 'fixed' without you updating, we updated the servers behind the scenes.
Heres hoping mantle gets fixed tomorrow.
Another build went out tonight with that fixed as well.
Originally posted by oChalko: i also dont receive the email when i type in my email and send it to link my account to smite 1Unless I'm misunderstanding, it sounds like you are talking about not having your PlayStation progression on other platforms within SMITE 1. If that is the case, while we did work with Sony to get cross-progression enabled for SMITE 2, Sony never approved cross-progression for SMITE 1.