
Smite Dev Tracker

17 Mar


Hey y'all!

We’ve put together a community poll to re-evaluate most of our subreddit rules - what’s working, what’s not, and what could use a bit of tweaking. Whether you’re a lurker, poster, or just here for the occasional memes, we want to hear from you.

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This is your chance to have a say in how the sub is run going forward - we’ll review the results and use your feedback to...

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16 Mar


Originally posted by SF_Anonymous

So you posted something on here, presumably complaining about the game. Mods delete it bc this sub isn't for you to rant and complain. So your first thought is to screenshot it, then post it to rant and complain about it on the same subreddit

Truly innovative tbh

15 Mar


The post will remain up but locked as significant discourse has happened already, but I'm pinning the comment to correct misinformation regarding the price of the skin, which is 1200 in Smite 1, and not 500, as of right now.

The skin was initially available for 500 gems as part of an event, and since then it has been set to 1200, which is equal to 2400 diamonds in Smite 2 when converted to real money.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No datamining spoilers in unmarked threads

14 Mar


I actually saw what you mean when I opened the post - it's the eye whites that looking at it from afar look as if it's the eye centers themselves lmao


Originally posted by LiepardTeam

Ah yes, my favorite skin: Hecate. Totally not a god at all lmao

It's actually a Hecate skin lmao, but I don't think it's on the live client (was on PTS).

It's an Xbox promotion one making her green


Originally posted by XxDarkSasuke69xX

Is there something missing at the end concerning Mordred's aspect ? It just says nothing, idk if it's a mistake or not.

Changes look pretty good though. I knew that Awilix ult cooldown would get increased eventually when I saw the number in game.

Its a nerf to the aspect damage bonus for repeated god hits. 10 -> 7.


Originally posted by ShellFlare

Arnt those just nerfs to aphro? It says shift but nothing seems shifted just lowered.

Sorry, it should have said nerf on the list. They are intended to be nerfs.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Aewon2085

130% strength plus 60% plus any bonuses to basic attack power aka basic attack power or basic attack scaling whatever we want to be calling it

100 strength 0 int the ability is 130 off of strength 0 off int and 0 on basic attack scaling.

I’ve played smite more then enough to understand this which is why I even bring up the fact this ability is outscaling ultimates. Specifically because the current game has infinitely stacking 3K pots, which means it’s totally possible for this basic ability to start rivalling ultimates for damage with a fraction of the cooldown. Then let’s add her passive which is effectively a free strength and a free intelligence item worth of power. Then let’s add the fire giant buff and now your essentially running 10 items now in terms of how much power you’ve gotten via non items

Your Basic Attack is made up of 3 scaling factors.

  1. 100% of your Strength.
  2. 20% of your Int.
  3. 100% of a stat called "Basic Attack Power". This is a stat used to only increase Basic Attack damage.

My goal with this ability is that it does ~a basic attack with some bonus scaling worth of damage. I could (and probably should) alternatively write this ability as

"Deal damage equal to your Basic Attack Damage + 30% Strength Scaling + 40% Int Scaling".

Yes this does mean it scales more than some ultimates, but that is also somewhat true of just Basic Attacks in general.


Originally posted by Aewon2085

Double reading I should be saying basic attack scaling not basic attack damage, I do know what basic attack scaling is referring to that being gilded arrow and manakins

Yes, but that stat is the only thing it is scaling off of.

For example, let's say your basic attack hits for 100. With Gilded arrow, you get +15 basic attack power, making a total of 115 basic attack damage.

Bari's 3 does NOT gain 115 damage in this case. It gains 15 from Gilded arrow as that is her basic attack power from items.

The rest of the scaling is also there. It scales with 130% str, 60% int, and the extra basic attack power stat.

That means it's got scaling that is slightly better than your basic attack damage (which deals 100% str + 20% int + 100% Basic attack power) + the relatively low base 150.


Originally posted by Aewon2085

It’s 130% strength, 60% int, and 100% basic attack scaling

There's a bit of a misunderstanding here - and might need a tooltip update - but it's a bit difficult to explain what it's doing.

Basic attack power, here, refers to the actual stat (such as you would find on Gilded Arrow). Not your basic attack damage - which would be double dipping.


Originally posted by zachsybacksy

In my experience, developer has always been synonymous with programmer - but yes, the term probably shouldn't exist because it's vague and misleading.

I think it's disingenuous to say that you're a game dev while not being a programmer. The term 'dev' implies programming, it's always been that way. To me, the terms are essentially interchangeable.

While I recognize that QA is tremendously important in the development cycle, they aren't developers, they're in QA. Job titles exist for this reason - to distinguish who is responsible for what during the development process. If everyone is a game dev, nobody is a game dev.

But yes, the term is too vague at this point and it's essentially lost all meaning anyway. If there are no bounds on what constitutes a game developer, the term is essentially worthless.

I don't think it would be accurate to call a voice actor a game developer, despite them 'developing game content' technically.

I'm going to...

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For what it's worth - I DO think if I was working in the software field I'd probably have a different idea. Because often you'll see people saying they're a software dev - and that really can mean they might fit into a couple different roles into the team, but mostly on the programming side.

Generally in game dev, my experience has been that people IN game dev don't use "game dev" as a title. A designer's going to call themselves a designer. A programmer's going to call themselves a programmer. But they'll be fine telling someone they're a game dev casually. And it has a lot to do with how the audience defines it too. I think most people see Kojima or Cory Barlog as "Game Devs" but in reality that's a designer and EP/Designer/CEO.

But even in the software field it also becomes blurry when you're talking about a QA Automation engineer. Perhaps they're not STRICTLY a dev on a product, but a senior is likely to have a decent chunk of programming knowledge, and cou...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


I think everyone on the team would be 100% OK with calling her a dev.

As someone who worked alongside her, she was an incredibly valuable member, and I'm really not sure what metric you'd judge this by which she wouldn't fit. Even if we're limiting dev to people who've been inside the engine and made changes in engine that eventually made it to the live build - KD fits that.

A lot of us here have worn many hats, and what a QA actually does honestly changes company to company. There are QA Analysts that are very heavily involved/integrated into development processes, and there are QA analysts that are contracted or working in a QA farm completely separate from a Dev team. There are QA engineers that are creating their own automation to integrate into the process, there's people who are heavily specialized in manual tests. I just don't think you can make a blanket claim of 'QA aren't devs' anymore.

Though there's definitely companies where yes, the QA te...

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Originally posted by zachsybacksy

Got it, so the waiter and dishwasher are Chefs because they work in food preparation

If this is the argument, then no person who works in game development is a dev, because I've never actually seen a job title in the industry listed as 'developer'. If it exists, it's rare and maybe one company is doing it.

A programmer is going to have the job title 'gameplay programmer' or 'engine programmer' or 'tools programmer'. Even the umbrella these jobs fit under is tech generally, not 'developers.'

Which, if you feel that way that's fair, but I think you're arguing for the erasure of the term, not its use as a label.

12 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Just because it's true in your narrow view of the world filled with ignorance, doesn't actually make it true. Furries have nothing to do with attraction to animals, and typically all of them denounce it.

You're just filled with hate lmao


Originally posted by Outso187

Okay, it maybe doesn't apply fully to this one, but in general, it's the community that is killing Smite as a whole.

Except your comment doesn't apply as they are a content creator posting these for a variety of games, including OW2.

I get that doomposting is lame but there's no need to complain about it in a post that's not doing that


I'm sorry in advance for the bunch of people that will NOT read the title as they should and either downvote or leave a comment talking how the game is not dead lol

10 Mar


Love it - the scoreboard is fun


Originally posted by ApokalypticKing101

Do you mind also submitting something for the chalice bug that's been around since last patch where swapping the slot while it's empty makes it never refill again?

Looking into it now, forwarded it to the team since it's not something I myself am able to fix.


Sorry but this is such an L take