
Smite Dev Tracker

06 Nov


Originally posted by Left4dinner

For those 30 that are 6 bolts worth 5 each, will this mini puzzles be posted here or will they be on sites like discord, twitter etc?

They will be marked just as regular bolts will be, but they won't be direct links but you'll have to do something when you find the bolt


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Originally posted by LongestNameRightHere

In the puzzle with sound link, the method to solve the puzzle (not naming it as someone might still try to solve it) includes only uppercase, so I had to find the correct version of each sign by entering different links and on the road to the final one I've entered some dentist site xD

Yeah, that was my bad but it has been corrected with a hint :)


Originally posted by LongestNameRightHere

To be honest I am slightly disappointed that it's some coder stuff again, I possibly did the first step and now I am in the middle of nowhere. Does not help that bitly links are case sensitive, I've already entered two weird sites and I am a bit afraid that I will eventually enter a dangerous site!

Do not enter random links, trust me, when the solution is correct you'll know it, you can't miss it.


Originally posted by CalvoUTN

  • Region: Brazil
  • Describe the issue: a LOT of stuttering. It's been happening since last week I think. The match I'm reporting now is the last match I played as Osiris, and I couldn't land autos to camps, exp and gold when killing minions was showed with 5 sec delay. It was not fun at all and it's been happening once or twice per day. I'll try to stream my next matches so I can add a clip.
  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue: 1099220293 Normal: Conquest.
  • Day / Time: this has been happening around 8pm to 12pm GMT-3
  • Your In-Game player name: MuadDDib
  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch): PC

I'll add a clip next match this happens, but last night happened too and me and my friends stopped playing because it was unbearable. I think this is what's called rubber banding.

I hope this comment gets to you

did you end up getting a VOD? can you confirm what your ping was while playing as well?


Originally posted by CalvoUTN

  • Region: Brazil
  • Describe the issue: a LOT of stuttering. It's been happening since last week I think. The match I'm reporting now is the last match I played as Osiris, and I couldn't land autos to camps, exp and gold when killing minions was showed with 5 sec delay. It was not fun at all and it's been happening once or twice per day. I'll try to stream my next matches so I can add a clip.
  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue: 1099220293 Normal: Conquest.
  • Day / Time: this has been happening around 8pm to 12pm GMT-3
  • Your In-Game player name: MuadDDib
  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch): PC

I'll add a clip next match this happens, but last night happened too and me and my friends stopped playing because it was unbearable. I think this is what's called rubber banding.

I hope this comment gets to you

thank you for the report. i have sent this information to our leads of server operations.


Originally posted by FrostyVampy

Yeah I figured out it's 16 before doing anything. But none of the things I tried so far got me anything useful. I'll just take a break and try again another day or something. At worst I only lost 10 (or 20?) bolts so it's not too big of a deal

Yeah, don't worry. And remember, links use 7 letters after the base part :)


Originally posted by Left4dinner

What are these hints? They for previous puzzles or some grand puzzle?

The hints are rewards for solving a puzzle first. You get 1 hint towards a hard bolt you're missing


Originally posted by FrostyVampy

Damn this one is difficult. It's been an hour and a half already and I still made no progress. Guess it's time for a break

It's hard but don't overthink it. Here's a hint: Don't look at it as 10, look at it as 16


Originally posted by TheBes7

Good job on this one lol

Thanks! Message me with what you want for the hint :)


As you try to find more bolts, your bolt finder starts to malfunction. That's no good.

You find a screwdriver among the tools you have and unscrew the device, plugging it in with your computer.

"That's odd. This isn't supposed to be here."

A bunch of corrupted code appeared in the device. You can try to fix it, but it'll take some time.

You should get started.


The first person to solve gets a hint!

WINNER: /u/TheBes7

External link →



External link →

05 Nov


Originally posted by HiRezAjax

Nikes play count was insanely low in every single level of play and every single mode

Artemis is one of the most popular / top played gods in every single level of play and every single mode EXCEPT Ranked Conquest

This is the primary metric in my opinion that signals to me she does not need a rework.

and yes being a free god does give a boost of popularity but we are generally looking at level 30+ players only in these situations, in which the free-ness of a god is less important (but still does present some statistical impact for sure)