
Smite Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by flamingrubys

Sorry bud but ive seen what the lgbqt community does most of the time and its mostly just chaos destruction and increasing peoples hatred to them

Well people don't usually hate people that randomly. Also, I know people from the lgbtq community and they aren't bad, not a single one. Maybe just accept you're bigoted?


Hello MarioRose316 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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No Personal Problems

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Hello TheRaelyn and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

We are currently internally discussing this issue. For the time being, your post will be removed, but we are absolutely aware of the lackings in HiRez customer support and we'll try to adress the issue accordingl...

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Originally posted by flamingrubys

Only loser i can see is people defending a toxic community

Saying an entire community is toxic is pretty bigoted tbf. Also, some would say that saying a whole community "ruins everything they touch" is excessive at best.

16 Sep


specific bug with using the enter button, you can still access keyboard chat in other ways like through VGS

will be fixed in Loki patch


Originally posted by AllSkillzN0Luck

I had a teammate say the n word several times in a ranked game and purposely throw it.

I'm sorry, but we are unrelated to HiRez. Reporting them in game is your best bet :)


Originally posted by marlonball

Thanks for being really quick on banning the person after i reported them, i was surprised his comments were up for that long considering what he was saying.

Yeah we usually react as soon as we see those. Thanks for reporting them, it's been taken care of to the fullest :)


This is a reminder to keep all discussions civil. Insulting people and spewing hate based on their gender/sexuality/race is strictly prohibited and everyone doing so will be banned.

If you see anyone sending hate, please report them so that we can take a look.


Originally posted by [deleted]

