
Smite Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Originally posted by whyheiser

If being gay isn't about sodomy what is it really about? The idea that I am HATEFUL for wanting an honest discussion and not simply giving people their desire to have an orgasm is very questionable logic. I harbor no hate, but I don't agree with this idea that wanton sexual behavior is fine and good. I have known multiple people who were self proclaimed sex addicts who had developed a problem with same sex attraction that in their words, was ruining their lives. The problem is any approach to helping them is now considered "hateful", unless the solution is to advise them to give in to their addiction.

So again I reiterate, if it's wrong of me to assume that you are defined as gay based on whether or not you commit sodomy, then what is it about? What I am fed up with is this sleight of hand that's gone on over time under which LGBT has been lorded over the rest of us as some higher morality

The thing is, LGBT isn't presented as some higher morality, its presented as something that is as moral as same-sex attraction and cisgenderism. They don't want you to be gay or bi or trans or whatever, they just want to be left alone.

Furthermore, same-sex attraction has nothing to do with being an addict, and personal experiences can never scientifically back data.

While I understand what you're trying to say, I just think that your opinion in based on what you were raised to feel like, or what you were taught was right, and not based on any actual research

08 Oct


Yes it did but only the text is currently bugged. The issue is known and being tracked.


Originally posted by AntHoney1221

Shit if 3 man que comes back id love that. Me and my friends always wanna play ranked but someone always gets left out lol. Can someone @ ajax so he sees this eventually

At this point id say its very unlikely to see the return of 3 player groups in ranked conquest.

We tried this, weve seen the stats. Parties of 3 had an absolutely HUGE winrate advantage over solo and duo queues. We even went to solo only ranked for a while which was certainly the most statistically fair, but the QoL loss was more significant.

Duos seems to be the sweet spot and I dont expect a change to this within the usual ranked conq queue.

07 Oct


Hello jeebuslovesme1 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

No Personal Problems

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Originally posted by Drcipres

Imagine getting offended by 3 colours

God Rework - Loki, The Trickster God
New Recolor - Stealthed Slayer Loki

  • Increased Basic Attack damage on the initial hit from 80% to 100% damage.

Behind You! (Passive)
  • Behind You! now has additional interactions with Agonizing Visions and Flurry Strike.

  • Loki will now fade into stealth quickly, rather than instantly.
  • If Loki takes damage while stealthed, he will now be revealed for .33s.
  • The audio for this ability has been adjusted.
  • Friendly Loki Stealth is slightly quieter.
  • Enemy Loki Stealth has an additional laughter component to help it stand out.

  • Decoy has bee...
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Hello WigglesDoctor and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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This is a subreddit for discussion about the video game Smite - tangentially related content should be posted elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Dazzling_Accident_14

1000 participants are enough to represent 260 million people.

edit: Besides, the study you linked is really weird and oddly worded.

It doesn't say how many gay men actually were molested as children compared to straight men. It just says that there is a 2% higher chance of turning gay after being molested.

Did like they check how many gay people were molested as childrnen? Or did they decide who was gay before hand so they ignored the molestation in those cases?

Yeah but that doesn't change the fact that the first one I linked is still significantly newer and more precise lmao what


Originally posted by Dazzling_Accident_14

Incorrect, this study from US National Library of Medicine, and a bunch more of them found that molestation increases the chance of homosexuality by mere 2%, which debunks any link between those two.

No, but there are other studies that show 40-50% of gay men were molested as children.

Ah yes, two studies from:

  • year 2002 with 942 participants
  • year 1990 with 1001 participants

are more valid than a study from 2012 with 34,653 participants


Originally posted by whyheiser

At a certain point sexual symbolism being forced on people turns into exhibitionism. These flags aren't explicit but the insinuation is purely sexual in nature. Also, a vast amount of LGBT people are miserable because they were molested, or in the case of gender dysphorics, regret over their transition. Pride for sodomy is a form of exhibition, it's gross, and I don't want to be forced to think about it everywhere I go under threat of punishment. The fact you use your mod power to enforce this is ignorant of you, and it is an outright lie that LGBT people get bullied as much as it is claimed. If anything LGBT individuals lord their protected status over other people because they want to force their kink upon us.

Okay, even though you aren't the original commenter, you're just plain wrong.

These flags aren't explicit but the insinuation is purely sexual in nature.

They aren't, if you see a gay flag and immediately think of gay sexual intercourse then that's your issue. The flags represent groups of people who have been oppressed for tens of years in modern society.

Also, a vast amount of LGBT people are miserable because they were molested

Incorrect, ...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


LGBT celebration is showing acceptance for LGBTQ+ members and showing them that they won't be judged for their lifestyle. LGBT celebration is showing someone that they can express how they truly feel about themselves without being insulted or even worse, physically hurt.

A disproportionate majority of LGBT kids are bullied simply for being who they are each day, which makes them highly prone to suicide.

This is a warning but I also hope this comment makes you think about those that are less fortunate than you just for a split second of your ignorant life.