If being gay isn't about sodomy what is it really about? The idea that I am HATEFUL for wanting an honest discussion and not simply giving people their desire to have an orgasm is very questionable logic. I harbor no hate, but I don't agree with this idea that wanton sexual behavior is fine and good. I have known multiple people who were self proclaimed sex addicts who had developed a problem with same sex attraction that in their words, was ruining their lives. The problem is any approach to helping them is now considered "hateful", unless the solution is to advise them to give in to their addiction.
So again I reiterate, if it's wrong of me to assume that you are defined as gay based on whether or not you commit sodomy, then what is it about? What I am fed up with is this sleight of hand that's gone on over time under which LGBT has been lorded over the rest of us as some higher morality