
Smite Dev Tracker

06 Sep


Originally posted by Foxy-Fill

If your ideal win rate for a new god is middle of the pack does that mean the gods true overall win rate or just factoring in matches where only one team has the new god.

Using Tsukuyomi as an example he was on both teams in nearly every casual match for a long time. That would dilute the win rate for a new god correct?

A second point is just that it SEEMS like the new gods are just inherently better than the old ones. Now obviously you have all of the data and like you addressed in the post their design is influenced by thematic ideas. The thing for me and I’m sure a lot of avid players like myself is that we’ve seen the same gods be dominant for a long long time.

I watch the spl every week constantly. There’s a reason why for weeks and even up to months - possibly over a year in some cases - gods like Persephone, Cthulhu, and Yemoja have been top picks and bans. Merlin, Heim, and Arthur FINALLY god put in a decent place.

The consistent theme seems...

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We ignore mirror matches in all official stat gathering. Including mirror matches pushes everyone closer to 50% with a larger effect on popular gods.

The new god vs old god viability thing is definitely perception. Top win% charts or SPL pick/ban tends to have a good mix of gods launched from all seasons.


Originally posted by NathairFaen

I do not know if you are still responding to this stuff, but if you have the time, I have a quick question. Is his ult supposed to act like a DoT? Because functionally that is the only reason I can think of that his ult follows banishes, and untargetable ults. Is that intended? Gods that normally would counter his ult and just trade them like arachne or freya, just die anyway

As a long time smite player his ability to break what has been constants in the game for years is where the majority of the frustration in his kit comes from. It follows untargetable enemies while doing damage, it does similar damage to single target/ high skillshot ults, while being extremely safe (in comparision), aoe, and fast to activate/not extremely hard to hit.

yes it is intended to work like a dot in that way.


Originally posted by 13-Snakes

You do realize you say that teams in play test worked together to counter him, but then make him playable in a game when 50% of players can’t see him prior to locking in their champ.

we certainly did not pick gods to counter him and judge his balance that way. im referring specifically to "playstyle" sort of decisions.

also mentioned that this was just a small component or possible factor in the outcome...

05 Sep


We're a little over halfway through Season 7 of SMITE esports, and we'd love to hear some feedback from our fans before we close out the regular season and start looking toward our major playoff events.

We're doing a 2,500 gem giveaway for anyone who fills out our S7 Esports Broadcast Feedback Survey...

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Originally posted by jbeast99x

Ajax you are the man. Thank you for everything you do!



Originally posted by [deleted]

thats a lot of comments when it comes to how gods should be changed and stuff, see a lot of questionable balance ideas on this sub lol. think i at least mentioned most of what your longer comment says in my own reply to it. long posts and replies really arent my thing, have the attention span of a goldfish.

this aint meant to sound to dickish but when i first saw sol's kit back when she was revealed i remember saying to myself and whoever i was in a skype call with "theres no way this god doesnt make casuals suck for at least 2 patches" and well the rest is history lol.

might even be a designer vs just player type thing, i know all of you play yourselves but theres still a different look at the game from both sides.

All of us on the design and balance team are also players.

The community tends to WAY over-value a god's kit "on paper" when in reality its their level of "skill shot" that makes a bigger difference.

Making an ability easier to hit through a size increase or a faster animation time tends to have a larger statistical impact on the god than BIG damage number buffs.

So people read the kit, but then do not even consider that an ability or combo might be hard to hit, and immediately over value it. We spend a lot of time trying to make sure timing and skill factor for abilities feel right, yet its virtually impossible to express that on paper. It needs to be played.


Originally posted by Drict

The team clearly need to assess your method of testing with NON - TEAM organized groups.

Most games of Smite the average player is partnering with 1-2 players at most, if not queuing solo. Tsukuyomi is an amazing solo queue pick, because you have so many abilities to mess with your opponents; being able to stun, disarm, move around, slow, etc. is sooo punishing if you are even if you aren't vaguely aware of your teammates.

I would suggest forcing people in your testing environment to be muted (including party chat) to each other, and completely random teams (pros, and casual mixed together) and randomly assign the new god with everyone else getting to pick a god of their choice sometimes and randomly assigning (like assault) other matches.

Mix it up

We do both already, It seems my one reply has led people to believe otherwise. See my other reponses here for more info.


Originally posted by AkiyoSSJ

In the end this is just a clear view to the fact that Smite is a team based game. In my opinion, playing solo in casual matches where everyone does whatever they want(with many people not even cooperating) should not bring you any expectations. Those solo queues in casual should be defintely not the main metric in deciding the nerfs for a god.

This is a good point. In more disorganized matches, lots of gods can carry. Someone whose personal skill is slightly better is going to have a bigger impact than the god they chose (at least within a class/role comparison)


Originally posted by epiphopotamus

Would it be worth looking at your testing conventions? If you have the same groups as your testers are you only getting the perspective of coordinated teams at a higher level of play, and that is not what the majority of the community has the privilege to experience.

PTS could be amplified in the live client, or reward people to encourage a larger sample set? Make a specific queue in the live client for it? Obviously I'm not qualified to present actionable ideas, but I feel like you've had to regularly defend God releases lately, so something must not be working.

We do a wide variety of testing with a wide variety of people in the company.

We have tried to bribe people to play PTS before, it was not very successful.


Originally posted by [deleted]

do you guys do like tests and matches with comms vs no comms constant vgs as far as info and then less vgs going to more so simulate actual games? ive done my fair share of solo Qing and full premades and honestly playing with people you know vs playing with randoms its damn near like playing a different game lol.

Yes we do a variety of both. I might even say that we do a majority of "unorganized" tests.

I feel like a lot of responses are missing all my other points and going right to internal testing. A large takeaway i wanted people to learn from my response is:

No amount of internal testing can perfectly solve this problem. (sure it can improve, though)

Riot or Blizzard have similar issues, even with much larger teams. This is the nature of making subjective, creative products. People are different from eachother.


Originally posted by Skinnney

Thank you for the insightful response to the internal workings of character creation for smite. I can only imagine the difficulties of trying to predict scale-up from internal testing to mass play. My misunderstanding is this, if the internal team plus pro players tested tsukuyomi, how did they not just absolutely steamroll through? From the games I played with people having far less time on the god at release compared to the multi-week testing (I’d imagine) of the internal team absolutely steamrolled our games. At launch, there was not a single game where the tsukuyomi in my games had less than 20 kills (Clash).

I don’t understand how these instances weren’t naturally replicated in internal testing, and if the statement about preventing over-tuned characters is true, why it wasn’t prevented.

Edit: grammar

He was not steamrolling our tests this much. My guesses for why are:

  1. He was dying a lot. He has no true escape so stepping out of position against a coordinated team tended to get him killed.

  2. We worked together as a team more to counter him or peel him.

I also did forget one major point in the main post.

  • We test all new gods at multiple different stages of implementation, and power level (numbers). We had many tests were Tsukuyomi was straight feeding earlier in his development, even with our top junglers like Pon and Khaos playing him, when we tuned him up he started to feel right, but clearly we overdid it and struggled to notice that we overdid it because of our level of coordination in playtests, or because of our memory of earlier iterations of him.

Dangit whyd this have to blow up on saturday and my ONLY day to sleep in each week. Yesterday i was up early and ready to write. Im already quite late to the thread and im watching my son so we gotta keep this one quick, it wont have the time for additional revisions and feedback like ive been doing.

On new god launches, and the design challenges around launching them with the “right” power level and complexity level.

- We do not intentionally ship over-tuned gods. People still like to repeat this because of some older, more vague messaging. New gods are simply hard to estimate their power based on small group internal testing, this is true for a lot of games and for a lot of reasons.

- Tsukuyomi definitely launched stronger than intended.

- The ideal place for a new god to land in winrate stats in our current goals is somewhere near the middle of the pack... say #30 to #60 out of 110 gods. This falls into the place where people are generally stil...

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Hello OposumPete and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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Hello Praise_Our_Cthulhu and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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Originally posted by filthy-fuckin-casual

I have a hard time believing OP didn't know that. The only site that lists ca-break-out is the dudes DeviantArt. So either they both came up with the same name or OP was quite literally on the guys DeviantArt.

Yeah, unless the guy saved the image from the last time it was posted with the name, and just stumbled up upon it. However, even then, OP didn't look for the credits, for sure. But, I'll leave it up since the poster has been now credited


Credit: RomanRoga33

It was also the second result on google search

04 Sep


Originally posted by TheGamerKitty1

Ah yes. Oh cool. Even when off Smite, it's still my fault lmao. Toxic players is apparently MY personal problem. Lmao. Cool. Good to know.

Look, don't take it personally. I know its bad when teammates are toxic, but we just don't allow rants. Not saying you're at fault :)