
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

14 Oct

Here we are on day 3 of our Prologue Reveals and it’s about to get spooky!

Children who go out at night
Are wont to meet a ghastly fright
That which lurks within the dark
With hollow eyes and smile stark
Father cries and mother weeps
For children’s souls The Barren keeps
- Nursery rhyme sung by children

With the Prologue, Hollowed Eve comes to Spellbreak and a number of Hollowed Eve themed cosmetics are being added to the store to help you get into the spirit (ooooh, spirits, scary)!

Perhaps you’d like to be a friendly and fashionable (if fearsome) Witch?


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13 Oct

Hello there! Yes, we are aware of this Cloudburst not working as intended, sorry for that! This will be fixed for everyone very soon!

Hello there! Sorry to see/hear that this Cloudburst is not working - Picked it up for myself too. I was able to find that the issue causing this has been resolved and will be good to use very soon!


Originally posted by Kruger99666

I like the sound of what I hear, though how good the quests are will have a big impact on this systems success. Too easy quests will make the game feel boring and too hard will be frustrating. I hope the Devs can strike the delicate balance we need.

Regardless, this is the track we need. Between this, the incoming talents we should hopefully start gaining players again.

They really need to cave on refusing to add Ranked play though. The combat is so high skill cap that its so easy to obliterate people who don't know what they're doing, and the fact they spent 10 minutes looting to get destroyed doesnt incentivise player retention. I know we probably don't have enough players to support that right now but it definitly needs to be on the agenda.

For clarity: we're not refusing to add ranked, not sure where that narrative originated, it's simply not our *current* development priority. What we've been focused on is expanding the core game and adding in the Prologue/Chapters.

We're going to be adding competitive features over time, and even before then we're going to be working directly with organizations such as The Element to foster the competitive community. Competitive is important to us, and we agree that Spellbreak presents a unique mix of fun to play/fun to watch that we should capitalize on.

Hey folks!

Welcome to day 2 of the Spellbreak Prologue reveals! Today, I’m going to be sharing a little more information on Spellbreak’s Chapter system.

Chapters are how we’re going to deliver on-going content to the world of Spellbreak. More than just a simple “Battle Pass,” Chapters combine new quest content with an evolving story, delivered every week, along with a series of long-term rewards. Our goal is to release a new chapter every 12 weeks or so, interwoven with more traditional patches with gameplay, bug fixes, and new features. By tightly coupling the story to the quests and gameplay, we’re able to create something more enjoyable and engaging than if they’re left separate.

Each new Chapter comes with a series of rewards that can be unlocked by increasing your Reputation. As you complete daily quests as well as the honor quests that are part of the Chapter, you earn large amounts of Reputation. You can also earn Reputation just by playing the game ...

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