
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

19 Oct

18 Oct

17 Oct


Originally posted by Dreaded_JThor

Idk who we are suppose to tag so that the spellbreak studio sees this, but someone should tag them.

A bunch of us read pretty much every post on here :)

16 Oct


Originally posted by Count__Bunnicula

No, because fervor and ambi are in the same talent tree.

Edit: text of the post says its body, the picture says spirit, so I'm confused right now.


It's Spirit, can confirm. We'll update the OP.

Sorry for any confusion!

It’s the last day of the Prologue reveal week and we’re going to talk about the new talents coming your way!

Before we launch into the new stuff, I want to take a minute to talk about talents in a more general way.

Talents are one of the ways we’re going to intentionally change up builds / the “meta” from patch to patch, due to either rotating talents out, adding new ones, or just by simply changing some numbers. The goal is to keep the game fresh and evolve it over time, rather than let it settle and grow stagnant. There’s a line to walk here, though…we want players to be able to discover and build around things between patches and not yank the rug out from under them, but we also want to bring new strategies to the fore and let previously dominant ones wane.

This should go without saying, but not all talents need to appeal to all builds / playstyles / game modes. Talents aren’t meant to be balanced 1:1. Certain ones will be better for certain builds or ...

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Originally posted by Punchinballz

I have a question about Knowledge Potion

It stacks, ok, I can have 4, 5, 6... boulders, but is it permanent or does it comes back to normal (1 or 2 boulders according to my spe) after using them?

They are not new maximums. So you'd have 6 boulders, cast through them, and then recharge back up to 1 (or 2 if you have Avalanche).