Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Dev Tracker

26 Apr

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Apr


Dear Chinese players:
We've received a lot of feedback about the changes made in Stardew Valley version 1.6.4.
Therefore, we decided to revert the translation changes and fonts to version 1.6.3. (The smooth font will still be an option). This change will be made in the coming days.
In the future, we will take a more cautious approach to translation modifications and pay more attention to community feedback. I apologize for any confusion or stress this has caused. Thank you for playing and supporting Stardew Valley.

-Ape :stardrop:
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Apr

After quickly fixing a few issues with 1.6.4, we are now on 1.6.5.
This one fixes a rare crash that could happen in the mines.
It should also help with some people who use mods that were having trouble loading their saves after 1.6.4.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash when loading dark mine levels in some cases.
- Broken villager NPCs (usually due to a removed mod) are now deleted on load. They'll respawn when they're re-added to the data.

Thank you
-Ape :stardrop:
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
1.6.4 hotfix #1 fixes a few bugs in 1.6.4:

-Fixes issue when dropping a big chest into a small chest
-Quarry mine level can no longer be an alternate layout
-Prevents the player from running through barriers in certain transit cutscenes
-Mine levels 45 and 85 are now also refreshed at the beginning of the year

18 Apr

hey bobo, hope you've been enjoying the update so far

Here is the latest patch, which includes some new content, as well as a bunch of balance changes, quality of life features, translation improvements, and bug fixes.

Stardew Valley 1.6.4
New content & features

– Added 20 new ‘alternate’ mine layouts, which can start appearing after reaching the bottom of the mines.
– Added 20 new volcano mines layouts, which can appear after you’ve unlocked the shortcut between the caldera and the volcano entrance.
– Added fish frenzies.
– Added a special cutscene after you’ve helped your new neighbors grow thei... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

27 Mar

Hey everyone,

The 1.6.3 update is here, which includes some "Quality of Life" changes, bug fixes, and balance adjustments. Patch notes below:

-You can now access Clint's shop and geode service while your tool is being upgraded.
-Increased raccoon bug meat and bat wing request amount
-Harvesting moss now grants 1 foraging exp per moss
-Infinite Power achievement is now more generous with how it activates, allowing pre-1.6 saves to trigger the achievement
-Adds mine cart shortcut to year 1 Spirit's Eve festival
-You now have to collect (not just donate) the 4 prismatic shards for the "Four Precious Stones" Qi Quest
-The JunimoKart Qi Quest now rewards 20 Qi gems (up from 10)
-Adds new cabins to starter layouts for multiplayer.
-Starter cabins now appear in the actual order intended.
-Adult mossy green rain trees boost the moss growth rate of nearby trees
-If a Journal quest title is too wide, the clock icon and the rest of ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Mar

Hey everyone,

With these major Stardew Valley updates, it's typical that there are near-daily patches for a few days after launch. There's always a few weird bugs that are only discovered once the update is out and all of you are playing it. So here is the second post-launch patch for you.

Change log:

-Fixes an issue with Willy's rod
-Fix for invisible tea sprites
-Fixed an error in the Luau event in Portuguese
-Fix for pre-1.6 basic wines looking messed up
-Fix for a soft lock if you charged a tool and then strafed to a warp spot, and released the tool while warping
-Fix inedible ingredients being poisonous after turning into jelly or pickles
-Adds scaling edibility to juice, jellies, wine and pickles
-Volcano dwarf bombs now match regular dwarf bombs
-Void egg is now poisonous
-Adjusted adventure guild open hours on map
-Various translation fixes

Wishing you all a fun time
-Ape :stardrop:... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Mar

Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying the new update so far. Here is the first post-launch patch to fix a few bugs that weren't caught before release. Patch notes below:

Patch 1.6.1

-Fixed botched German egg quest text (for new players going forward)
-Prevent animal page from crashing when clicking on the scroll bar when there are a low number of animals
-Fix Junimo harvester in save crash
-Fix Meadowlands farm quest persisting if the farm icon was selected, but then another farm was started
-Fixed the telephone robin house upgrade question being malformed
-Improved cases where the quest title could go off the edge of the quest log
-Fixed eyebrow accessory looking weird when fishing
-Don't allow clipboard to be set to a null string
-Fixed crash when farmhand re-connects to town during green rain (and potentially other related crashes)
-Fixed several map tile issues and places where forage could spawn out of bounds

Thanks for p... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying the new update so far. Here is the first post-launch patch to fix a few bugs that weren't caught before release. Patch notes below:

Patch 1.6.1

-Fixed botched German egg quest text (for new players going forward)
-Prevent animal page from crashing when clicking on the scroll bar when there are a low number of animals
-Fix Junimo harvester in save crash
-Fix Meadowlands farm quest persisting if the farm icon was selected, but then another farm was started
-Fixed the telephone robin house upgrade question being malformed
-Improved cases where the quest title could go off the edge of the quest log
-Fixed eyebrow accessory looking weird when fishing
-Don't allow clipboard to be set to a null string
-Fixed crash when farmhand re-connects to town during green rain (and potentially other related crashes)
-Fixed several map tile issues and places where forage could spawn out of bounds

Thanks for p... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Mar

The Stardew Valley 1.6 update is here!
I hope you all enjoy the update.

This update adds new content to the game, focusing mainly on the valley, with additions and improvements to almost all areas of the game. There are also a ton of quality of life features, and bug fixes.

Some of the changes:
  • A new major festival
  • Two new mini festivals
  • A new environmental event
  • Hundreds of new lines of dialogue
  • A new end-game skill system
  • New crops, crafting items, furniture, and more
  • A new farm type: Meadowlands Farm
  • Multiple pets
  • WAY MORE, I don't want to spoil everything

Full patch notes (with spoilers) can be found ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Feb


Hello everyone,

Today is Stardew Valley's 8th anniversary. That's a long time, I can't believe it's been so long. But the game is doing great, especially here on Steam which was the first platform I launched the game on, and have always considered it "home". It's an honor that Stardew Valley has been so well-received here on Steam, and I thank all of you for playing the game and creating a cool community around it!

What better day than today to announce the new 1.6 update release date:
March 19th, 2024
This update adds some new content to the game. I will release patch notes on the day of launch, but I think it would be more fun for you to just play the update and discover everything yourself. The update will work perfectly fine with your existing save files, but I'd recommend starting a new file to get all the new stuff... Read more