Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Dev Tracker

30 Apr

Hi everyone,

Stardew Valley version 1.3, which includes multiplayer, is now available for public beta!

How do I opt into the beta?
To enable the beta , right click the game in your library and select properties. On the window that pops up there will be a ‘betas’ tab. In the text box, type the password for the branch: jumpingjunimos. Then click the ‘Check Code’ button.

If you’ve done that correctly, you will now be able to select the ‘beta’ option from the drop down box.

Once you’ve done that, Steam will start downloading the update.

What precautions should I take? The v1.3 update is still a beta at this point, which means there will be bugs! At the very least, it’s recommended that you:

Backup your save files before playing the update.

Your save files are located in
%APPDATA%\StardewValley\Saves on Windows,
~/.config/StardewValley/Saves on Mac and Linux.

Remove a... Read more

25 Apr

Stardew Valley is now available to play in seven languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian-Portuguese! While localization is the biggest new feature, 1.2 also includes some controller improvements and important bug fixes.

Check the patch notes below!

Patch Notes
  • Translations for German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
  • When using a controller, the cursor will snap between menu buttons by default. If you disable that, the cursor will instead accelerate while moving.
  • When using a controller, pressing the back button will skip events that are skippable.
  • Exit to Title has returned.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed lighting shader not covering the whole scree...
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07 Oct


I've just released version 1.11 to address a few bugs and issues with 1.1.

  • Farm bulidings can now be placed in more areas, including on grass.
  • All the new farm maps now provide some kind of fishing opportunity, although the Riverlands farm is still superior
  • The Riverlands farm now has the potential to spawn splashing fish nodes and ore panning nodes.
  • On the Riverlands and Forest maps, some bushes can be destroyed with an upgraded axe
  • Digging spots now appear on the Farm, although less frequent as elsewhere. The Hill-Top farm quarry also has a chance of spawning them.
  • Slime Egg prices increased (green to 1000g, blue to 1750g, red to 2500g, purple to 5000g)
  • Placing a Wicked Statue in a slime hutch prevents the witch from cursing it.
  • Mutant Bug Lair now replenishes itself a bit each day.
  • On the Forest map, fo...
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03 Oct

Cross-posted from the Stardew Valley blog[]!

1.1 Launch trailer here:

  • Shane and Emily are now available to marry. They each have new events, music, and more!
  • Spouses now have a unique outdoor area and behavior on the farm.
  • You can now choose from 5 different farm ...
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29 Jul


Your Steam build should update right away with Mac and Linux compatibility!
Steam cloud saves are integrated and will allow you to access your save files across all platforms.

Multiplayer, version 1.1, console ports and localization are all still in the works and I'll update everyone as soon as more info is available.

If this will be your first time playing Stardew Valley, thank you and I hope you have fun!
Also... thanks so much to everyone who helped test these builds before launch <3


04 Apr


  • Spouses now say unique dialogues during festivals (most of the time), rather than the generic handful of dialogues
  • Spouse stands next to you at the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
  • In-law dialogue... when you marry someone, their parents/relatives dialogues will change slightly to account for the change
  • Sam, Sebastian, and Abigail now go to the saloon on fridays after you marry them.
  • Spouses won't leave on rainy days, unless they have to go to work.
  • Fruit trees produce higher quality fruit as they age. (once per year, up to gold star)
  • Fruit tree harvesting now involves shaking the tree to drop the fruit
  • Lightning strikes now have a unique effect on fruit trees
  • Lightning is more likely to strike trees and crops, but lightning rods now have a very good chance of intercepting lightning strikes (if they...
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20 Mar

With version 1.06, the first steps are taken to improving marriage in Stardew Valley! Each spouse now has a unique dialogue sheet, and leaves the house at least once a week to visit town or take a walk. In short, they retain a lot more of their unique "personality" after marriage.

  • Added unique dialogues for all spouses.
  • Spouses now leave the house on mondays.
  • Value of most animal products increased.
  • Holly is now poisonous.
  • Missing events problem shouldn't happen anymore.
  • Minor bug/grammar/graphics fixes.

Note: animal product prices and edibility of Holly will only take effect on items generated after the update. items that already existed before updating will still have the old prices/edilbility.

There will be more marriage improvements to come. Hope you're having a nice weekend.

Edit: uploaded another quick patch that should... Read more

05 Mar

Let me try this again... :-P

  • Restored a "Lost" Shane event.
  • Changed earthquake to Summer 3rd... to make it clear that it's the season change that kills crops.
  • Increased opportunities for iridium. The chance to find iridium in the skull caves increases significantly every ten levels.
  • Added a zoom in/out feature to the options tab.
  • Added volume sliders for ambient sounds and footstep sounds.
  • Added snow transparency slider.
  • Added option to turn off flash effects.
  • Added lighting quality option.
  • Leah's schedule has been fixed.
  • Spouses who have jobs won't get stuck in the bus area anymore.
  • Upgrading a house with crafted flooring should no longer cause a mess.
  • Added quest (Rat Problem) to make it cl...
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