
Stormgate Dev Tracker

31 May

30 May


Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by TheHavior

What I don‘t like in this screenshot is that the resources are always shown with 3 digits. I‘m sure this is subject to change, but I can see it as irritating when you have less than 100 resources but peripheral vision still sees it as so.

Please avoid micro-ing in on the details -- this was a mockup on a piece of concept art from very, very long ago. You'll see something more recent on June 11 when we show gameplay on the PC Gaming Show.


Originally posted by AverageTobbe

Usually even software companies dont host/manage their webpages themselves. I have experience because i work in one.

So i would guess FG has a webdesign company contracted that does their hompage work. So by estimation depending on the workload their contractor has i would guess it takes 2 business days for that change. If however they gave FG access to the content management system of the webpage they can maybe do the change in house. That would take 5 mins of work but is no reason for anyone to do it on the weekend.

Nailed it.

    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you’ve watched the PC Gaming Show before, you have a general idea of the length of their segments. This is only the beginning, and you’ll see more of the game later this year.

Hope you enjoy the reveal!

29 May

Have you been waiting a long time for a modern take on the classic RTS formula?

Want to see what Frost Giant has been building?

Don't miss the upcoming Stormgate pre-alpha gameplay reveal!

Frost Giant Studios will be on the PC Gaming Show, hosted by Sean “Day[9]” Plott, to share a look at early gameplay footage of Stormgate. You'll see pre-alpha gameplay reflecting the current state of development.

Save the Date:
Sunday, June 11 at 1:00 PM PDT / 4:00 PM EDT / 9:00 PM BST / 10:00 PM CEST

Where to watch:
The PC Gamer Twitch channel[]: YouTube, Twitch Gaming, Steam, and Bilibili.

28 May


We’ve submitted a request to have it fixed—thanks for the report.


Originally posted by zen_rage

If I'm bad at RTS but love to play am I allowed to sign up?

Of course—we’re looking for players of all skill levels.

26 May


Originally posted by TopWinner7322

Cool overview! Maybe it would be nice to add some information about on which platforms (windows, linux, mac, consoles) the game will be released, and some system requirements, if there are already information about that. Afaik it will be windows only and on steam, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

We are currently developing Stormgate exclusively for Windows PC and we will be publishing on Steam. Support for other distribution platforms may be announced in the future…

For system requirements, we haven’t shared anything yet (external closed testing is required here), but the Unreal Engine 5 requirements are a good starting point.


Originally posted by Blutmilan

Alright then, sorry for the correction and the wrong information ... I had the wrong impression :(

No worries! We’re so early on and things aren’t set in stone, so we were likely trying to avoid anything too definitive.


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

For campaign?

Yes. That may change, just like anything else this early into development.

25 May


Originally posted by Blutmilan

I must correct 1 point campaign is possible in 2 player coop not with 3 players like in coop vs ai :)

Our current thinking is 3-player co-op -- that may change during development, as with anything, but the OP is correct.


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

Wow, amazing. A couple nits:

  • On air units, one thing in particular they've mentioned IIRC is that they don't want to have "capital ships" (e.g. carriers, BC's): air units that are late game, slow, but generally extremely powerful.

  • Lockstep includes the game logic being fully deterministic; that aspect of lockstep, they're not moving away from. The game still has to be fully deterministic, even with rollback netcode.

  • Another big name I would add is their UI lead, Ryan Schutter, who people may know from his work on SC2: he created the Gameheart observing mod used seemingly everywhere for tournaments (and he made it before he got hired by Blizzard).

The game’s lethality (How fast units die/kill) is going to be higher than Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1, but lower than Starcraft 2.

IIRC they said that lethality will be somewhere between Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3. So, lower lethality than...

Read more

Ryan absolutely deserves to be included, as do so many others on the team that we've assembled (and are far more deserving of the recognition than me).

Frost Giant is stacked with experienced leaders and top talent across all disciplines--even our more junior developers are absolutely killing it and punching way above their weight.

It's a privilege for me to support the incredible artists, designers, engineers, producers, and QA pros that are building this game.


Originally posted by ElMiguel-

Welp, guess I'm one of the lucky motherf**kers :D

Hardworking > lucky IMO -- thank you for the time and effort you put into this.


Yep. That's one way to get a closed testing key.


Originally posted by Vaniellis

"I can make a better trailer than you guys."

"Alright you're hired."

That was fast

lol, not quite. ;)


Originally posted by LayoutKing

I'd love to make a cool trailer with Stormgate assets. You can make some pretty great stuff very cheaply with the technology we have now, especially since they are using Unreal. I made this as a single person team, not AAA level but still you get the idea of what's possible and it doesn't require $50 million. I even teach this stuff and get new people making nice stuff in about a week.

Hey, would love to chat. Drop me a message if you’re up for it.