
Stormgate Dev Tracker

07 Jul

28 Jun


Originally posted by Augustby

Lovely little tour! It's nice getting to see where the magic happens.

I wonder if they had to modify things prior to filming, like taking down concept art from walls and stuff like that. It looks a little sparser than I expected, in terms of 'stuff on walls'. :P

Very cool that they let this tour be filmed!

Lots of natural light, and lots of people to meet and talk to, given their neighbours. Looks like a great place to work.

Who was the guy on the left in the 'esports room' at 3:45? He looks SO familiar, but I'm drawing a blank right now.

That would be Howard, our Finance lead!

23 Jun

19 Jun


Originally posted by KingTut747

FSGERALD response to JonasHalley

Search ‘next year’.

Beta is slated to begin this year. It will continue into next.

16 Jun




Please note that this was temp game designer art and the goodest boi pictured here is not part of Stormgate


Originally posted by nerddigmouse

Greetings from China! On behalf of the SCboy community, here are a few questions we have collected from the forums:


  • Will there be in-game speed settings like StarCraft 2? Will the speed setting also scale in difficulty similar to how it did in SC2 COOP?

  • Will the destructable forest regenerate over time? Any other examples of interactable map elements outside of this?

  • In terms of race balancing, will the races show diversity through more interesting ways like different supply caps and different resource gathering rates?

  • In a previous interview you revealed the game’s tempo will be a tradeoff between the YOLO style of Starcraft 2 and the slower, methodical one of Warcraft 3, and players can choose to use their preferred one. Can you go a little further on it, like your thoughts on achieving this?

Custom games and modding

  • For custom ga...

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Custom ga...

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Hi everyone, thank you for joining us for our AMA!

Across the team, we were amazed by the quality of the questions from this community. We are lucky to have you with us on this journey.

If you want to express your support for the Frost Giant team, please take a moment to wishlist our game on Steam. Thank you, and we look forward to doing this again!


Originally posted by rewazzu

1) What's the overall match score between TLO and Monk? You guys must have just cherry-picked a loss for Monk ;)

2) Will my wife and I both need to buy the campaign missions as they come out for us to play together? Or can we play the mission as long as one of us has access to it?

3) What's currently the highest number of units that can be spawned before the game experiences slowdown on your machines?

4) Tell us something that took way longer to develop than expected. What about something that was way faster to develop than expected?

5) Right now the Exo seems very similar to a SC2 Marine, at least visually. Any plans to further differentiate them?

6) Is there a philosophy behind how many units in an army should have active abilities? If every unit had an active ability would that be a negative thing?

7) Is there an easy way to scout how much therium my opponent has mined? Might be difficult to tell since the nodes can grow over time...

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Unfortunately, I don't have enough answer all these questions, but I wanted to share some insight to my games vs TLO. TLO has been helping us playtest for a few months now. For some reference, at my peak, I was high NA GM in WoL. And TLO is TLO.

  • On his first day, after playing around a bit and learning all the units, he took ~2/10 games off of me. I was going easy on him, but on that day, I learned I could no longer go easy.
  • After 1 week or about 10 hours of playtime, he surpassed me, winning over 50% of our games.
  • If we were both trying our hardest today, I don't think I could take games off of him.

I think it just goes to show the immense skill difference between a decent player and an actual pro and how those skills transfer over.


Originally posted by JonasHalle

Since you won't be revealing anything about the third faction, when will we know more about the Infernals?

Something of an extension of that question is whether there is a planned date (or date range) not for release, but for non-NDA testing. I think a lot of us would be fine with not playing if we could at least see our favourite content creators doing so.

What is the identity and flavor of the fourth faction? ;)

Hi JonasHalle! As Tim said, we plan to show you more of the Infernal Host later this year.

We don’t have a date set for non-NDA testing or Early Access, though we are aiming to expand the testing pool and get Stormgate into many more players’ hands next year. We need to get through these initial tests first and take in player feedback before we can assess when the time is right to open the floodgates to the public or open the game up to streaming.


Originally posted by Dr_Ork

how will the damage and armor system look like?

- more like sc system (just numbers) or wc3 system (percentage based) ?

- how many armor and attack types?

- different upgrades for different unit types?

- will spells ignore armor?

-will there be negative armor?

bonus question:

when an air transport ship dies what happens to the passengers?

will they die or something else?

how will the damage and armor system look like?

- more like sc system (just numbers) or wc3 system (percentage based) ?

- how many armor and attack types?

See this response for above!

- different upgrades for different unit types?

Though we tentatively have weapon/armor upgrades ...

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Originally posted by Frost_Larson

Totally agree that SC2 maps were lacking in diversity, especially as the game matured. This was partly due to balance reasons, but community feedback and SC2's focus on esports was also a big contribution. A lot of the community feedback we got early on around maps was that they should be more like the maps played in tournaments, and the feedback got so loud that we ended up basically stopping making multiplayer maps and relied on community made tournament maps for new seasons. These tournament maps were very well balanced, but felt similar to each other because pro players / tournament players liked these types of maps, they could practice a build order and not have to change it too much from map to map, so they could consistently play at a high level like they way they practiced.

TLDR: I think the lesson here is that SC2 maps were for Spike, but we need maps for both Johnny and Spi...

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To add to Aaron's comment, I ran the Teamliquid Map contest, which was the contest used to feed into SC2 ladder maps for many years, so this is a question near and dear to my heart. Though this is technically a level design question, I see it as very much a faction design issue as well. From this perspective, we'll utilize the following strategies:

  • Taking into account map design when designing units. Reapers, Siege Tanks, and Liberators, early-game speed Zerglings, and the easy availability of drops were especially limiting to map design in SC2.
  • Adding what we call faction-specific early-game defender's advantages. This allows players to more easily defend pushes (though perhaps with a cost) without overly relying on the map design.

Originally posted by ElMiguel-

1 - You guys have previously mentioned powerful, mega end-game units being in the game. 1, 2


Are they still planned to be in the game?


And if so, how do you guys plan on tackling balance with a unit that is supposed to leverage superior tech to finish games against turtling opponents (if that's still their design philosophy)?


A unit that is supposed to leverage superior tech seems to go against your other philosophy of keeping low-tier units relevant in the late game, and requiring high-tier units to counter other high-tier units could lead to deathballing/perfect comps, another experience you guys want to avoid.


2 - Will Stormgate have asymmetric creeping, ...

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  1. Yes, because of our production schedule, we were only able to show low/mid-tier units in our gameplay reveal. We have lots of thoughts on how to balance these high-tier units versus low-tier units.
  • First, we'd want all the higher-tier units to have definitive weaknesses. For example, maybe an end-game unit can ONLY break turtles.
  • We'll have late-game upgrades for low-tier units that put them back into the game.
  • While early-game units will cost a similar amount of supply as they do in Blizzard RTSs, end-game units will cost more supply. Our thought here is that extreme late-game viability (at the time when resources are plentiful but you hit the supply cap) in Blizzard-style RTS depends primarily on supply costs. At an extreme example, a Battlecruiser costs 14x that of a Marine but only 6x supply. To that end, we'll be balancing supply cost more on extreme late-game viability, which will allow "end-game" units to not be the end-all/be-al...
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Originally posted by __AlexS__

Hey Frost Giant!

I've been having a blast watching (and over-analyzing) all the footage you've so kindly released.

If there is one mechanic that I still haven't seen any information about or have been able to make a reasonable guess about, it's the attack, damage and armor system of Stormgate. The only thing I've seen is a screenshot with a Barracks having unit tags like SC2. However, that was from the Washington Post article, meaning you might've scrapped that considering we did not see anything in the gameplay footage (or it's because of Pre-Alpha!).

So, is that something you're willing to share with us? If so, were there any other RTS titles you got inspiration from?

Thank you for hosting this Q&A, and best of luck with Stormgate!

Our attack/armor counter system will leverage a tag system similar to SC2. We found this to be a good compromise between an approachable system that doesn't require the memorization of an attack/armor chart and one that introduces granularity in terms of HOW hard units can counter each other.

One small difference is that some units will be able to gain bonuses against multiple types of other units instead of just one. This KINDA exists in SC2 where Banelings deal bonus damage to Light units and Structures, but it's done in a less systematic way.

Armor will grant % damage reduction instead of directly reducing damage by the armor amount. This is similar to systems that WC3 and many MOBAs use such as League or DOTA. Specifically in our game, 1 armor will grant 1% effective HP against physical damage. 100 armor will double your effective HP.

While we enjoyed the interactions we've seen throughout the years with breakpoints when you upgraded attack/armor (which ...

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15 Jun


Thank you! Some people on the team did, in fact, take some well-earned vacation time after our reveal. I'm planning to take some time off myself, too!