Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Dev Tracker

04 Nov

Hi folks,

Here are two workarounds that should help players on Windows 7 who encounter the C1/C7 error.
  1. Workaround 1: disable desktop composition in the compatibility settings
  2. Workaround 2: Start swtor.exe and launcher.exe as admin w/ compatibility for XP SP3
Please, let us know if those workarounds helped you.
Hi all,

Sorry to read that you all encounter issues when trying to launch the game since the last update 6.1.4c.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.

03 Nov

Hey everyone!

Today we released another interview with a member of the team. This time we talked to one of the World Designers involved with making the Feast of Prosperity event, Allison Berryman! If you'd like to give it a read, you can find the article here.

Hey everyone!

Recently we uploaded some new music to our YouTube channel! Specifically we added the two new tracks that were made for the Feast of Prosperity event.

- My Jeeska (Choy Myo Naga)
- Potaggas, Pagonas Um Potas

Going forward, we're going to be more c... Read more

All SWTOR servers are once again available!

Thank you for your patience.
Game Update 6.1.4c
  • Players can no longer leave a PvP queue when there is a pending match being created for them. Previously, if a player left a PvP queue they may have encountered an ‘instant decline’ under certain circumstances, resulting in rating loss and a lockout in Ranked queues.
  • Republic Players can now start "The Task at Hand" Mission on Odessen when entering the phase or pressing the Launch button.
  • Guild summon, Heroic Transport, and logging in at certain areas / locations will no longer instantly kill the player in rare situations.
  • The following Consumable Renown Tokens no longer require a subscription in order to use them:
    • Bonus Chapter Renown Trophy
    • Bonus Flashpoint Renown Trophy
    • Bonus Operation Renown Trophy
    • Bonus Renown Trophy
    • Bonus Uprising Renown Trophy
    • Chapter Renown Trophy
    • Exploration Renown Trophy
    • Flashpoint Renown Trophy
    • Operation Renown T...
Read more

02 Nov

Hi folks,

Thanks for the reports concerning the old reputations being visible on your Legacy wide reputation list.

I've transferred the information to our team. I'll update you when I know more.
Hi all,

The 6.1.4c patch notes are now available here: Game Update 6.1.4c.
Hi folks,

Thanks for the reports concerning the bug on the flourish of the Obsidian Squad Recon Walker Mount.

Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.

31 Oct

30 Oct

Hi all,

As mentioned in the following thread: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, our team is currently investigating this bug.

This issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. Until we can fix the underlying issue, you should try to kill the adds even if they're still alive after the boss has been defeated.
Hi folks,

As mentioned in the following thread: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, our team is currently looking into this bug.

This issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. Until we can fix the underlying issue, you should try to kill the adds even if they're still alive after the boss has been defeated.
Hi all,

As mentioned above, our team is looking into the bug you encounter with the Belsavis World Boss.

This issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. Until we can fix the underlying issue, you should try to kill the adds even if they're still alive after the boss has been defeated.