Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

11 Feb


Originally posted by esequel

Are you going to change the tutorial every set? I mean, the infernals will become unplayable on set 3... or is it?

Yup, you're right! As of now, we have to re-create the tutorial content with each new set release. I'm hoping we can figure out a way to devise an evergreen tutorial someday, if not this year.


Originally posted by WuThePoo

It's alright, pretty short, gives a general idea of how the game works. Except that it tells you to get every infernal you see xD

We observed in our labs that new players had some trouble understanding why they should make a purchase, and what traits mapped to which champions. New players tended to miss opportunities when they were presented. So, we decided to double down on trait comprehension as a concept -- the thinking was, if we ask players to collect multiple Inferno champs in multiple shop scenarios, it would drive the concept home. Plus, we wanted to appeal to all the pyros out there.


Originally posted by ItsYaboiAbraham


Hey u/FinRedd and u/ItsYaboiAbraham, I would recommend reaching out to our support team here. Any info you provide would be helpful in us figuring out what's happening :) Thanks in advance!


Originally posted by _LUNCHBOY

There’s only one road to challenger - you feel me???

Yeah, now I know you're def not paying attention in my meetings.


I know this sounds old school but I would recommend reaching out to our support team and they can help you troubleshoot!


You can find the recommended specs for Android here. But if you're still running into issues, I would recommend reaching out to our support team :)

10 Feb


TFT mobile dev here! Thank you so much for sharing all this amazing feedback. You've got lots of great ideas that I hope we can implement eventually. Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!

07 Feb


Originally posted by BarackProbama

TFTM Dev: Please be careful when installing unverified software from outside of the Google Play Store or Apple App store.

Can confirm this is a TFT Dev.


Originally posted by Astalli

any chance for ios owners?

Not this phase, but yeah, it'll be on iOS in a bit.

06 Feb


Originally posted by CSDragon

Will there be crossplay between PC and Mobile? Especially since your account and ELO are sync'd between the two, it might be a problem if the Mobile and PC populations are separated, making there more and less competitive environments

Crossplay's the plan for most regions yes.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is random. Small selection of registered Android players today, with more getting gradually added over time (want to make sure things are stable before going wide).


Originally posted by JustTellMeULoveMe

What about Set 3?

The next set is also going out in March at the same time as mobile gets its full launch

15 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]

hello i like your video game

Hi, it makes me happy to hear that :)


If you earned everything from this point on you'd get around 9000 more points. The last reward is at 16000, so you'd have a bit of time to spare even.

13 Jan


Originally posted by CookieMisha

Wasn't the emote enough? /s

Yeah honestly where are the rewards for set1

Not forgotten about. Plan is to talk about ranked rewards, both for the initial set and going forwards later this set.

18 Dec


Originally posted by Tobbes77

not yet right?

It lives!


Around noon PST (SoonTM) B-side notes are few and far between but they are a little strange on our end as they're basically just a large micropatch. The client won't tell you that it's updating or updated. We'll message it out when it goes live.

11 Dec


Originally posted by gkngngr

is this just a visual change or will the functions of D and F buttons will change too ?

I didn't care too much initially since I use the keyboard however if that is the case, it is important.

Visual only, D and F keys should remain as they are now.


Originally posted by Riot_Mort

This is 100% correct

It's so accurate that I'm wondering if it's your burner account.

15 Nov


Originally posted by dirtypuerhiding

Lucian and Senna, you heard it here first

Piggybacking on top comment - I got my dates wrong here, forgot that 9.23 was a 3 week patch instead of a two week one. New units should be on PBE around the 25th of November instead as a result, apologies for getting that wrong.