The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Thank you for reporting this! We are currently looking into this issue and the team is trying to reproduce it. If you (or anyone affected by this) have managed to record this happening, if you could post a link to the video that'd be very useful!

14 Oct


Hmm, this doesn't look right as the bars are very different. I will raise it with the team so they can check. Thank you for the image!


Omg that's an amazing friend! The patch looks really good. Is it going on a jacket? A bag?

13 Oct


Originally posted by ValaShen

I don't remember where I was but I had just fast traveled to an area and was running up that off-ramp and trying to vault that barrier. I was not able to open my menu and map. All I could do was type and move the camera. That person I was with even lead enemies to me so they can kill me out of the lock position. Even after I died and was revived, my character model stayed stuck.

Thank you very much for the extra info and the steps you took before this happened. I will add this to the report so the team can investigate.


Originally posted by NaturallyAspirated32

Summit mostly and yea. I was in my inventory mid vault and it happened. No way to fix unless you restart

Thank you for the info, will forward this to the team!


Originally posted by Dealz_

I’ve experienced this a few times in the DZ.

Only a few because I stopped looking at my inventory while in cover/vaulting while in cover after looking at my inventory if I forgot not to look while in cover, it’s a very annoying bug when it happened as I wasn’t able to get myself unstuck without closing the application, been a bug for a very very long time.

Yes I went into my inventory to check contaminated gear, it seems to happen when you vault the cover your on immediately after exiting your inventory.

It’s weird because I don’t remember this ever happening to me in the LZ/Missions only DZ.

Thanks a lot for the answers! It does seem to be the case with the inventory. I will forward this to the team.


Oh no! This weird issue keeps popping up sometimes. This is a great video and I'll make sure to pass it on to the team so they can have a look.

EDIT: Actually, if anyone that has experienced this could answer these questions it would be very useful for the investigation!:
- What area have you experienced this in?
- Did you interact with yu inventory before vaulting?


That's a lovely lighting you caught here!


Hey, we are always around here or on the forums, so either is fine! Even without a tag, we are sure to see it.


Sorry to hear this, if you can share your Uplay ID with me I'll pass it on to the team so we can investigate :)


Originally posted by kameradhund

do we have to log off/on? will they be „just there“?

(seriously, the more precise infos you give, the less questions we have to ask. and that gives you and me a better time and no one is annoyed)

You should not have to relog for them to appear. The grants are still in progress and not complete yet.


Originally posted by kameradhund

.. so, when will we get the EXTRA keys?

We're doing the grants now, they should be available on your account momentarily.


Originally posted by Xizorfalleen

So the "you will get all keys you missed" from the SotG was thrown out?

That was the original plan and was later changed to 3 keys to all players who participated in the event during that period.

This does mean that there is a small minority of players that should have unlocked more than 3 during the period and didn't, but it adds up to bonus keys for the majority of players.


Originally posted by travisfin

This sounds like just 3 keys no matter how many you would have actually earned. I would probably have the last half of the event completed if I was granted the missing ones even without an extra 3.

Or maybe the wording is just unclear and they are granting the missing ones with 3 extras. Either way the only real difference is one evening of level grinding with directives on while I do the manhunt so it's definitely not worth getting too worked up over.

It is 3 keys total for all who participated in the event during the period the issue was present in the game.

12 Oct


Nice shot! Gotta keep that lucky star close!


Great job, agent! How did the final levels go?

10 Oct


Originally posted by abigman56875

Xbox. I purchased the game from the Xbox store and the wony from the division 2 store

Gotcha! Are you the required Level 30 and WT5?

If so I would recommend clearing the XBOX cache by powering down the console and unplugging it for 5 minutes. If that still doesn't work, let me know!


This has been reported, and will be resolved in a future update. :)


That is some commendable dedication.

Foolish. But commendable.