The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

25 Sep


If you can confirm your UPLAY ID's to me for those involved I'll get the team to investigate it :)

24 Sep


This looks to be a room data issue which contains the light particles not meeting the right measurements for the room. Will raise on this side of things.




This is a bug and is known by the teams, luckily/ thankfully this is only a UI issue.


You could potentially be becoming ROGUE



Our teams are currently aware of these pesky walls which keep appearing and are investigating what can be done here.

I'm sorry that this has happened during your climb up the Summit.


This was fixed with the maintenance today.


Hey! The Season Pass for The Division is still available through the Ubisoft Store.

You can check here what's included in it:


Thank you to everyone for your reports and details, the team is looking into this and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. I can't provide an ETA but rest assured we want to fix this as soon as we possibly can!


Originally posted by LoGBaZiNgA

How long till it's sorted?


Originally posted by boom9

How it happens?

  • 1. Hit Esc, select season, IT happens
  • 2. Go to tower, select floor you didn't want go back to the lobby. IT happens
  • 3. Go to tower, select floor you wanted, wipe because game has been skipping and rubberbanding a lot lately on great network connection respawn. IT happens

This is game breaking bug, you need to do something to compensate players. It is unplayable and your development or QA process is not working after all these years,

Fix IT!

We're working on it!


Originally posted by football_rpg

Thank you! It was frustrating trying to figure out if it was accidental or if we were missing something.

I had some feedback that the area should be accessible if you climb on the box/server props on the right side of the structure? Did you try that area?


Originally posted by mikenjello

I also am having the same issue with the season 3 loop cinematic.

Uplay: mikenjello

Thank you, we're working hard on getting this resolved :)


Do you have the exact location of where this is happening? Can you also let us know if it happens every time you attempt this activity in this location?


Originally posted by vampirecosmonaut

I DMed you my information.

thank you!


That is not ideal at all sorry to hear you're experiencing this, I have made the teama aware. If they require any further information I'll make sure to reach out to you!

23 Sep


Originally posted by a8bmiles

Any word on the blue gear mods transforming into different ones?

Working to fix it!


Originally posted by Dactrius

It's bizarre this isn't the number one priority right now, since it's literally stopping a LOT of people from buying the season pass. I actually want to give them money, but I can't.

It is our #1 priority right now.


Originally posted by theLegACy99

I believe it's because deleting the video would require a client update, they want a server-side solution so they can fix it with just maintenance.

You are correct. It's not as simple as a on-off switch, although I would love for that to be the case.


Originally posted by Ubi-Toon

Thanks I just took a swig of coffee as I watched this .... and NOW I have coffee all over my screens :')

Please rest assured that this has been brought up with our teams as we would hate for players to lose their progress up the Summit due to encountering something like this.


I've passed this on, this shouldn't happen!