

06 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

To give away his stuff...? No. It's his.

We do not have a system to transfer belongings from one account to another.


Gaming preferences move and shift as players get used to a game and move to another one. Sometimes moves are permanent and other times temporary. Their account will still be there if players choose to download the game and give it another go in a few months or years.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's hard to respond to a widely open-ended question. "Explain why is " can have a lot of different interpretations, further I personally do poorly with not having a narrowed scope as my mind tends to jump around everywhere. So, given the question looking more rhetorical in nature, I stayed quiet and observed the conversation which occurred naturally as other folks weighed in.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The point that Arlskandir makes earlier in the thread is that of a "Random Problem Generator". There are games that exist which model this concept such as Into the Breach which do allow for some amount of expectation prior to what occurs but are ultimately the result of what situation gets formed at the start of each cycle. Your purpose in the game is to assess the situation as it comes and try to find the best way forward. Some situations will be clear, others won't, and there is never a gaurantee of it being correct or easy.

Earlier in the thread there have been comments about how WoWs is just an FPS game which seems baffling to me. Our game does rely on shooting via skillshots, but each minute is a new instance of "Random Problem Generator" in the sense that Random Battles feeds you Random Enemies and Random Allies, both of which will do both predictable and unpredictable things. Regardless of how sensible the actions taken, you are still presented with a sce...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

By definition, War is about winning and not being at all concerned about the fairness inherent in the pursuit. Simulations that put tanks against soldiers that have nothing that can damage the tank tend to result in the tank taking the field. For the player deploying the tank, they gain ground. For the player who held the territory with infantry, they lost ground and infantry. To one player, it was a great victory, the other a defeat.

There's a saying that goes something like, "You should never take a fair fight, because you might lose."

True symmetry is fairly hard to find. Even Checkers isn't truly symmetric because one side starts before the other. In order to have true Symmetry in CounterStrike, all players would need to be using the same loadouts as opposed to having a variety of weapons to diversify their team and roles to handle the situations they will be facing. Fighting games would consist of having one option for people to...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This statement is extremely reductive. You could similarly say that soccer (or football to non-Americans) is simply a matter of scoring. Teamwork? Plays? Defensive concepts? The only thing that matters is scoring more than the enemy, because scoring means you win. This can be true in a reductive sense, however it leaves out the nuance of what happened at what times during the match and what plays occurred dynamically as a result.

In a WoWs sense, it's the equivalent of saying "Just sink the enemy" and then following it up with "I'm good at sinking the enemy, so I'll just go do that a lot." It may function as desired an amount of time, but... Plays? Defensive Concepts? Depth? If you're electing to reduce the game to a damage counter DPS-race then the game isn't a game so much as a background for playing whack-a-mole. I'll grant you that you might not be receiving higher-order teamwork in a Random Battle, but you can still assess the situation around you and d...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

"only this one" meaning only that day? Or only this "entire season"?

05 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tripped across a NoClip Documentary video about "Wipeout". This was a game back on the Playstation that had great music <3

Favoritist track is this one!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please message me about this in a few hours when I'm in the office so I can ask internally.

The passage you quoted does reference Update 0.12.1, which is the patch after 0.12.0, which is the patch after 0.11.11. I'm not sure if we'd be ready to announce specifics on something so far ahead in the future.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bonus Packages available after the Econ/Camo Seperation all are standardized. Eugen would have a standard Tier Bonus Packages.

04 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You quoted me in another thread, but the response didn't have anything to do with the thread.

The post itself was enough to be an OP of its own and now it is.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

After reading the discussion on this, I think I see the misunderstanding. The breakdown is between a "Rule for Ownership" and a "Method of Aquistion".

Rule of Ownship - "You must be this tall to ride the ride. No exceptions"

Method of Aquistion - "This is the line you go through to ride the ride for free."

For instance, the Bismark is a tech tree ship available for free in game. You need to Research the precedeing tiers in her tech tree line before you can purchase her for Earned Ship XP and Credits. This is her free-to-play Method of Acquistion and is the only way to acquire her as a routine standard.

The Bismark could be featured in an event, or linked to a bonus code, or sold directly in the premium shop/armory. These would not be her normal method of acquistion, so they would stand out. However, there is no Rule regarding use of the Bismark outside of having an internet connection to play the game.

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Split OP's post to new thread as post was generic in nature.

Repacked the Earth on the thread from 2017.

03 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your restraint is appeciated, sir <3 Thank you for playing nice!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Referring to Live Server Testing. We can of course test something internally amongst the folks that are developing the ship, but Live Testing produces real world results on a grand scale as multiple volunteer programs gain access to the test ships. Once that information comes in and stablizes over a sample size, issues can be identified and adjustments can be made.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, the ship hasn't even started Testing yet. Testing tends to take a few months which involves multiple tweaks as we see how a ship plays out on Live.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You need to make Customer Support Tickets for sanctions to occur. Reporting for Misbehavior in Chat is useful in aggregate, but specific issues need specific ticketing.

You can use this link: https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/help/31336/31337/31345/31347/

If the issue is particularly bad, please message me with the Ticket # and a description of what occurred.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your Hull is "You", so losing that awarded the enemy team Points and removes you from the active player list in "Tab" and on the roster at the top of the screen.

Planes are a method of attack/scouting. Loss of the Hull is to be sunk, but you can continue to use planes that are in the air for a period of time (unless they are used in an attack or shot down).

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Was yesterday the first time you had played Clan Battles since the beginning of the season?

Can you give more information? When did this happen?

02 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This game is less about landing perfect headshots a la Counter-Strike or Overwatch and moreso about putting yourself in advantageous positions. When you are in a superior position, your interactions will tend to favor you long term.

Our game is very, very different from the other games you mentioned because of its pacing. We have situations where a single ship takes many, many hits to bring down and the things that ship experiences along the way will determine how much impact it contributes to the game on whole. While it can be frustrating to miss a Dev Strike on a great salvo, each game has many, many interactions which add up over time and will routinely favor the better decision-making in the end.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. Our game is best thought of as a Table-Top game with a 2D perspective. This is why planes can be at the top of Two Brothers, many kilometers high up in the air, but still be damaged by a surface ship AA. The distance is measured from the point of origin in terms of two-dimensional distance and is irrespective of "height".

HE shells do have an effect Cube that represents an explosion radius, so there is some height/depth in that sense. If a module is within the area of the cube, it can receive module damage which makes accuracy important when shooting other ships.