

22 Jun


Originally posted by IFapToCalamity

Look at how they massacred my girl

Seeing a lot of discussion regarding the CD changes - we’ll keep an eye on Killjoy’s power, but she’s definitely been outperforming Cypher (and a lot of other agents!) in matchmaking by a decent margin and has room for a slap on the wrist nerf to help solidify her identity like this. She’s currently one of the stronger agents in the game - if she’s too weak, we’ll look into changes, though. Ideally this should encourage players to be more thoughtful and committal when placing KJ’s tools, which is what she’s all about, while still giving her options if she needs to rotate or retake.


Originally posted by TheSneakySeal

So our gun is instantly out now? Can flash for ourselves?

There are two options - if you’re not actively bending the bird, when you pop the flash your gun will stay out the whole time. If you’re bending the bird, you still have a flash animation but you equip your gun faster than you used to. In either case, Skye is better equipped to capitalize off of her own flashes now.

19 Jun


Originally posted by ThisIsKindaDifficult

Isn't this encroaching on the roles you guys had in mind for duelists vs. initiators? In this interview you guys say that the intention is for duelists to have shorter debuff times against enemies but faster re-equip times, whereas initiators would have longer debuff times but longer re-equip times with the intention that they'd need a teammate to capitalize. Now it seems like if a team needs a flash agent, I can easily just play Breach or Skye and make plays for myself with longer flashes in comparison to duelists, plus this new lower re-requip time. This seems like it has potential to be "abused" in both ranked as well as competitive pro play.

It’s a bit of a newer development, for sure. Duelists still tend to have a lot more capability to heal up after engagements or deny trades to secure more advantaged fights over a round, whereas initiators bring a broader spread or larger volume of raw utility. It’s something we still talk about a lot, but feel these versions of breach and Skye will also be easier to balance across competitive environments overall.


Originally posted by Hubbardia

Now I understand what you meant by initiators being more self-sufficient! These are great changes. Did Breach get similar love?

Yup! Breach got a similar treatment. Fewer flashes, but a faster re-equip.


Originally posted by Tez_02

Inb4 this is declared a bug and removed before the patch hits

Not a bug!


Originally posted by raaten

There's an animation of her popping the bird to flash the enemies, which isn't there anymore. She can directly pull out her gun after deploying the flash.

There are two main things - she equips out of her bent birds faster, and if she lets a bird fly straight she can pop the flash without taking her gun down. In either case, she’s better at capitalizing off of her flashes than she used to be.

09 Jun


Originally posted by AceOfEpix

Yeah thats all I'm hoping for is talking to Rioters gets the message across...

This bug is literally game breaking in certain lobbies. Its rough out there right now. Thanks for doing what you can. Game is amazing btw, this is my only complaint with it. 👍

I appreciate it, keep letting us know. We care about getting this stuff fixed too, I know it's frustrating. Sorry we haven't been as good on the comms front for this one!


Originally posted by xSilverzXx

I had a question about this. I heard from people (maybe for other games?) that pros who play during Masters play on a separate client. So it shouldn't be an issue to add new things to the game, and just have the pros play on older versions of the game.

Is it simply because you guys are busy that you can't do big changes balance-wise or?

They use a separate client for Masters itself, but still practice and play solo queue on live. We also want to try to keep the live game and pro games in similar versions of the game - having pros play "pre-nerf" or "pre-buff" content is always a bit of a bummer since the game they're playing just isn't representative of live.

I've gone into it more in other comments, but the tl;dr is that a lot of the 3.0 changes are more systemic, and we wanted to bundle them together for the best experience. We originally were going to space them over 2.11 and 3.0, but felt consolidating them would be better overall.

08 Jun


Originally posted by AceOfEpix

Fix the teammate volume issue. Please.

I dont want to mute my teammates when they aren't being rude but I value my hearing more than their callouts.

Its kind of ridiculous a big this major has been in the game for this long. Please don't be like the LoL team and just leave bugs in the game for months / years.

Sorry, this isn't an area that I personally work in (I just do core gameplay). All I can do is forward it to that team! I'm hoping it gets resolved quickly too.


Originally posted by Saikuni

genuine question: when are there no tournaments happening? i dont keep up w the scene but it feels like for a large chunk of this year something big was going on and u guys couldn't do much balance wise, take viper rework for example. do u plan to address that and eventually not rely so much on there being nothing happening or will this always be the case? sry if i came off rude, it really wasn't my intention.

Not rude at all! There are tournaments going on all the time, to the point where we can't consider all of them. VCT series and Master's are feasible for us to schedule around, though.


Originally posted by Reddituser2452

We waited a whole month for a patch full of nothing

We have a lot of changes going on in the 3.0 patch. The tough thing is, a lot of them interact with each other, so we need ALL of them ready to be worth shipping together. For example, let’s say we’re adjusting an agent’s number of charges on an ability as well as the cost of that ability. But, we’re also updating the weapon/ability economy pretty substantially. Shipping one of those in 2.11 and the other in 3.0 is kinda needlessly disruptive, and they’ve been tuned as a bundle internally; it’d make that agent just feel really weird for 2.11 or require us to shake up their costs again for the second patch in a row on 3.0 to feel correct. We’d like to avoid patterns like that if we can.

TL;DR is that we know it’s a bit disappointing to have empty updates like this, but we think it’ll lead to a better overall experience. 3.0 and 3.1 have a good clip of changes in them!


Originally posted by spaceworm92

Just know that episode 2 was incredibly underwhelming.

It’s been tough for us to make big changes balance-wise with Master’s going on until recently. The next two patches will be quite significant, though!

12 May


Originally posted by CaptainJackWagons

I didn't know devs visited the competitive sub.

I'm here daily alongside a lot of other folks. I just don't comment super often unless I can give updates/information on something I actually work on so I can provide something of substance

11 May


Originally posted by Tommypynchon

Does anyone know when Breeze will be added to unranked or ranked? Surprised it doesn't appear to be mentioned in the notes here.

It'll be added to Competitive and Unrated in this patch!


Originally posted by Salasarian

so is breeze just not in competitive?

It's in competitive starting with this patch!


Originally posted by HORRIBLE_DICK_CANCER

This character model leaked a while back so maybe?

delet this

27 Apr


Originally posted by neb55555

In my opinion, the map shouldn't be debuting so soon. A lot more goes into map meta than some time praccing it and playing it in ranked. New maps are going to be very random until the playstyle stabilizes. The only way it is actually going to be figured out is through official matches. I would rather see it have a couple months at smaller tourneys before bringing it to main events. Additionally, this brings up the issue again of having an even amount of maps in the pool, which was a dumpster fire when we only had 4 maps.

The amount pros get paid doesn't have much to do with wanting a better format at tournaments. Besides, having a better structure is better for fans. I'm not sure why you want to watch an event with a new map that is super random, seems like a worse experience to me.

After First Strike, we fielded a survey to pro players in all of our international regions who participated (both in qualifiers and those who made it past qualifiers). We gathered feedback on a ton of different areas, but one area was the time window before new agents & maps are available in competitive play.

What we heard then was that pros wanted agents to be slowed down a bit (to be available in compet play), and maps to be sped up a bit - so we adjusted our timeline to allow new content into pro games four weeks after launch this time around across the board (slowing agents down and speeding maps up). That's not to say this can't change in the future - we want to continue gathering feedback from pros, especially now that we have more agents and maps in the game than before, which makes each new addition introduce even more complexity - but, I just wanted to let yall know that the decision wasn't made in a vacuum, it was actually made as a response to pro feedback we rec...

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Originally posted by TachyonLark

This makes me so happy, because my friends and me like playing a new map whenever it comes out!

We wanted to have this for Icebox too, just couldn't get it out in time since we pushed that map's launch date up. Hopefully the experience is better this time around :)


Originally posted by aidg

As someone who got early access and has played breeze a ton so far, our early version came with a mode called “breeze” which was just unrated breeze 24/7, could definitely see that coming out tm

That's what's going to happen! Breeze will have its own queue for yall to play in, unrated mode, for a short while after launch.

24 Apr


Originally posted by thebosta123

I'm not sure I get your point. If he's not picked often but has a high win rate across all MMRs that just means if you main brim and learn his shit you'll be doing more than fine but again we don't have access to that data.

Riot also thinks he's fine.

To clarify, Brim could probably use some help in competitive play, he's just doing pretty well in matchmaking. Right now there are some other agents who could probably use some more help, though (like Yoru). We do talk about Brim, though, especially with Breeze entering the mix (where he's probably going to be weaker than our other controllers due to his lower effective range).