

11 Apr


Originally posted by vastlys

I think changes go live in all game modes that Bind is in, but it only returns to comp next act

This is correct!

09 Feb


Originally posted by two4you8

Agent select timer should be much shorter. No reason why they should take the full time and then locking in a 4th duelist.

This is solid feedback; it’s something we’ve been thinking about too. Thanks!!

10 Jan


Originally posted by IceHelianth36

Not sure how much it matters, but in the small text above the queue button it's listed as being unrated despite being swiftplay. Glad to see it up though!

Working on getting this resolved - it looks like it's just using the text from our old map-launch queues, which used Unrated, rather than specifying we're trying out Swiftplay this time around. Thanks for your patience!


We had a mixup here - the Lotus queue is online now, in Swiftplay as it was intended. Sorry about the confusion!


Originally posted by officialmark-

Seems like they are keeping Swiftplay longer than they initially planned, or maybe even permanent? It was mentioned that Swiftplay was only going to be around between Dec 6th and Jan 10th. However in these patch notes they are saying that Lotus will only be available in Swiftplay for 1 week and then made available to other modes in patch 6.01. I wonder if this was a mistake on their end or Swiftplay is actually permanent now.

You're correct! We're currently extending the window for the Swiftplay Beta to give us more time to gather feedback. In addition, we're adding a Lotus-only Swiftplay queue to give players the opportunity to learn Lotus before it hits Competitive queue.

06 Jan


Originally posted by Splaram

I think Kaplan said it best on Twitter. Omen isn’t good enough to compete with Astra if he’s limited to one-ways that Astra and Brim can also do, especially when a buffed KJ and Cypher is forcing a more default-heavy meta that also takes away value from his flash. There needs to be more oneways added to maps or this nerf needs to be reverted.

Rest assured we're aware that this is an Omen nerf and we're in the early stages of exploring if there are any buff opportunities to compensate for this (but I can't make any promises - we want to see what the impact of this change is). We felt that the "inside walls red arrow" one-way smokes were unintuitive and unintended, and that we'd rather tune Omen around more accessible and intentional gameplay going forward.


Originally posted by BiblyBoo

What the hell? What a contradictory statement. In the same breath saying they are part of the game but too hard to play against so they are being removed?

As an Omen main, someone make it make sense.

EDIT: it seems they are only removing “red arrow” smokes that go inside walls. That makes a lot more sense, and fortunately the majority of his one ways smokes are “green arrow” and hang off a ledge. So if those are still around then that’s fine.

Rest assured we're aware that this is an Omen nerf and we're in the early stages of exploring if there are any buff opportunities to compensate for this (but I can't make any promises - we want to see what the impact of this change is). We felt that the "inside walls red arrow" one-way smokes were unintuitive and unintended, and that we'd rather tune Omen around more accessible and intentional gameplay going forward.

06 Dec


Originally posted by LordDoucheNozzle

Its what people been asking for. For a long time now. It needs to be a permanent mode though

If it goes well, we'll make it permanent! We just didn't want to assume that it'd be evergreen without getting player feedback, so we're using the beta phase to evaluate how the mode does. We're interested in two main things:

  1. Do players enjoy a short core game mode like this?
  2. If yes, is this the version of the mode we should make evergreen, or should we make changes to it?

Keep your eyes peeled for surveys and share your feedback!


Originally posted by KarwinGaming

It says beta in the picture on the tweet so hopefully this is just to get feedback before permanently implementing it.

That's the intent, yeah! We're hoping that some version of Swiftplay ends up feeling right for the game long-term, but we very much want to leverage player feedback around whether

A) Y'all want this mode to be evergreen B) This is the version of the mode you want (or if we should make changes)

Keep your eyes peeled for surveys coming your way, and share your feedback!

02 Feb


Originally posted by Skull_Reaper101

ohh did they release this info somewhere? I saw in patch 4.0, they had written it's coming in 4.03

That was me! It’s 4.04 now, timelines shifted a bit :)

01 Feb


Originally posted by Skull_Reaper101

They said yoru rework was due in 4.03 afaik

This is an unfortunate case where my first post saying we were aiming for 4.03 got noticed, but my follow-up post clarifying that 4.04 is the likely launch patch didn't.

Yoru's rework will be releasing in 4.04, not 4.03!

11 Jan


Hey, I was the one that communicated this in a thread the other day. Just as a reminder, this is still TBD - there's a very good chance that this pushes out another patch to 4.04, pending on bugs/clarity/prioritization. In general, we like to lean towards transparency when we can, but that also can generate additional confusion or frustration when those timelines don't pan out like we'd hoped.

At this point, the big takeaway I'd take from this is "Yoru changes won't launch during patch 4.01 or 4.02, but we're trying to get them out ASAP." I think 4.03 is aspirational, but Act 2 (4.04) is probably more realistic. Just as a heads-up!

08 Jan


Originally posted by tbone603727

I don’t suppose I could convince you to give a ballpark on when to expect yoru changes?

We're currently aiming for 4.03 for the Yoru changes, assuming all goes well!

This transparency always comes with a bit of a disclaimer that it could change, but that's the timeframe we're shooting for right now.


Originally posted by Kawaiiwaffledesu

No agent changes coming next week?

Agent changes will be spread out over a few patches!


Originally posted by Ash_Killem

Some good changes but the notes are still a bit light. Need agent changes especially before VCT starts.

And I say it every patch notes and will continue to say it.. where are the DM updates?

Agent changes will be spread out over a few other patches!

04 Jan


Originally posted by DarthGrievous

Overwatch players might fear that eventually VALORANT will have far too many agents if they keep adding them at this rate.

OW never suffered from too many characters. In fact, it's on its deathbed right now because there's no new heroes releasing. It suffered from slow balance patches which is what I'm worried about. We rarely ever get balance patches because of VCT and stuff for the past few months. It took 1 year to rework Yoru. That said it's better for characters to be underpowered for a long time rather than overpowered.

We hear you on this front. Balance is a much bigger focus for us going into this next year, and we've restructured the team to be able to support balance much more consistently going forward.

It's hard to explain it in a way that doesn't come off as corporate jargon, but transitioning from a "launch the game" team structure to a "support the live game forever" team structure takes some time, and we had a few really brutal bottlenecks that made it difficult to ship things fast. I'm personally really looking forward to being able to ship more and have more conversations with you all about balance in VAL going into 2022.

11 Dec


Originally posted by NadDeMan

probably f for fake like taking a cypher tripwire, cam, activating cage, taking viper smoke, taking Astra stars and more... so E for tp, and F for fake

This is how it currently works, yep!

09 Dec


Originally posted by Guesswhoisback

Oh my god thank you! An option to turn off the top reticcle in a crosshair so it makes a T Shape if that makes sense. Its so much easier to see if youre on head level

Gotcha. I’ll pass it along!


Originally posted by Guesswhoisback

Youre a riot dev? Youre probably not gonna read this but all i ever wanted is a t shaped crosshair :(

I see you! Could you go into more detail? I don’t work on that team but can always pass along suggestions :)


Originally posted by PureNaturalLagger

I wonder what they meant by having his ult split apart sites? Could it be that he can leave his portal open and have it act as a gateway opening into another "void room"? This way creating an off angle? Like, putting a door smack down the middle of the site and use the edges of the portal as cover, esentially hiding in the void! Or maybe just a Wraith type portal from APEX.

Hey! Just to set expectations, we're not looking at implementing anything that drastic. We've just experimented with lots of different tweaks to his ult to provide some additional power in that area. Broadly, the ability will almost certainly still have the same bones - Yoru goes invisible and does stuff. Not trying to crash the party, just want to make sure yall don't speculate super far away from what we're actually looking to ship.