

07 Dec


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Thanks for the added information about this!

Of course!


Originally posted by The_Bolenator

This is random but you don’t always get the chance to message a dev:

Buddy of mine has been having stuttering issues and cases where he’s being prefired super early. He briefly fixed this by messing with his HPET on his computer, worked perfectly after that but then whatever update we last had put him right back into having the same issues, and reverting the HPET fix he did makes it 100x worse.

Any idea what that might be caused by? Just tryna help a buddy out.

I wish I could weigh in here, but I'm a data/strategy guy - anything about the guts of how the game ticks functionally just isn't my area of expertise. Sorry he's dealing with that, that sounds super frustrating. :(


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Thanks for the response! I was under the impression that the Champions tournament takes place on a private patch and that live patch updates shouldn't effect that gameplay.

This is true, it is on a private patch. But, we try to maintain parity where we can for a few reasons:

Aspirationally, we want to feel like pros are playing the same version of the game as the broader playerbase is. It just helps the whole ecosystem feel connected, which is something we care about - as a player, you can watch tournament games and then go play the same game state on live.

Practically, it helps pros by not forcing them to context switch between environments. Yes, they can scrim teams on the tournament environment, but pros also play live Val to practice in their free time, and keeping the state of the game similar helps here.

Logistically, it gives us clearer time windows to organize around, and hopefully also helps the playerbase feel like they have a beat where the tournament ends, after which a period of some changes begins.

All this being said, VAL has a LOT of tournaments, and we are working through how to more efficiently ship ch...

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Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Agent keybinds, agent select reporting, molotov damage tracking, and wide player cards returning? Despite being a patch with no agent or in game changes, at least its packing for QoL.

It’s definitely been a bit - but you can expect patch notes with more gameplay changes coming up fairly soon. We’re trying not to shake things up too much during Champions but we’ve got some changes we’re excited to ship after it’s over (spread out over a few patches - we just want to ship what we can, when we can)

We appreciate y’all’s patience while we worked through this; we’ve been doing some team restructuring to get balance changes prioritized and better supported going forward, and I think we’re in a much better spot now. We’re excited for you to see what we’ve been working on!

03 Nov


Originally posted by brassheed

They have toned down a little bit of the community interaction, sure, but that was always expected. Just like the community was hyped during game release they were hyped to release it and all of them were checking reddit/twitter and talking about it but that just can't happen forever.

The fact that they still do it at all is a miracle. I can't even remember the last time I saw a dev post about any other game from a big company.

Honestly it's not that we're not excited, it's just that it's really hard to go into details regarding things like delays. We're super bummed about not being able to ship stuff like the Yoru changes as quickly as we'd like, but a lot of it is just internal logistical stuff that doesn't make much sense or is very satisfying to talk through outside of Riot.

We care and, at least from my experience, are still just as tuned in to how the community is feeling. Some subjects are just tough to weigh in on without unintentionally setting a ton of inaccurate expectations from the community. It's a tough spot to be in, engagement-wise.

10 Sep


Originally posted by DarudeSandstormName

Is there another forum where the people who pay attention to pro play congregate?

These threads get no comments here, unlike in the LoL subreddit where we get hundreds to thousands of comments whenever there is an international tournament going on.

Also, the viewership is pretty good for an esport in its infancy, we're just in the beginnings of group stage and hovering above 400k viewers.

/r/ValorantCompetitive is normally pretty active.

09 Sep


Originally posted by AjBlue7

What is the excuse for not balancing Skye then? She was perfectly fine before and then you changed flashes across the board but for some reason unique to skye you gave her two free flashes per round and the ability to shoot her gun immediately after using her flash. She is terrorizing ranked, it is anti-fun playing with or against her.

We talk about Skye a lot but she’s actually not a balance problem - 49% winrate and her winrate gets worse the higher MMR you get.

That being said we know she’s strong in pro play (from our conversations with pros) and can be frustrating to play against (from our surveys we send every patch), and we also play the game a lot ourselves at a reasonably high level and feel some of the frustration too, hence why she’s a topic of discussion. I can’t promise anything or go into details but we’re very aware of it, she’s just got a few more moving parts than some of our more cut and dry balance topics.


Originally posted by tbone603727

Any hints on the team’s current thoughts about kayo or weapon balance?

Kayo’s weak in matchmaking. Likely needs buffs - we’re investigating.

Weapon balance is looking pretty good for the most part, but we think there are some opportunities for us to make things feel better. No big outlier balance issues, though, primarily design philosophy stuff.

08 Sep


Originally posted by moose731

I’m starting to think they’re just never gonna buff yoru

We have changes we want to make, we just need resources from other teams to make them happen. When balance changes are just numbers tweaks, we can take it on ourselves - when we have to involve other disciplines (animation, VFX, etc. etc.) it takes time to incorporate it into their already-busy schedule.

It's a bummer for us, too, but we absolutely have changes. We just can't commit to a date that they'll actually ship quite yet.

07 Sep


Originally posted by Interesting-Archer-6

I appreciate you being in here and giving your thoughts on KJ. That said, it feels empty and inconsistent when you don't do shit about Jett's ult or her get out of jail free card. The 2 most broken abilities in the game, one being an ability that can be used again later in the round.

I think you've done an amazing job on working to balance agents and abilities, with the exception of Jett. Even after the slight nerfs, look at her pick rates, and it's even worse at the pro level. Dapr was right. Switch to Jett because Riot won't touch her

Jett’s been a topic of ours for quite some time, she’s just a bit more complicated when it comes to shaving away power. She’ll likely see changes.

That being said, Jett’s primarily a problem in pro play. In standard matchmaking her winrate is one of the healthier ones around 50%. Sage, Killjoy, and Reyna are the strongest agents in matchmaking by a decent margin, people just don’t talk about them as much!

06 Sep


Originally posted by LIMIT_73

Agreed. Where Riot tends to take away from Agents in recent patches, they've been neglecting to experiment some and counterbalance out changes by providing minor buffs to some extreme nerfs.

We actually do often test changes like these, but Killjoy isn’t in a position where she needs compensation buffs. She’s one of the highest winrate agents in the game, and we’re unsure of how much of a winrate dip tagging reduction will actually manifest in, so we’re playing this one safe.

Killjoy’s winrate could drop by 2% and she’d still be in the upper half of the roster. She’s very strong - we’re keeping an eye on her, but I very much doubt that she’s going to end up too weak after these changes.

04 Sep


Originally posted by HOTMILFDAD

I stand corrected. Thank you for the insight :)

Question for you, though: is it typical for game studios to actually sit on maps/characters/lore for [x] amount months after release? Or is more customary for devs to focus on having a certain amount of content for launch and then worry about stuff further down the line?

There can be some amount of that, for sure, but fully ready stuff for months after release isn’t super common. What tends to be more common is content that’s fairly gameplay locked, but needs a lot more work for other disciplines to clear before shipping (like art, QA, engineering, localization, etc)

It obviously differs a lot for games as a service compared to boxed product games, too!


Originally posted by HOTMILFDAD

It’s just game development. Nothing crazy.

Developers usually have years worth of content they sit on and can plan small teases.

We're actually not sitting on it, game dev just takes a lot longer than people think it does.

10 Aug


Originally posted by ItsDavidz

I know it's planned, but will the replay system come around the next few acts or thr next episode? It would be really helpful in identifying cheaters/smurfs, and VOD reviews

Sorry, I focus primarily on gameplay so I don't have as good of visibility on stuff like this!


Originally posted by JCraser

Thank you for the insight; was initially kinda pissed to see the changes on hold indefinitely but knowing that it’s a sweeping change that requires this sort of development definitely puts it into perspective.

Of course, happy to help. I don't want to say it's a huge, sweeping change - but basically anytime changes require visual asset updates, we have to move carefully. Visuals, VFX, animation, etc. in our game are really important to land right because of how impactful they are on the gameplay, and since we don't often have balance changes that require this sort of support, sometimes it can take a little bit longer to coordinate through the whole pipeline. Yoru will still be Yoru - it's not like we're reworking the whole kit, by any means - but visual clarity is important, especially for the tricky stuff he does, so we want to make sure it's done right instead of shipping it to live and having people rip their hair out over unclear assets.


Originally posted by chryco4

Okay thank you, that makes a lot more sense. I think if that info was included in the main blog post a lot more people would be understanding of the Yoru delay. Something like, "Yoru isn't just getting a change in numbers, we're working on a total overhaul which includes art assets too!" to appease the people (like me) who aren't as savvy on how game development works.

Totally! I wouldn't say it's a total overhaul, but art/visual assets in our game are very important to get right because of how much they can impede gameplay. Any time changes involve things like that, it takes a lot more time and resource management to get folks onboard and get the work prioritized vs. all the other stuff our talented artists have on their plates


Originally posted by Mestics

Personally, I think the agent balance is pretty good right now. However, I would really like to see more changes to Vandal, it just feels too slow and bad compared to the Phantom, even tho it is really fun to one-tap. Don't get me wrong - the Phantom should't be nerfed, but a small buff to the Vandal is needed imo.

Thanks for your take! I love talking about this stuff. Regarding rifles - would you be surprised if I told you that numerically, the Vandal performs slightly better than the Phantom in every way?

Vandal has about double the usage rate of the Phantom, alongside a slightly higher K/D and ADR. The difference is very small, but it's there. Even up to the pro level, we've seen Vandal usage and stats score higher than the Phantom. There's likely some amount of selection bias here (aimlords are more likely to pick the Vandal) but the pattern has stayed true over months of games, which gives us an immense sample to piece through.

That's not to say we'd never make changes or that these metrics make it impossible for us to make changes - data is a tool for us to inform our changes, it doesn't decide our changes for us. I just think this particular stat is pretty interesting because it doesn't line up with people's immediate impression of the guns in-game (my...

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Originally posted by Raxion

is there any progress to FPS and optimization?

Not sure, I primarily focus on gameplay. Sorry!


Originally posted by icemoo

yeah thats not it at all chief, its likely they don't know the direction they want to take with him and nothing is panning out/receiving well with internal playtests that they have done. Commiting to a full rework is a lot of resources to use up when a mini viper style gameplay update works just fine

Its basically them saying "we have no f**king idea what to do without changing everything"

source: my ass(that sat in some playtests from an invite, though not directly yoru related noican'ttellyou )

We actually have a direction we're pretty confident in, it just needs more resources than our changes normally do - most of the time our changes are numbers tweaks, but whenever something needs art resources we have to coordinate with other disciplines (outside of just design and insights) a bit more. Also yeah, Yoru is a bit more complex than our other agents, so that's a component of it as well; but we've iterated for awhile at this point. It's a tough situation for us to be in, too - we want to get changes out as soon as possible.


Originally posted by rune2004

(outside of Yoru, who we just need to implement art resources for some of the changes we've made)

Oh... they're changes like that. Neat! I'm excited to see what they are.

I can't go into details, but they're not just numbers tweaks, yeah!