

10 Aug


Originally posted by Recabilly

I'm not necessarily saying that this happened because of him, but ever since Morello left, the updates seem to have been much less significant on a regular basis. It could very well be a coincidence. I don't think the game is in a bad place right now though.

Definitely a coincidence - we love Morello and pretty much all of us keep in touch with him still, but if anything the balance team's process and organization has improved over the past year+ we've worked together. I explain a bit more above, the ecosystem is just a bit different these days. The game's a lot more balanced, the community doesn't have extreme pain points (like beta Raze), and we have an esports scene to consider with disruptive changes.

None of that is to say your feedback isn't valid, though - if yall feel like we aren't supporting the game enough, that's very important for us to know and I'm interested in your perspective on it.


Originally posted by damienthepious

Why does it feel like every patch is just an update on everything that’s being pushed back?

Hey, totally feel the pain here. Hopefully it's a bit helpful if I explain - recent updates have been on the lighter side for a few main reasons:

  • 3.0 was a pretty significant patch, so we wanted to give it some time to breathe and see how the changes have shaken out. We didn't want to kneejerk with changes while players were still adjusting to the new economy and movement changes + kayo.

  • Balance-wise, the game is looking pretty good right now. There are still opportunities for sure, but nothing super serious that needs fast, aggressive changes (outside of Yoru, who we just need to implement art resources for some of the changes we've made)

  • We try to focus our changes in windows between competitive tournaments to avoid disrupting the pro scene, unless there's something really egregious going on; considering the stability we've been holding off on major gameplay changes during these tournaments. Open to feedback on this approach, thoug...

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12 Jul


Originally posted by _idle_drone_

statistics can lie a lot. sage is an agent with a low skill ceiling. easiest ult, easiest free ability. majority of players want to play a duelist, and when they can't they are usually not good at filling smokes or initiator. but anyone can play sage and focus on gunplay. even if sage is nerfed people will play her, unless another easy and fun to play agent is introduced.

a more detailed analysis would include win rates of sage mains compared to other agents' mains.

Just to be clear, her playrate hasn’t been a huge concern; people find her fun and approachable. Lots of people playing her isn’t a problem. Super high winrates are a concern regardless though, and we have an obligation to keep the game balanced for our playerbase.


Originally posted by TibiaKing

where is your data from? are you just spewing "facts" without any backing?

I’m the gameplay insights lead for VALORANT and one of the leads of the balance team. Curating our data ecosystem on gameplay and developing our balance philosophy is a critical portion of my job.


Originally posted by -SNST-

Any chance or plans to show us some of the agents pick&win rates? Or at least tell us which site has it closest to riot numbers like in r/LoL it was said that was closest

It'd be fun to do another balance blog post around the current state of balance, it can just be hard to find the time between everything else that's going on. I'd like to do another round of that, though.

This is the last one that we did, but it was awhile ago now.


Originally posted by _idle_drone_

sage is not the strongest. she is just easy and fun to play. icebox is the only map where sage is essential and riot should change the map instead of nerfing sage again and again.

Not sure what metric you're using to measure power, but in terms of winrate and pickrate Sage has been the most powerful agent in the game by a decent margin from launch until now, even through any nerfs we shipped. She's dipped from the #1 spot in winrate once or twice, but never fallen below top 3 (and was usually #1). She's looking a lot healthier after Patch 3.0, though!


Originally posted by FMHappy

Damn, Sage's win/pick rate is way higher than I thought it would be

Our internal boards have both of them even higher than this, too. Some of that power may be hard to feel, though, since we get lots of requests to buff her even when she's historically been the strongest and most popular agent in the game

07 Jul


Originally posted by Cxrse9

volume slider


Originally posted by amicus_est

think you are referring to this where they target 3.0 - 3.02 for the majority of the agent changes. only thing missing would be yoru changes.

Just to set some expectations - Yoru is going to be a bit longer than we initially anticipated. I wouldn't expect changes for him in 3.02; we're working on getting them out as soon as we can, just juggling a number of different things right now that make it difficult to ship this specific set of changes as quickly as we'd like.

29 Jun


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Speaking of coordinated play, will we ever get the ability to see who is a premade in our ranked games? I feel like it's very important information to have. I like to know if i am against 5 solos, or a 3 stack and 2 solos, etc. It changes up how i play drastically knowing if they will have guaranteed teamwork or not. Just something as simple as Overwatch's connecting premade people with a white line in the scoreboard.

I wish I had more context here, unfortunately I only work on gameplay - competitive and queue ecosystem stuff is a different team, so I’m not sure if we have any plans like that.


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

She may still be strong in coordinated play but she currently just feels terrible to play with the 20 second CDs. Picking up your utility and rotating from B because all 5 went to A only to still have 9 seconds of CD left when you enter A is the worst feeling ever. Same with just repositioning because your teammate decides to move and post up where your alarm bot and turret already are last second...

I’m not talking about coordinated play! She’s strong in matchmaking. Strongest at low MMR, but she’s top 3 winrate across the spectrum. Experientially I understand the pain for sure, I play a lot of Killjoy. Just power-wise, she’s one of the best agents in the game still.


Originally posted by AJCannibal

That was before the patch..........

Killjoy's still looking really strong after this patch. Top 3 winrate club! The CD nerfs hit her, but everyone else has to spend more money on utility than they used to, and she saw no eco changes. If anything, she's gotten a bit stronger post-3.0.

22 Jun


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

As a Viper player, I can attest to the fact that I buy full util on round one and nothing else to save as much money in early game as possible. Util is dead cheap in this game except for a few agents. The slight uptick in costs is probably warranted, since full util is pretty common these days for every round. The weapon cost decreases should help mitigate this, as well as drive interest towards other weapons.

That said, as a Viper main, I do have a question, Rito Altombre. The notes say that Viper’s Snakebite is losing 1.5 seconds of duration (which I support since I don’t like Viper’s boring postplant meta), but I do have to ask: Does this duration nerf impact the damage of Snakebite, or does the Snakebite simply do its damage faster to compensate?

Sure thing! I'm not a designer, so take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding is that this tuning is enough so that Viper's molly will still kill enemies who stand in it for the entire duration, but it deals the same DPS as before. We've reduced the duration of the molly to lessen her stalling and post plant potential, but it's 6.5 seconds so it's still enough to be lethal on enemies hiding in corners and flush them out.


Originally posted by TheGreatCatsby__

Another thought process would be instead of nerfing KJ to match Cypher, thoughts on buffing Cypher instead? His cages used to slow down enemies on contact, might be worth reintroducing to see how it plays out with the current agent pool?

Just to be clear, we're not nerfing KJ to match Cypher, just sharpening her playstyle a bit. I suspect she'll still be a good bit stronger than Cypher after these changes


Originally posted by sypwn

Its price IS actually decreased this patch, we just missed it in the notes. Following up on that now…

Now the patch notes say

GUARDIAN Price increased from 2250 >>> 2400

Oh man. Going to reach out to our editor now, it's the other way around. Guardian costs 2250 now!


Originally posted by ebreen

Where is volume slider fix? Guys come on..

Unfortunately this isn't a gameplay thing, so I have no visibility on progress here. I can only speak to gameplay changes :(


Originally posted by TheCatsActually

The CD changes to Killjoy only revert her back to where she was before she had to remain in range of her turret and alarmbot, but I'm personally very concerned about the CD changes across the board, or rather the utility nerf across the board. I don't know what direction you guys are planning to move in in the near future but a big part of why people are playing Valorant over CS:GO is the abilities. Even discounting the feelings of random players, the utility and economy nerfs are likely also going to result in more save/eco rounds in pro play, which is way worse for the viewing experience. Pro Valorant up to this point has been (in my opinion) much more engaging to watch than Pro CS because unlike CS, where the economy is brutally expensive and so you will often see when a single CT drops while anchoring a site the remaining 4 just give up the round not even one minute in and save on the other side of the map, Valorant allows for the spike to be planted constantly and the defender...

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Hey, I appreciate you sharing this sentiment. We share similar concerns with changes of this nature, for what it's worth - we don't want to move the needle so far that the economy feels extremely punishing or that utility is rare, for sure. But, in the previous economy, we felt that players weren't making interesting decisions - utility was so cheap and numerous that players could often buy full utility loadouts without much planning or forethought.

Ideally, these changes should increase the relevance of some of our close-to-premium weapons like the Bulldog and Guardian while also encouraging players to be more thoughtful about which abilities they're purchasing and when. We want every part of a player's buy to be deliberate and meaningful, rather than defaulting to heavy+phantom/vandal+full utility most rounds of the game without putting much thought into it.

We'll continue to keep an eye on this tuning going forward, though! We totally recognize that our utility i...

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Originally posted by IFapToCalamity

I appreciate your proactive response! It will be interesting to see how she performs in the context of all these gameplay tweaks

(Using this as an excuse to finally give Skye a shot because her changes are intriguing)

Yup, totally agree. KAY/O is obviously a big addition against trap sentinels like KJ and Cypher too so we’ll be keeping a close eye on her for the next patch or two as well. I appreciate you keeping an open mind on this one!


Originally posted by raptearer

Surprised they didn't touch the Guardian, would've thought it'd get a price decrease too

Its price IS actually decreased this patch, we just missed it in the notes. Following up on that now…


Originally posted by Jooj_Harrisonn

Great, 2 nerfs for Yoru and 0 buffs, not even a note saying they are looking for a way to buff his footsteps. Just delete him already.

I know y’all are tired of hearing this, but we have a larger suite of changes for Yoru that weren’t ready to ship yet. The changes in this patch are just to bring his abilities into parity with others of their ilk (flashes and signatures). He has significant changes coming, they’re just going to be a little bit; we’re iterating on the last few pieces.

I know it’s frustrating. We’re frustrated too; Yoru’s a cool agent and deserves better than his current power level. We are working to get the changes out as soon as we can, though.