

22 Apr


Originally posted by Shuriman_Sensei

Yeah her niche is: Sentinel but actually viable

Sage is the strongest agent in the game, though, and she's a sentinel! But yeah, these changes made Viper have a stronger defensive profile for sure.


Originally posted by HadiElR

What do you guys think about so much hate on Breach, yet him having one of the worst win rates in the game? I always wondered what a balancing team thought of that.

It's definitely not ideal and something we talk about. We've learned a lot about the tradeoffs of utility's power and utility's frustration since launch. We've tested some things internally, but won't have anything definitive (if we ship changes at all) for a bit regardless. Definitely an opportunity for us to improve on, though!


Originally posted by TMystik

i have a question if i may ask, how does one get to work on the balance team? do you need to be high(ish) ranked like in league where you need to be in the top2% or are there currently no ways to join the team since the game is still so new?

Unfortunately there aren't any super clear paths to get onto the team right now outside of design - currently the "balance team" consists of Insights (data/strategy), Design (to analyze problems/pitch solutions/implement solutions), and Production (to account for our workload and coordinate timelines with folks on different teams). We don't have a "high skill" requirement, but since a lot of folks in this working group have been on the project for several years, most of us tend to be on the higher end of the skill spectrum; definitely not a requirement though.

AFAIK we don't have any openings right now specifically for balance, but all of our content designers also work on balance (if you make a character or make a map, you're also part of the process of balancing it) so "the balance team" may be a bit bigger than it seems on the outside.

If you're interested in general gaming/career advice feel free to DM me here or on Twitter, always happy to answer questions!

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21 Apr


Originally posted by Elsiselain

Can you tell me which factors would you consider when you balance the agent? For example,as you said, Skype is the agent that relies on the teammates, which makes her difficult and inconsistent on ranked but pretty strong on actual comp. Do you aim to balance her so that she gets relatively ok pick and winrate on both comp and ranked or balance her solely on her performence on either ranked or actual comp?

We definitely consider both. Skye’s power is looking alright in matchmaking and competitive play right now, but we also consider our design goals for the character and what type of experience we want to foster. If we were to make changes to Skye, they probably wouldn’t be purely balance-driven; numerically she’s not bad.

An example of changes like that would be the Bucky changes - numerically, the Bucky actually wasn’t overpowered, believe it or not. We made the changes primarily to make the weapon’s identity more clear and understandable (left click focused instead of right click sweet spot focused).

We strive to have our agents be in a healthy spot both in matchmaking and pro play though, for sure.


Originally posted by roooooyal

A completely different question in the hope that I get an answer, since there was no statement on this subject for a long time.

Are you guys currently working on a better deathmatch and is there an estimated time when it will be finished?

Like litteraly every pro/top player dont like how the deathmatch is right now.

Unfortunately I don’t know anything on that front! I work on core gameplay and balance, alternate game modes are actually handled by a separate team entirely.


Originally posted by UsualInitial

Are you allowed to reveal whether Breach really does have the 2nd lowest win rate (behind Yoru) like Valorant buff claims it does?

Yeah this is true. Breach’s winrate is pretty low, but better than Yoru. Player surveys also have him as the most frequently selected “overpowered” agent, so it’s an interesting dichotomy.


Originally posted by TheyWillCowerr

Regardless of Brim's win rate % for right now, you guys don't think hes still the weakest by a long shot out of all the controllers right now? He already had a close to 0% pickrate AFTER his buff in the pro scene beside on bind which he will also according to pros now be replaced on with Viper.

Are the controllers balances done for now or will we have to wait for more data before further changes?

I don’t think he’s the weakest by a long shot. Brim could definitely use some help in pro play, but for our entire matchmaking playerbase he’s actually quite strong rn.

That’s not to say there aren’t room for improvements, but looking at the rest of the roster we probably have higher value opportunities to invest in. Brim is doing alright.


Originally posted by Yash_swaraj

Can you please tell us how the Reyna nerf impacted her WR? Is sage again at the top in terms of WR? Also, have you thought of making this data publicly available?

It impacted her winrate fairly in line with our hopes - reduced her winrate in lower MMRs while keeping it fairly similar at high MMRs.

Yeah, sage is still the top agent in terms of winrate and playrate by a pretty good margin. Publicly available data is more of a comms thing than a data thing, but it’s something we’ve talked about!


Originally posted by c_lo-

Curious what Astras win rate is right now? I’m assuming below 50? There was that post yesterday with the Korean astra plays and the guy claimed Astra is OP and would need nerfs.

Astra’s looking pretty healthy winrate-wise. Below 50%, but not too far!


Originally posted by UsualInitial

I think the main reason for the discrepancy is because brimstone seems to have higher win rate right now in lower elos. People who in lower elos are usually less likely to use tracker sites. Congrats on balancing viper though :)

On a side note, how do you feel about two of your newly released agents (Skye and Astra) having the lowest pick rates? Are you OK with these being super niche picks in ranked and only really seeing significant play in competitive (kind of like gragas/azir/lillia in league) ?

Brimstone's winrate is actually higher than Viper's across all MMR, with the exception of high elo (like, top 2%+), where Viper wins out. Good theory, just less focused on "Brim is better in low elos" and more like "Viper is good in the super high elos". It's also super close - I'd suspect Viper will probably overtake Brim in a patch or two as players master her kit even more.

Regarding Skye and Astra - I can give my take, but the best person to ask would be the head of the agent team, Riot MEMEMEMEME. For purely my opinion - Skye is inherently a very supportive agent who relies on teammates to extract a lot of value from her abilities, and Astra is a big-brain agent that scales on coordination, game knowledge, and creativity, so we've always expected them to be on the more niche end for agent picks - that's okay. We're always thinking about if there are ways to improve the experiences that we have on live, though, so that doesn't mean we wouldn't explore tweaking aspects o...

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The data on most of these 3rd party sites looks very different than the data we use internally - often times due to sample sizes, incomplete sample populations (like opting in to share your stats via some collector app), or data biases (like not controlling for mirror matches). I'd take a lot of this stuff with a grain of salt for now until the ecosystem gets built out a bit more - it just takes awhile to get all the tools online and accurate.

Happy to go more into details around some of this stuff, but wanted to drop a few anecdotes from our internal environment:

  • Viper is actually 50% winrate now for the first time - that's correct!
  • Viper isn't the highest winrate Controller - Brimstone is, actually, but it's very close.
  • Viper's pickrate is a good bit lower than 50%. It's gone up since the buffs, but she's still more of a niche pick overall.

13 Apr


Originally posted by Jooj_Harrisonn

Where are the Yoru buffs they said they would change again?

We're looking into additional Yoru changes now. No definitive timeline, but we think he could still use some help.

01 Apr


Originally posted by RocketHops

I honestly don't see Yoru as a failure on your guys' part. He came out a little weak, but I had faith you guys would give him a few small tune ups which I think were all he needed. And from what we have heard, the main reason these changes for him didn't come sooner were due to the Masters tournament, which is an understandable reason.

I think what I'm trying to say is I'm a bit worried we will end up with a balance meta cycle that feels really swingy. One of the reasons I stopped playing games like Overwatch and Fortnite, for example, was that it felt like they would balance so aggressively that the meta would just swing from one overpowered strat to another, with no actual balance in the middle. I'm hoping this doesn't become the case with Valorant as well. Either way, thanks for explaining the motivation behind the shift.

Oh yeah, I definitely don't think we want to do that either. We mostly just want to be more proactive in addressing agents that have clear issues and feel more comfortable moving quickly and adjusting, rather than making yall wait for such a long time for updates.

In general though, we want our balance updates to feel natural, not hyper disruptive. I don't think that'll change.

31 Mar


Originally posted by RocketHops

Yeah this does not bode well for me. I have been really happy about how they handled balance up to this point, I do not like the sound of making bigger patches with more changes to swing things harder.

It's less that we want to intentionally disrupt things and more that we want to be more confident in shipping changes to move the needle. Yoru and Viper are good examples; Yoru's been out for over 2 months now and the entire community has generally come to the agreement that he's really bad and not worth playing.

That's a failure on our part, in my opinion. An agent shouldn't feel like a trap to play for that long without us intervening. Viper is a more difficult case, since she's just very complex, but we've wanted to ship some improvements for her for awhile now and have been playing more conservatively than we should have been.

Like always, we'll gather feedback on this approach and continue to iterate forward - but more than anything this is about doing the types of changes we want to do more consistently and holding ourselves accountable to those outcomes.


Originally posted by Hubbardia

That's good to hear! In one of the threads, someone raised a good point: for agents that have had a low pick rate for a long time (like viper) it may take some time for people to learn how to play around her and come up with counter strats.

Will you be giving some time for the agent to settle in the meta—especially after aggressive buffs—even if they might seem OP for a patch or two?

Yeah, it's something that we consider a good amount. Normally, buffs take awhile to settle in because whenever we buff an agent, we see an influx of new players who aren't as good at the agent trying them out - so typically we see the opposite effect (agent's winrate starts off as low or unmoving, then gradually climbs up as players learn/newer players transition back onto their main agents).

We also have the capability of looking at experienced players on a certain agents' winrate, as well. For example, with the Viper buffs, we'll want to see her winrate on average, but also what her winrate looks like within the group of players who've already dedicated a lot of time to Viper.


Originally posted by RazTTV

Wow I’m actually surprised to know that breach has the second lowest win rate in the game!

Like you said he’s more of a frustration to play against especially when combined with movement agents like Jett and Raze.

I feel like only his flash is strong and rest of his utility are pretty meh which could be the reason why people don’t take him that often?

Anyway Thanks u/Altombre for your insight on this! And keep up the good work 👌

Yeah totally, I hope I didn't come across as trying to invalidate your opinion - the way you feel is pretty common and it's something we talk about a good amount!

I think a big aspect of Breach's lower success in matchmaking is also the burden of coordination he places on the team; since it's hard for him to capitalize off of his own utility, he tends to need to work with teammates more than other agents. We often see agents that require more coordination (Skye, Breach, Astra) have lower matchmaking winrates, but that doesn't mean their utility isn't objectively powerful or feel tough to play against. This is why you see some pretty damn powerful Breach plays in pro, but he's not quite as successful out in the wild.

Keep sharing your feedback with us, it's super valuable to understand our players' perspectives. Whenever you can frame your grievances as a balance issue (I genuinely think this character is too strong) vs. an experiential issue (regardless of power, I ...

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Originally posted by Sharky1214

also the bucky has a stronger left click now, buff to left and nerf to right

This was largely the intent. Shift the Bucky's power profile more in line with expectations for a shotgun - the left click should be a lot more reliable now, with the right click being more of a dedicated chip damage option that's a lot harder to actually one-shot with.


Originally posted by SoKawaiii

Starting with 2.06, we’re taking a more aggressive approach with our updates, so that we see a larger impact to Agents with each one.

This is great, hopefully it doesn't backfire

We're opting to be more aggressive, but also line up resources ahead of time and draft out contingency plans so we can react quickly if we overstep on something. For example, on this set of Viper changes, we have a changelist ready to implement if she ends up being way too strong and we need to dial it back. We have this for launch agents too, our agents have just historically launched pretty weak and needed buffs more than nerfs!


Originally posted by RazTTV

Need breach ffs

Flash lasts for ages and on top of that I can’t even dodge it as the flash could come from any wall or any angle, I can’t dodge it even if I do a 180 degree turn as Il still get flashed for a second

That’s not bad? How about when the flash is not even on my screen and I still get flashed for a second


Breach is actually the second lowest winrate agent in the game (Yoru is lower, but we'll see if that remains true after the 2.06 buffs). However, your sentiment is pretty common - in our patch surveying, we see a good chunk of players feeling that Breach is overpowered as well as frustrating to play against, namely because his utility robs agency from enemies (can't see, can't shoot well).

It's something we're talking about. Having an agent who's objectively weak in matchmaking but also frustrating to play against isn't ideal, and we have some ideas for things we may want to try in the future. Just wanted to hop in to call out that changes to effect game balance/winrate and changes to effect the experience/enjoyment of playing around an agent are very different, and we like to talk about both.

30 Mar


Originally posted by mysteryoeuf

So the bucky changes are actually a buff for the left click? Both get improved (reduced) spread but now the right click gets 1/3 of the pellets. Interested to see how this feels

Yeah the Bucky’s left click should be a lot more reliable now. We’ve talked about it internally as a largely power-neutral shift - left click is better now, but the right click isn’t really lethal anymore. It’s used primarily for chip damage or as a last resort, you ideally want to set yourself up to use the left click though.