

14 Dec

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

same tbh but I’m not sure I count for this

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We see the ID in the ticket; that part is automatically filled in on our end once submitted. Please select the ‘Purchases’ category on that menu and that should take care of it. Terribly sorry for any confusion.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

As far as I know, all we really need is your Funcom ID; the other fields are not necessary for this issue. You can leave things like server number blank or enter some random number; it won’t affect the resolution.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, quite an eventful day so far :sweat_smile:

Wanted to leave a small update here - we’re still investigating this issue, although do not have a widespread resolution as of yet. In the meantime, Support can straighten out affected accounts on an individual basis by submitting a ticket through our Zendesk help portal:

Please be sure to include your Funcom ID in your ticket, as that’ll help streamline the process. Edit: Or, just click the “Help” button that pops up on the error message.

We’ll provide more updates as soon as information is available. Thank you for your patience - we know this is far ...

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11 Oct

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Terms and Conditions for #MemoriesfromArrakis

05 Oct

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The servers will come down for a restart 2023-10-05T13:00:00Z. The downtime is estimated to take 1 hour.

29 Sep

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Formatted OP for clarity. Will continue to update and add things.

28 Sep

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Event spawns should have been disabled already, so the fact they’re popping is an issue. We have a crash fix scheduled for the next patch, though. Thanks for the reports.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the end of the day, the spears in question were not intended to be as strong as they are, but we acknowledge the impact things like this have on player experience and, ultimately, trust. It’s far from ideal, and again, will be addressed next week.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate your words of encouragement and will allow for that admittedly much-needed ego boost, but I’d like to ask to keep this thread on-topic for reporting anything new or of the status of server performance. <3 Thank you all!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

To be fair they did also mention the Funcom team and I’m happy to pass along good news. :slight_smile:

But yes, also, I have all my points in Grit and Vitality

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hm. These all sound like things that aren’t intended to be happening and I’ve brought it up with the team.

I’m also perplexed by this. Will ask around; is this happening to anyone else that you know of, or anywhere else for you (such as single player, etc)?

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. I agree some of the patch notes could be clarified further at the very least.

Now that today’s patch is out, we can leave this thread open and I’d love to see how or if server performance and lag has improved, or if there’s any other new emergent issues that popped up. I updated OP with some extra notes. Thanks everyone.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

For what it’s worth, the spears were not intended to have the stats they currently have and will be normalized with their equivalents in the next hotfix, slated for next week. We weren’t able to squeeze that in for today’s patch, and I’m sorry for that. I’ll forward the snake info onward, thanks for the report.

26 Sep

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We began work on the upcoming patch before the live version released, and an unfortunate reality of software development is sometimes unforeseen things happen even with testing. There’s also a big difference between knowing an issue exists and how to actually resolve the issue, and some solutions will take longer to develop than others - which is why sometimes a followup patch needs to happen. I’m not saying this is ideal, but this is where we’re at, and we’re working to address the issues brought up.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is there any way you could provide more details about this, such as screenshots?

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey that’s me! We have a hotfix scheduled for deployment later this week (barring any unforeseen problems), primarily addressing server performance/lag along with a handful of other things, like followers set to guarding doors not returning to their posts. I’m being purposefully vague on the date because I’d hate to promise an exact date and then find out something went wrong with deployment but the current plan is this Thursday, please don’t hurt me

We have at least one followup patch later on that will address more hot issues, although I don’t have more details on that one; we’ll keep you posted when it’s near release.