

04 Apr

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a known issue and we are looking to have this addressed in a hotfix.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, there’s more coming than just the return of the stack split window. We’re looking into solutions for items not being moved between containers or within your inventory consistently, right-clicking for consuming items, item information on the radial wheel, and a couple other things.

We’re also aware of folks saying they’re dying to ‘falling through the world’ and sometimes logging in sunk into foundations.

We’ll have some more details tomorrow.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

For the purposes of internal bug tracking we need to have each separate issue be its own separate task (we use Jira, for those familiar). For places like here, yes, a complied list of known issues is good and something we typically do. We’re in the process of collecting more feedback from the Chapter 4 release and will have some details of an upcoming hotfix posted tomorrow.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re bringing the stack splitting window back in an upcoming hotfix, currently due later next week. We’ll have a post up about this update, some hot issues, and other things tomorrow.

In the meantime, please don’t get at each others’ throats nor antagonize each other. Having a disagreement with someone (or us) is going to happen, but this conversation needs to pull up. Thanks.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello! There were some crafting balance and harvest rate changes in Chapter 4 that were not initially listed in the patch notes - that has been rectified. You can find the changes here:

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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the extra coordinate details. We’ve passed the info along for investigation.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We appreciate the reports and information, but belittling staff and fellow Exiles (not to mention inserting unsolicited political commentary) is not constructive and not welcome here. Cleaning up a few posts.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The dates posted initially were incorrect and were removed. I’m sorry for the error and confusion.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The following changes went live with the Chapter 4 update, but were missing from the notes. We apologize for any confusion caused by this omission.

Crafting Ingredient Rebalance

  • Significantly reduced crafting costs and required crafting time to alleviate the burden of time-investment for many aspects of the game
    • Steel bars now cost 3 Iron bars to make, down from 5
    • Steel bars now take 10 seconds to craft, down from 15
    • Steelfire now costs 1 Tar, down from 2
    • Steelfire now takes 10 seconds to craft, down from 20
    • Bricks now cost 5 Stone, down from 10
    • Hardened Brick now takes 10 seconds to craft, down from 15
    • Shaped wood now cost 5 wood, down from ...
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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Exiles!

Age of War - Chapter 4 is well underway, and we’ve been busy delving into your comments and thoughts from the update! We’d like to take a moment to share some info around the release, clarify some things, and give you a heads-up on what’s immediately ahead:

Amended Patch Notes

There were some additional changes to stamina regen, crafting balance, and Official Server harvest rates introduced in Chapter 4 that were not included in the patch notes on release. We’ve updated the patch notes to reflect these changes. ...

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27 Mar

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Public Beta client has been updated with a new build. The update notes are mostly the same as above, although have received an editorial pass and some additions:



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15 Mar

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Hey there Exiles,

Recently, we announced the Age of War: Chapter 4. After our developer stream, we kept on listening to you on our social channels and noted down some of the most asked questions and things you are curious about the new chapter. Enjoy reading and let us know if you have anything else you are curious about!

Is the Siege of Al-Merayah going to stay in the game?


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07 Mar

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there Exiles! Please use this topic to discuss the Age of War Chapter 4 update and its various intricacies.

See the notes here:

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

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  • Using the Burning Siege Boulder Trebuchet Ammo at the new Luxur Camp on Is...
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15 Dec

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve seen reports of this as well, and this was not intended.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, unfortunately I have to nix my original reply here; we’re wary of pushing these changes on a Friday and will hold off until Monday at the earliest to adjust decay timers. Our intent is still to have increased decay timers for the holidays and into January, though. I’m sorry for my miscommunication.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

I actually have to suck up pride and say I may have jumped the gun on the decay timer changes; we’re holding off on making changes (as noted, it’s Friday…and changes on a Friday are spooky) until Monday at the earliest, although our intent is still to increase decay timers for the holidays and into January. I’m sorry for my miscommunication.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some stragglers may still be resolved today but, as much as it pains me to say, at this point in the day I wouldn’t expect much more until after the weekend. I’m sorry.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please don’t spam tickets; that will not speed up the process. We performed an automated process that should clear up the majority of folks affected, and that process is separate from ticketing. If you were unbanned today then you would not receive an immediate reply on your ticket.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Only 1 ticket is needed if you’re still experiencing issues with your account, and if you already submitted a ticket when the issue first sprung up, then you don’t need to submit a new one.

The vast majority of accounts affected by this issue should be back to normal again, but there’s going to be some accounts that still need manual intervention to fully resolve. :confused: