

17 Jun

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all. I have two anniversary events about to launch concurrently starting tomorrow so I’ve been a little busy. I apologize for the wait. Will work to get everything going as quickly as possible.

12 Jun

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Servers are back up!

11 Jun

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re patching tomorrow, June 12 at 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 UTC for anniversary prep! Both servers will be down to apply this patch; downtime ETA is 2 hours. Additionally, RK19’s level cap will be raised to 175!

Timezone converter:

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06 Jun

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congratulations, heroes! For achieving the Daily Challenges goal during the 11th Anniversary Event, EVERYONE has a free claim of the special Fierce Keshian Panther until June 18 2019.

1 claim per character per account!

30 May

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s definitely been a learning experience (then again, what isn’t?) and I hope to be able to have that stat/rule refined for the future if we go this route again.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

11th Anniversary Event EXTENDED to Monday, June 3

Hark, heroes! Rather than ending Thursday, May 30th, the Age of Conan 11th Anniversary is extended to the morning of Monday, June 03! This means one more weekend to get all your daily login rewards, extra goodies, and leaderboard progress finished up!

The Community Leaderboard Challenge will also end June 03 instead of May 30. Atlantean Shard rewards and the special mount (if you can earn it!) will be distributed later that week!

Good hunting, warriors! Can you make that final push for daily challenges?

(All times EDT)

22 May

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello friends!

The first ‘season’ of the anniversary challenge is done and we’re sorting through all those eligible for the prize pack. The goal is to have the shards for the first round distributed by the end of this week although if not, they will definitely arrive by the end of the anniversary event (May 30th). Thanks for your patience and congrats to all who placed!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving to correct forum.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Launchers are updated.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s up in the patch notes section; today’s patch was to fix the outstanding issue with Aquilonian Necromancers’ destiny quest as well as to flip the leaderboards to season 2.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was my fault, sorry for the notice. It was at least on the launchers. Servers are back online.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 22, 2019 (Hotfix)


  • Scrya no longer requires Aquilonian Necromancers to restart conversation to continue destiny quest

16 May

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Anniversary Community Challenge

A multi-pronged challenge celebrating the 11th Age of Conan Anniversary!

Hark, heroes! New challenges await with great rewards for those who rise to the top!

The Anniversary leaderboards will temporarily replace the Unconquered leaderboards for the remaining duration of the anniversary event.

First, if every soul bands together to complete as many Daily Challenges as possible across both Crom and Fury, all shall be rewarded a special Panther mount with a unique tint compared to the mount you’ll get from daily login rewards!


Next, we’ll be awarding 600 Atlantean Shards to the top 100 overall players on Crom and Fury across two categories:

  • AA Points Gained
    • Counts total Expertise gained from the start o...
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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today isn’t over yet! :stuck_out_tongue:

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m cleaning up some replies in this thread. Please remain objective and respectful with your feedback and commentary, and please refrain from being at each others’ throats if you disagree on a topic. If you really need to debate or argue a topic, kindly take it to DMs.

15 May

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Servers are back online!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 15, 2019 (Hotfix)


  • Aquilonian Necromancers are able to progress Destiny quest with Scrya.
    • Known issue: Aqulonian Necromancers will have to speak with Scrya twice in order to advance “Travelling Home”.
    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We now have an in-game poll available for those who log in to RK2019. Please vote for what expansion you’d like to see come first!

(If you click the poll window off before casting a vote, you can find the poll again by opening your daily rewards window. Limit 1 vote per account. Clicking an option automatically casts your vote. Poll active from May 15 - May 22)