Read moreYou never explained a few things.
Why nerf E speed? It’s already low. PBE All Out E is literally the same range and speed as E on live. You have to understand how bad that feels.
I get the idea behind swapping All Out E range for lower cooldown and maybe it’s just because it’s so slow now but I think it should have slightly higher range than tank form. Maybe not 400 range but 250 -> 300 and speed 1000 -> 1300 sounds more fair I think.
Why remove the auto attack resets on Q and E? Removing these just makes the champion more clunky for zero benefit.
I like the R changes in theory, my favorite part about K'sante is going ham in R with weaved autos and Q's, but it's actually better on live than now, because K'sante's Q cast time is so high + no resets. It went from .17 to .35, literally double the cast time. I feel like the slow doesn't need to be the same in All Out as it is in base form.
How about 40% slow for .5 seconds and .25 second cast tim...
E speed is not nerfed. It had a strange paradigm previously where dashing to allies added his movement speed to the base speed, but the free-target dash did not. Now his movement speed is always added. PBE scraping probably didn't pick up that change. New E speed is slightly slower before boots 1, slightly faster on boots 1, and faster on upgraded boots.
Auto-resets are extremely elite-player-skewed in a way that's not very interactive, but as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I think you are all correct about the Q changes and have returned that reset. I am truthfully on the fence about the E reset, as dash resets certainly feel very good but are also a lot of early-game power.
I think that the some amount of Q cast time increase is important for reducing K'Sante's reliability. The exact magnitude is up for debate, and I'll be keeping an eye on it as a possible avenue for buffs if we think we've achieved the goals once this ships.