30 Apr

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

These posts are going to start hitting different :( Nonetheless!

Prior to Jag's post about the upcoming exploration about the jungle changes you published a "State of the Game" QGT. And something that immediately stood out to me is the mention of increasing accessibility into the jungle "without undermining the core skill and flexibility that current junglers love."

You once said to me that the core design pillars that Morello and the team at that time introduced are pretty much still used to benchmark design decisions.

One of those pillars is Mastery. These changes in my mind go against that pillar and instead introduce too much hand holding. It is tough to balance complexity and accessbility I get it, but for League to achieve even more longevity, it has to mantain it's identity (competitive, hardcore game). It is OK if games showcase a challenge, the jungle is a rough rule but there are external factors that amplify that difficulty.

A lack of a ...

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Mastery is and always will be a design pillar, but that cannot mean that more mastery is always better, or it follows that we should always look to maximize the challenge and reward of every aspect of the game, which would come at an unacceptable cost to other design pillars, or even to the mastery pillar taken as a whole. This is especially true in a team game like League. If the output of a mastery difference in the jungle (or, sometimes, simply a few unfortunate events in a row) is too frequently deciding games, it undermines the output of a mastery difference from other players in other roles. The simplified benchmark here is something like "being better at jungling should be an incredibly high skill ceiling endeavor that preserves important skill tests jungle players value (pathing, ganking, tracking enemy junglers etc.) and it should be worth making the effort to improve and perform well," which doesn't require that the outcome of overperforming is single-handedly winning the...

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15 Dec

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I pitched this name with the reasoning that "Fantasy should sometimes teach people cool new words." Mission accomplished, you love to see it.

14 Dec

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ApprehensiveTravel7

Anivia IS disgusting and overbuffed, it's kind of funny that in the patch notes they even admitted anivia is "technically" balanced or something and then they just massively buff her lol

I think something was lost in translation between the original internal context and the patch notes. The context was meant to say that we began looking at Anivia because she felt very underwhelming even when technically balanced. Then, she lost a lot of power in preseason midway through that work, so the resulting changes were shifted to be more power-positive than the original plan. I can see how that did not come through in the final wording, sorry about that.

10 Dec

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oraphy

Short question when it comes to the itemizing structure. Especially with IE now being put in 3rd place for a lot of crit ADC's, when you were talking about Runaans as a late game item, do you have a statistic on how often ADCs actually get to 4-5 items?

Usually the 4th item slot has to be some form of defensive item that you need in order not to get completely blown out of the water be it e.g. a GA or QSS. Thus Runaans would only make it into the 5 th slot, basically fullbuild, considering that in higher elo's the game time is only somewhere between 26-28 minutes, that would make it only a niche item that most ADCs would still forgo for a different choice probably most of the time.

Right, but there's still value in having late-game not entirely solved all the time. Games being 27 minutes on average doesn't mean long games don't happen, and long games should also be of the highest quality we can deliver—they make up a lot of the most memorable and momentous games. "I need more damage" is a really valid desire at 4th item, even if in a lot of gamestates it's incorrect. If you have a lulu protecting you, or if they're short on divers but heavy on tanks, it's good to have an item that fills that need. The issue we ran into here was a dearth of valid second items that felt good for some marksmen, which, as you're identifying, is a much bigger problem because games always make it to that point. That's why Runaan's is moving back to that slot. Choice is more valuable early in the game because you always get there (hence one of the reasons Mythic items can offer a lot of value to the structure).

09 Dec

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tervort

Mortal reminder always gave 20 AD. The only thing that changed was the cost going down 200. The patch notes accidentally copied the mercurial scimitar AD change down to reminder as well.

This one. Patch notes originally incorrectly wrote the Mercurial changes under Mortal Reminder and left out the Mercurial changes altogether. Both items were buffed. Mercurial more stat efficiency, Mortal Reminder less cost. Patch notes still seem off though, I've passed it along and it should be corrected (for real this time) soon.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

All super fair and makes sense; FWIW I'm not "pre-selling" myself on the idea that Runaan's will be weak without the buff I mentioned. I'm very excited for this revert and really appreciate you guys giving all this stuff a go and being truly aggressive with these changes to get stuff right.

Thanks again for being responsive, as a player it means a ton to get to directly speak with you guys about your thought processes. ADCs definitely were a bit weak on launch but that's obviously totally understandable with so many moving parts in preseason, and at this point I'm super amped to play with the 10.25 buffs tonight after work and even more amped now for next patch.


Awesome to hear. Thanks for asking thoughtful questions.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Quick question: I love this change, but compared to before preseason the item has lost almost 300g in stats (and that’s before considering that crit is a weaker stat inherently) while only getting 100g cheaper.

That being the case, is there any world where you guys could/would buff the bolt scaling to a flat 50% at all levels instead of 40%? It’d make the item much nicer in the mental space with the bolt damage being exactly half of your primary autos, while also making up for that lost value to make it more of a power neutral change.

Regardless, as an ADC main and Jinx/Aphelios lover I really appreciate your insight and you guys taking the time to think this through. Also appreciate you giving it a shot as a late game item even though it didn’t really work out.

A lot of items have different efficiencies compared to last season overall, because we care more about the ecosystem than individual items' power level. Items exist to create interesting and compelling choices and power progression/fantasy, and each individual item can range pretty broadly as long as it's balanced enough against its competition in-slot. In other words, if the subclass (basic attack-heavy marksmen) remains weak after the 10.25 and 10.25b changes, we'll try to find the best way to buff it, which might be through Zeal items or might be through something else. If it seems that Runaan's specifically is failing on either of those axes, through being unsatisfying to build or complete or through simply not being powerful enough to be a competitive purchase on champions who should consider it, then we should figure out a way to accomplish that (which very well could mean buffs).

One reason many items lost some amount of efficiency is that they also grant mythic pass...

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    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kyvant

What was the thought behind making the item worse than in s10, exactly?

You can check my other comments for context if you're interested.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Swiftswim22

what technical limitations inhibit yall from changin the tooltip lmao

10.25b is actually a micropatch. Riot leaves the office for two weeks immediately after, but we still want to put out a smaller, low-risk balance patch. We're missing localization resources and don't deploy a new game version at all.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by djwonskee

Just wanna say first, thanks for taking the time to reply to these threads. I’m sure ADC mains appreciate being able to see the thought process behind the decisions.

I wanted to ask what your thoughts on the state of Mortal Reminder are right now. I often have the feeling of too many balls to juggle as an ADC in terms of buying items—needing to buy Damage, Armor Pen, AS, and a defensive item and then on top of that a situational Grievous Wounds item. If I need to buy Mortal Reminder, then I’m likely stuck without a defensive item or without a core-identity zeal item(e.g. Runaans Jinx/Aphelios, Rapidfire Cait/Jhin). If I choose to sacrifice my damage, well, then I don’t do any damage.

On another thought, do you believe armor is too strong in the game currently? By mid to late game we’re talking base armor that negates 40-60 percent of physical damage which, in turn, necessitates the buy of last whisper items. If armor was tuned and last whisper was removed I think b...

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I would say that it's currently optimal for non-marksmen to buy Grievous Wounds. If you do have to buy it, it's intentional that you have to give up a property (lacking defense and utility is the expected tradeoff in most cases, though not always). Would love to find a way for GW to actually feel actively good to buy, but alas today is not that day.

I think armor is tuned pretty appropriately atm. Don't think LW items are optimal until pretty late in the game unless against multiple tanks or unless inability to kill a single tank is impeding your ability to fight.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by photographyraptr

Honest question on Zeal items, outside of champs that need runaans I haven't seen any Zeal items built all season (or built them myself). With the attack speed that mythics give + boots and AD / crit damage down, it feels like stacking the more ad focused crit items is just what feels best since it seems like a zeal item will just gut your damage. With IE becoming an auto 3rd item forever, what will make me want a zeal item second over the collector (or NQB on Xayah) even with the change?

Zeal items should be powerful for DPS on champions that are mostly basic-attack reliant, and generally stronger (comparatively) as you progress towards third item, picking up more AD. Phantom Dancer is a very high DPS item if you can actually basic attack. RFC offers a unique property in attack range.

I can't overstate the amount of feel difference a couple hundred gold on components and finished item can make. One of the main reasons that AD items felt more powerful before was they actually were just much more powerful.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by setocsheir

to be fair to riot (lol), I can see how they were trying to keep runaans as a late game item choice but they didn't account for how dogshit some champs are without their runaans interaction (aphelios, jinx, etc.)

Basically this. Preseason is a time to try some things out—turns out that other champions weren't really interested in Runaan's later in the game, even if it's technically powerful. At that point, the choice is to try and figure out a different way to execute on it being a late-game item or to go back.

The delay on changing it back was because the rest of the marksman ecosystem also clearly needed some changes, in more obvious ways. Zeal items were underpowered and peoples' purchasing behaviors' take time to catch up. By 10.25, the other Zeal items are almost certain to be often better than Runaan's second on the usual Runaan's suspects, which was closer to the originally intended purchasing structure. However, it was pretty clear by this point that many people really like having Runaan's properties on certain champs every game and, especially given the long-shot odds of landing the broader late-game appeal, I decided there was more value in trying to tune it competitively ...

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    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by aaabbbbccc

does it still have the 40-70% scaling on bolts? would be massively buffed compared to season 10 if so.

Nope. Since the 10.25b patch has technical limitations, it will probably have to read as 40-40% until 11.1, when we can change it properly.

03 Dec

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ser3nity91

Amazing replies I’m about to follow you on Twitter. You really don’t have to cater to all these people whining about buffs, but you still do! Thanks for being so active in the community!

<3 Unfortunately, I'm quite inactive on Twitter for the last year. I do hope to try again sometime soon, because it's so good for disseminating information more broadly, but I've found it pretty bad for my mental health in the past. I'm much more comfortable being able to insert myself into smaller conversations like this, because I feel like I should reply to everyone, which gets exhausting quickly on a platform like Twitter.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Joellinii

Why aren’t jinx and sivir being buffed they have been sitting at a below 47% WR for far too long now lol:(

We expect some of the systems changes here to favor them. The lethality marksmen are suppressing them somewhat and some of their items are getting buffed (Essence Reaver for Sivir, Zeal items + Zeal itself for Jinx). Still talking about the best path forward for Runaan's, which obviously will affect Jinx heavily, though Phantom Dancer is very likely to be a better second item on her next patch (it's very close already, when you account for the inflated winrate data on Runaan's from being an expensive item—similar to how Deathcap has always had very high winrates in slots where it wasn't actually particularly powerful).

Basically, if a champion isn't way out of whack and we still expect to be doing systems work in the very near future on things they buy, we're going to prioritize the systems to avoid e.g. buffing Jinx, then buffing her items, then nerfing Jinx again. The goal is to get to stable as quickly as possible, and we're paying close attention to marksman items right...

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    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by definitelynotSWA

Good to know. Thank you for the info!

No problem. Sorry for any confusion or alarm! This could have happened when I fixed a bug yesterday where her crit anim was still slow—but it's still working fine for me locally. QA is hunting it down as we speak.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zanol

The Anivia auto attack buff was one of the things I was looking forward the most, and it already got reverted lol

It's not reverted. Must be something funky going on—wall is reverted because of visual issues with some of the skins at non-100 increments (since that's the size of a wall chunk), and the rest is all going through with minor tweaks if anything.

Edit: Just tested on PBE as well. Seems like the change is correctly still in, not sure what's up there.

21 Nov

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Swainivia

I 100% think these buffs are enough to bring Anivia to a more than playable state. I'm not asking for more than what you've already implemented, but I'm wondering what you thought of Anivia's passive, and if you'd at any point considered scaling down the CD with ability haste, or some other form of change.

Did think about passive. Didn't feel like putting power in it would help as much as the other places it could go, especially when we're looking for play-feel improvements.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OK_Bubble_Buddy

It's just a visual bug really so I wouldn't worry about it. Game will just take a second to realize that they should've been pushed this way and not the other.

Ah, I see. That's unfortunate, but I don't really have the capability to fix that as a designer (or to know how difficult it even would be to fix, I think). Thanks for the info.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Swainivia

Have you considered removing the cast time on her wall? Or bugfixing it so that people can't just walk through it sometimes?

I think removing the cast time on her wall would be a bad change for the champion. Being able to consistently stuff movement skills would require her to be weaker in other areas of her kit and would also be most powerful in support, because that utility doesn't scale with gold, along with encouraging her to hold on to her wall to use it reactively instead of proactively setting it down to define the battlefield.

If you have specific reproduction steps for people walking through the wall, then I can take a look, but I haven't seen it myself.