Just out of curiosity, not wanting to be a bother, but I’ll admit this isn’t at all the direction I expected buffs to go in. How do you and riot in general feel about her health and squishness, since that was another large reason she built ROA? I almost expected the buffs to just be on the lines of the kassadin health per level buffs (although these are VERY nice, just not what I expected)
So, I definitely sympathize with the health decrease. Ultimately I looked at it as: I have X amount of power to work with to make Anivia feel like a functional modern champion. Where do I put it?
If I had extra room left-over, or if she's still too weak after these buffs, I very well might consider some sort of base health or health per level, but it just didn't make the cut over any of the changes I thought were most important (and I had to decrease R damage somewhat to even make room for what's here).