02 Jul

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aotoi

I hope you see this comment: have you folks looked at a very similar character from dawngate called Mina(i think)? She also became untargetable by attaching to her allies, but she took a percent of damage they took, and was encouraged to detach with cc on detatching. Obviously yuumi can't be the exact same as she currently exists, but mina never felt as bad to play against because you knew you were punishing her when you hit her host.

Yes, of course we considered and even tested a number of mechanics like this, both in original develompent and when I was making the large set of balance changes to Yuumi. Mina came up in conversation more than once, as well. They generally felt absolutely terrible to play, and generally betrayed the core conceit of the champion. They also often led to a lot of resentment for the person you were on, because they were actively killing you with everything they failed to dodge, and that was a pretty huge miss on the feel we were looking for. Ultimately, my takeaway was: was a fine path to look at, glad we tried it, it really was not even close to working in any incarnation we tested.

I think a totally different champion could probably exist with a mechanic like this, but Yuumi is quite far off from being that champ and (more speculatively) that champ also likely doesn't hit the same audiences that we aimed for with Yuumi. That's a good question though, thank you.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JohnnyTruant_

I have a question about the champion mastery curve brought on by the mention of people twisting stats to fit their agenda, if you don't mind me asking.

It made me wonder, is it even hypothetically possible for a difficult champion that for whatever reason in this scenario is only skilled players to have the same mastery curve as an easier champion that for whatever reason in this scenario is only played by not skilled players?

I know in practice skilled players will use the easier champ if it's good enough, and lesser skilled players want to try out complex champs too, I'm just wondering if it's even theoretically possible for similar graphs to come from different situations like that, or am I misunderstanding that particular graph entirely?

I've never considered this because it's definitely not realistically possible. It is theoretically possible for a high-skill champion to have a flat mastery curve if every person who played that champ is already skill-capped on it from their first game. So, your answer probably depends on how you define "skilled player." If it's "high MMR player," then no, for a number of reasons. If it's "someone who has mastered the champ already (somehow, even though they just came out)," then...maybe.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DestructiveParkour

Quick question: if two champs have the exact same pick rate, but one is picked only by mains and the other is picked only by first-time players, will they have a different depth score?

Also, really appreciate the point about being hard but having no counterplay- that's why I (and a lot of other people) hated the akali-irelia meta.

Yes, they'll have a different depth score. That's what depth is meant to measure.

To your second point, absolutely. It's easier to identify this lack of counterplay when the champion looks easy or the result is consistently achievable across all skill levels, but Akali and Irelia at high levels of play during that period often completely shut out their opponents' options.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kadexe

They weren't as popular before they were nerfed either.

This is correct. Power is definitely impactful to both breadth and depth, but nowhere near that impactful.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ContentDetective

This is riot's equivalent of LS saying "nemesis don't have a champ pool issues, in fact he has a champion ocean" and proceeds to lose because of champ pool issues. She's braindead in the sense that after people play enough games on her they never make punishable mistakes. It's a mistake to have put her in the game.

Hi, we respond to this in the post. Yuumi should indeed be more punishable, which is a counterplay issue and makes her non-interactive. A champion can be both hard and non-interactive—that means opponents are likely to think she's "braindead" when she's actually not. That's not an excuse, but instead a more accurate statement of the problem, which should still be resolved as much as possible. If a champion has to play 34-dimensional solitaire to win but is permanently invisible and untargetable and never leaves the fountain so opponents have no input into their outcomes, that's no good.

26 Jun

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dage-The-Ninja

Pretty sure it's more of an overhaul on the shop, I'd be surprised if they even touched items to the point any class rework did.


25 Jun

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MCrossS

Would you consider adding an AP ratio to Ashe's W?

A bit of context: I've played support Ashe since 2013. Back when Ashe's passive was Focus, it made for a really strong laning phase with high powered instances of poke. She's always been a great Black Cleaver support champion and it's incredibly fun to play.

Why an AP ratio though? Ever since they added Stoneborn Pact to the game (Font of Life in runes reforged) additional strategies opened up for support Ashe because of Frost Shot, particularly using Ardent Censer on autoattack based comps (everything Ashe does triggers Font of Life, allies heal from it and gain the buff). The problem is the item itself feels fantastic to buy, but the path feels miserable. AP does nothing for Ashe except for adding 1/0.5 AP to her ult, so spending money on a Wisp is a low point.

Support Ashe can also build a couple of AP items viably, like Twin Shadows and Liandry's, but again, the AP only really affects your R casts and ...

Read more

I hadn't considered this one. Thanks for the thorough explanation. Can't promise anything, but I'll put it on my list of backlogged "maybe this could be good" champ changes.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Thyloon

Guys, we found a member of the balance team in the wild.

Get your pitchforks!

I work mostly on preseason now, not patch balance. Just saw an opportunity to add some fun. :)

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by R21Twelve

How much does the balance team take ARAM into account? AP kogmaw was already hell post-16 before that massive buff

Not much—the modes team balances ARAM separately, and we're confident that they'll follow up appropriately if anything ends up being out of line. The reason we mostly disregard ARAM is because there is already an incredible number of constraints on any balance work when you consider all of the audiences (MMR, Role, Pro/Normal) that play the game even just on SR.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shark_Keeper

Even if it were the case, I fail to see the issue with buffing underplayed champions while giving them new skins. It’s a good thing no matter how you look at it.

And thanks for the buffs ! I used to love AP Kog, can’t wait to play it again !

Cheers, I've been happy to see other people from the olden days reminiscing about AP Kog and excited to give it another spin. Have fun!

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

Don't worry dude, I'm sure you can throw a sneaky lux buff in the next patch for an easy bonus.

Great, thanks, now I have to wait a couple more patches to throw you off.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

Except the skin team and balance team don't talk and skins are planned like a year in advance

Yeah, I buffed off-meta builds for Kog and Nunu because I had some spare time and felt like making them more viable was pretty low-hanging fruit (high fun-for-players:work ratio, putting some newly viable (hopefully) builds in the spotlight without a lot of time invested since no mechanical changes were needed as the champs had pretty good build separation already). I sure wish there was a Nunu skin too so I could get my fat commission, though /s

05 Jun

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Polderjoch

Thanks for sharing, it's always super interesting to hear about the development and future of champs in the background.

I feel like the only champs I can think of that really lost a big part of their thematic are Aatrox with his revive, and Illaoi lost part of her thematic with the removal of being able to fight back against her spirit pull, even though gameplay wise it's not really a big deal.

Yeah, the Aatrox removal was not taken lightly. In cases like that, it's a bit easier to see looking back but a lot of their troubled post-release development comes from a dedication to preserving the cool things that make each champ unique. Sometimes, though, the right call in the end is to make the cut (I would argue that Aatrox ended up being one of these cases). If a champion is hewing really close to their thematic pillars but is inaccessible to most of the players who would enjoy that theme because of balance, we're still unfortunately failing to deliver that theme properly to players.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cyberplums

Love these kinds of design stories, thank you!

If I may ask, is the live balance team usually greatly concerned with keeping a champion’s original theme intact during gameplay, or are practical solutions for balance way more of a priority for them?

As someone who used to work on that team, and still works closely with them—theme is definitely a consideration. The team always tries to keep theme intact (or even enhance it where possible), though the work is often all about trade-offs in the end because no balance change is going to be perfect and they all cost something to someone.

I will say that if any change is going to more severely undercut theme, the mandate will often be to find another way to get the job done, because theme is clearly an important part of our champions.

10 Apr

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ZERXOK

I think they do a bad job, but so does pretty much every other game designer. Game designer and people in general suck at balancing games.

If everyone who does a thing professionally seems to be bad at it, I think that implies that either the job is very hard, the standards set forth are unachievable, or both.

That said, we'll always try to get better and meet players' expectations.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I think it's inevitable that some champions will feel out of whack for some players when we have a game that's as complex as League. Glad to hear you're feeling good about it.

15 Feb

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Caenen_

Fixed because Shakarez pinged you, or fixed because the fix was coincidentally underway already?

Edit: I just read up on the comment chain. I assume you caught the part where the 'cast' trigger for spellbinder and co was in the wrapper, not the actual spell, too?

I fixed this one earlier this week coincidentally, and I should have the spellbinder bit sorted out for 10.5 since 10.4 is already locked.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by haji1823

is that a ffs for “thats a different bug that shouldnt exist” or a “why does that also work?” lmao

I want to say I can't believe it triggers Spellbinder...but I can believe it

and I'm not happy

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AzuBK

Oh ffs

/u/RiotKingCobra make me fix this please

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by haji1823

wait no stop. ive been using this for months to save people D:

edit: also it works with spellbinder. rakan can stack a spellbinder in 2-3 e, if you e1 to an ally and spam e2 to someone far away. (if you are gonna mention one might as well mention it all)

Oh ffs