

11 May


Originally posted by Ozaiko

No problem, thanks for the update. Might have missed previous mentions. Hope you guys will keep shipping new interesting content other than champion skins.

Absolutely looking at new spaces. Just some other projects we want to finish first.


Originally posted by Ozaiko

Hey Bellissimoh, any updates on the Announcer Pack you "announced" almost year and a half ago ?

Mentioned it before, it’s not on any of our immediate roadmaps. Things have changed a lot during the last year of quarantine. Honestly a bit of a flub on my end to allude to it so prematurely.


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

It is

They are

24 Apr


Originally posted by TimMeijer

Tahm Kench has a couple of wonderful zingers. Telling Dr. Mundo "Your diction is as exemplary as your intellect" is a work of art. Love me some strong tomato Neeko, but Riot put in the work with Tahm Kench and it shows.

Taunting an enemy Ezreal:

“Your youthful rebellion is as tedious as your hairstyle."

23 Apr


My first reaction: “Oh man all these Tarics gonna spam ulti what a mess.”

Sees enemy team is Sylas: “Oh my...”

15 Apr


Having perseverance and pushing yourself to better tomorrow than you are today is something that everyone should be proud of. Grats. :)

13 Apr


Originally posted by King_Manny

Will look out for the show! First impressions; the prestige skin looks great. The white and light green work well together. The actual skin colors are just so dull and don't look good.

Appreciate structured and thoughtful feedback. :)


Originally posted by SpiralVortex

Interesting they're moving from red on the Conqueror skins to green, wonder what the reason is?

Hope Jax mains like it cause that skin at first glance is a hard pass.

The DWG skins look exceptional, though I'm a sucker for blue skins.

Like Championship skins from Worlds last year, we’re trying to theme Conqueror 2021 closer to the events visual theme and colors. Let us know what you think once the skin and the show are live. :)

03 Apr


Originally posted by TParadox90

gonna suck when the 100$ chromas look good

Heard everyone’s feedback last year. This year you’ll be able to get each champions individual chroma through individual champion skin bundles.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Odomar04

"No, I'm fine, I 1v1 him ez"

An ally has been slain

High quality post. High quality comments.

25 Mar


Incredible work by an incredibly talented member of our team. She also has a great creative eye and promotes the art of other talented folks on her Twitter: @YBourykina

17 Mar


Originally posted by papu16

You just described why I like Kayn and his oddissey skin especially.

Such a good call out. Agree that skin is best in slot currently for me.


Originally posted by Gwapollicious

Thanks for the answer. But, how about the in due ones that didnt get the chance to be reworked yet like shyvanna, skarner, etc. She got no skins for 4 years because of this sole reason. Would those champs still gets neglected? Or when they reach the bottom of the days without a skin club, thats when you go and work on a new skin for that champ?

For champs that aren’t on deck for a VGU or VU for a while, we do what we can to make skins for them. Good example is Shyvana. We thought the Ruined thematic was a really good fit for her so we decided to make a skin for her rather than wait.


Originally posted by Daniyalzzz

Yeah as a cat lover, this skin is pretty much top of the class for me.

Could honestly have sold me on this beeing a new champion instead of a skin with how much of a new personality it has compared to base Blitz imo.

The laser chasing is something I could watch on loop forever.


Originally posted by Taran_Ulas

Mainly because items get deleted or champions move off of certain items and onto different ones quite regularly. It's a lot of extra work for something that isn't guaranteed to stick around or even be heard more than once or twice a game at most.

This is exactly right. Quantity shouldn’t be the primary measure of quality. Resonance and cohesion with the core fantasy being presented are much stronger indicators imo.


Originally posted by Aaron4451

This is probably my favourite VO they've done for a legendary skin, it's incredible.

Being able to have a dialogue between two very different characters adds not only a lot of creative canvas for narrative but also a lot of room for straight up fun. :)


Originally posted by Gwapollicious

If yah guys do all the remaining champs that had'nt had a skin in 2020(whose champs had their last skin in 2018-2019), you would hit 2 birds in one stone in 2021. It means that there are no more 1000 day club skins and all champs have an updated pool of skins in just 1 year, which was just last year.

I hope you could also tackle in your future article about champs that Just got a VGU, in due of a VGU and VGUs on developement and way to their relaunch. Tell us what are the last straw in making their skins in the future. For ex, Udyr just got announced as the next VGU after mundo, when will we expect his next skin? Will it tie to his re-released or months after cause it will put him again first in the "days since last skin" category. Then, examples for in due of skins is shyvanna, skarner, etc., would you guys held back again and release skins for them in a long run or did your game plan change and you'll be focusing on doing them skins more often like unpopular champs, unle...

Read more

Lot of questions but I’ll describe one broader dynamic that covers a lot of what you’re talking about.

Whenever a VGU or VU is being done for a champion, we try to avoid making skins for that champion for a period. The reason is that when the base look or ability set of a champion is changing, it can be really painful for skins teams that are working on personalization content for that champion.

Wasted work or work we have to redo can be really frustrating and demotivating, so we tend to wait until a VGU or VU is complete before jumping in and making something for a given champ.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Can’t comment on unannounced parts of future roadmap. The survey was meant to help us understand what players really wanted to see out of that line up and why. Some things get great feedback and we fast track them through production, others aren’t as widely liked and we have to dig into feedback to reflect on what changes we can reasonably make.

TLDR - You’ll have to wait and see. Really appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey if you did though. Can’t emphasize enough how much it helps us.


Originally posted by Frodolas

The animal ones are better.

In all seriousness, glad you like some of them. :)


Originally posted by Oreo_Scoreo

She was cool and she liked me, I was one of four kids that actually knew how to play and shit, the rest took it thinking it would be easy credits, so I knew she was joking. I just memed on her hard cause she clearly hated disco and I wanted to rib her for it, cause most people seem to hate disco from my experience. Gimme some Disco Fever funky bassline while I just ignite kids on Rumble and I'm vegging.

Here’s hoping that these skins live up to what your disco fantasies have painted in your mind. :)