Good catch. Would like to see their explanation for this
We’re doing some work to modernize some services that are extremely old and fragile.
This was an unintentional change related to the underlying service that powers win of the day.
Good catch. Would like to see their explanation for this
We’re doing some work to modernize some services that are extremely old and fragile.
This was an unintentional change related to the underlying service that powers win of the day.
Was a gg. Pretty hectic finish. Also your Samira popped off. Fun game. :)
I know they wont do it but i wish theyd disable this skin in ranked till fixed. its unacceptable
Edit: they did tbh im just a hater
The skin has been disabled and will stay disabled until we can fix it, likely Monday. Will be conducting a full retro to see how this happened.
If you have ANY Swain games right now, HOLD THE f**kING LINE AND DO NOT STOP PLAYING 3 SWAIN GAMES A DAY.
The SQUEEZE HAS NOT YET BEEN SQUOZE. There will be a (LP) ladder attack by Seraphine abusers that could trigger Swain to go down to 40% winrate, BUT DO NOT STOP PLAYING SWAIN.
Remember back to 2015 Skarner's 70% winrate. We haven't come even close to hitting the peak of Swain's winrate yet. Everyone KEEP PLAYING SWAIN AND WE WILL HIT 70% AND WE WILL ALL COLLECT OUR FREE LP!
💎👐 THE LP TO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
/u/Bellissimoh these are all sick, glad the team is experimenting with even more new thematics. Are any of them legendary or all 1350s
All 1350. Though any Aphelios skin is actually quite a bit more work than the average 1350.
Read moreWell since I took part in a (sorta) negative comment thread in this wholesome post, I wanted to also share what keeps me coming back.
For me it's the progress. I work at a grocery store. Haven't found a job yet that makes me want to stick around. I went to college and stopped cuz I don't know what I want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on as a career. I don't have a whole lot of marketable skills apart from talking to people. I can draw (copy) what others have drawn by sight. I can read pretty fast. That's it lol. So as sad as it is, this game keeps me from feeling like every aspect of my life has stayed frozen. It's one of the few things that I can actually look at myself and be like "yup, I'm getting better at this". I've played the game for years and love helping others in it. I can talk about it for hours, I can understand the LCS commentary and see where their conclusions on plays come from (could never do this with physical sports). I can teach about it, I can ...
Thanks for sharing your story. It’s not common to see people be vulnerable and transparent, particularly here.
It takes humility and bravery to put yourself out there. If you’re ever looking professional advice or coaching, hit me up in a dm.
Did someone say Dunkmaster Twitch?
What constitutes whether a skin would come to LoL PC or not?
Depends on a number of things. When and where we come back to a given thematic, also what the production timelines and how much bandwidth we have between other releases. Also finally, whether or not people liked the skin on the platform it originally released on.
Idk why, but up until watching the video, my mind always inserted a "t" before the "h" in your name. You will always be Bellissimoth to me now lol
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what's the difference between unique and exclusive? Unique - being the only one of its kind. Doesn't that mean it will only be on Wild Rift?
It means that it will be coming out only on Wild Rift at launch. It may or may not come out on LoL PC at a future date.
That blitz skin is so sick please hope it makes it into the game. Actually pushing the boundaries on what skins could be.
This is indeed already on the roadmap. :)
The Debonair 2.0 also looked really sweet. Sad we aint getting both. Anyone know if that was Malzahar btw? The pet looked like a voidling to me.
It was indeed Malz. :)
Shoutout to Riot for having closed captions instantly available with the video upload. That's a neat little point of accessibility that you don't always see.
Anyway, there's a lot to be excited about here, but something really cool that caught my eye was that they're set on releasing a Wukong and Rumble skin this year. The 1,000 Day Club will officially be dead by 2022.
must be nice to work at a place where you can afford to do that, I'm at a different gaming company where we don't have that budget leeway lol
Tight budgets can be very tough, create tension, and make it hard to do all the things you want to do. They also force organizations to have clear priorities and going through the process of narrowing down to what’s critical is important. That last bit is always a valuable muscle to build and will always be useful.
Long way of saying. I feel you, it’s tough, but hopefully you take something out of it in the long run. :)
thank you for sacrificing profits to keep this subreddit more bearable
While I’m sure people look at the decisions we make in terms of skins and believe we exclusively look at short term results, the real story is that it’s also about long term trust.
Will a Ivern skin be hugely impactful to Riot’s bottom line? No, probably not. Do we think that there are players and fans of that champion that we want to maintain a long term relationship with and continue to build trust with? Yes absolutely.
Not every company will make these decisions the same way. Many places I’ve worked think only about financial results for the next quarter and nothing else. That’s why I love working here at Riot, because there’s a broader view that’s always focused on building something long term with players.
And with that Shyvana skin, the 1000 day club is empty...for now
EDIT: Nevermind, Wukong's been in there for a week, and Rumble just joined.
It’s true. We’re close to no one being in the club anymore. Still more work to do. :)
When I see all the amazing cool content that this company pushes out, and how big the universe exploration is getting, it makes me happy that Riot still takes time to listen to us and communicate with the player base.
It always seems like they never forget about us and that even though they are a mega-corporation, they actually have the player experience at heart and make games because they love them, not because of the money. Seems like the money comes when people actually enjoy and love making these games.
It’s true that the scale of what Riot is doing grows with every year. It’s also true that we believe that focusing on the core game experience and making that the best we can is our core focus.
Thanks for the kind words. Happy holidays. :)
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. As others in the thread have mentioned, for a lot of emotes we work with external artists and we'll be meeting with this artist to understand how this happened. In the meantime, we'll be putting together a plan to address the situation.
This is my long term goal that I’m not sure I’ll ever actually hit. Grats on the achievement. Hats off to you.
Absolutely amazing work. The dedication this took to complete is pretty inspiring.