My favorite thing about jungling is that it’s a role that’s always about opportunity costs and making decisions with imperfect information.
If you farm an extra camp, your forgo tanking a lane. If you gank a lane, your camps go unfarmed. All of this while there is another player somewhere else hidden on the map that’s making the same set of decisions for their team.
That being said, when you jungle well, you can be highly influential in a game. Also when you out jungle an opponent, you’ll feel like you’ve downloaded their patterns into your brain and know their every move before they make it, which can be ultra satisfying for some people.
If all of this sounds exciting to you, then jungling is definitely worth pursuing.
A couple of solid resources for me have been foxdrop and Virkayu’s YouTube channels. They have a great mix of champion specific jungle guides along with broader tips for all junglers.