

03 Jun


Originally posted by Kinowolf_

You ever get tired of telling people that?

Maybe just shorten it to be like Blizzard: Soon (TM)

That “Soon” is trademarked so don’t wanna step to close to that. Jokes aside new features like this have to be rolled out carefully in order to ensure stability and quality of the broader League of Legends service. So no, I’m not tired yet. :)


This product is still in the works. We’ll be communicating and sharing more details as we get closer to launch.

02 Jun


My favorite thing about jungling is that it’s a role that’s always about opportunity costs and making decisions with imperfect information.

If you farm an extra camp, your forgo tanking a lane. If you gank a lane, your camps go unfarmed. All of this while there is another player somewhere else hidden on the map that’s making the same set of decisions for their team.

That being said, when you jungle well, you can be highly influential in a game. Also when you out jungle an opponent, you’ll feel like you’ve downloaded their patterns into your brain and know their every move before they make it, which can be ultra satisfying for some people.

If all of this sounds exciting to you, then jungling is definitely worth pursuing.

A couple of solid resources for me have been foxdrop and Virkayu’s YouTube channels. They have a great mix of champion specific jungle guides along with broader tips for all junglers.


TF originally having his ultimate as a regular skill was balanced.


If I’m playing a game and I make a mistake, then see a teammate is going to flame or be disruptive in chat, then I’ll mute them and do my best to shake it off and focus.

The other thing is if you play with friends, make sure you choose friends that are more focused on having fun than winning.

Playing League is all about having a good time and peeling away at that never ending onion of mechanics, strategy, and game knowledge. Try to be a positive force for change in your games and mute when it’s getting to your head.


I’ve really been enjoying these as well. I think these updates are not only improving clarity and learnability of gameplay but also clarity and strength of character fantasy.

01 Jun


Originally posted by Venrae

Something I've always appreciated about Riot is not paywalling everything possible. It really feels like the people at Riot really understand that a quality experience leads to more long term gains.

I work in sales and marketing for a small, family-owned, business and have carried that idea with me to pretty good success. It has lead to initial talks from the owner, who was concerned about me giving options to customers for free, but they were very pleased when the good-will lead to more revenue a few months later.

Kinda weird, since I'm a customer Riot profits from, but I gotta give them props. Once I realized it was working on me, I learned to apply it in real life to decent success.

It’s hard for many game companies to think past the current quarter’s results which ultimately ends up creating behaviors that prioritize short term revenue over long term player trust.

Really happy to hear that you’re finding ways to build relationships with your customers in a way that works for your business. :)


Originally posted by globlord

LCS please. I need a weekly segment tracking Rick Fox's ranked progress. He represents the good and purity of NA.

I would tune in every week for this alone.


Before working at Riot, I worked at a variety of other companies that would rarely if ever give away free content, and then furthermore their paid content was often pay for power, putting free players at a massive disadvantage to paying players.

Glad to work on a game where you can’t buy in-game stats. Even happier to work for a company that’s not so tight fisted when it comes to giving away free content.

Thanks for the kind words u/Karbairusa.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.

31 May


Originally posted by Angwar

do you know when the skin will roughly reappear as gem stone skin?

Currently slated to appear in In gem shop starting in patch 9.14.

30 May


Just absolutely love the dedication and drive that both Faker and the rest of SKT have. Really looking forward to the next competitive split. The storylines leading up to worlds are likely to be nuts.


Originally posted by TeamAquaGrunt

definitely. Pretty much every skin in recent memory has been fantastic even if some were a bit controversial. let everyone in the creative teams know that their work hasnt gone unnoticed!

Will absolutely share that. It’s the support from all of you that keeps us pushing to be better tomorrow than we are today. :)


Love the sparks on Tryndamere’s blade as he moves around now. Really adds to the fantasy of him being a badass barbarian with a huge heavy sword.


Originally posted by TeamAquaGrunt

Every legendary skin they've released in recent memory has been absolutely gorgeous. Dragon heimer, eclipse Leona, high noon Lucian, Odyssey kayn, and now this one. If nothing else, the art team is always on point

All the creative teams involved are indeed consistently stepping up their game.

26 May


Originally posted by kazr99

How do you successfully manage a wave against him. If you are a melee top you basically can’t walk up to the wave unless you are a select few champs and he just starts roaming if he is smart and getting leads elsewhere on the map once he is done f**king you in the ass.

It’s always easy to say just don’t fight him blah blah. But I’m really curious how I would approach making it so he gains no leads in lane or others lanes before we get to the phase where he is just useless.

Announce when he’s 6. Anytime he leaves lane aggressively ping missing. Sometimes I will even ping missing in addition to typing “watch out kench ulti”.

As far as laning goes, it’s pretty easy to bait kench into an all in when your jungler is around. Clear vision before jungler comes by. Let kench hit you and he will surely try to stack / stun / all in.

Also pre 6 you can potentially give up CS and either roam with your jungler into the enemy jungle or pressure mid. (Even a failed tank mid where you chunk the mid laner will help five them pressure and oftentimes the kench will shove, allowing you to potentially freeze at tower.)


One of the best ways to improve and learn is to narrow your focus:

  1. Several have suggested muting all other players. While this may not seem like a way for you to improve your play, it’s clear that the comments of others are affecting you and your confidence. Mute others until you feel like you’re more consistently doing well. Even at Platinum, most coordination is done via pings, so you likely won’t be missing out on that much.

  2. Pick only 2-3 champs that are have low mechanical complexity. Some champions require many games played in order to reach their potential. (Vayne, Lee Sin, Yasuo) Try and pick and stick to some champs that are simple. (Warwick, Maokai, Garen). Less skill shots means you can narrow your focus to last hitting or jungle paths, rather than trying to learn how to actually land your abilities.

  3. Pick one thing you want to improve on over your next 10 games. Maybe it’s higher average CS @ 10. Maybe it’s better ...

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Originally posted by AllorimNA

He's really unfun to play against and has one of the best lane phases (especially vs melee). But the downside is he has some of the worst scaling in the entire game as a top laner with dog shit team fighting.

Just straight up don't give him the opportunity to fight you in lane and take it slow

As someone who has played quite a bit of Kench top this is absolutely the right methodology to play around him successfully.