

27 Nov


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

This is a really sweet post. As someone who is Native I've never celebrated Thanksgiving, always viewing as something to be a bit more saddened over then a time to simply give thanks to what I do have left.

Ironically this year was the year I tried to view things a little bit differently. My Mother is now confined to a wheelchair and I need to care for her. But I still have her. Something not everyone can say. This post just reminded me to be thankful for that. Have a good weekend Bell. I'm gonna go hug my mom now.

Thanks for sharing fruitful. Not only for sharing about your mom, but your perspective on Thanksgiving. Best to you and your mom.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'm personally grateful for the amazing job your team has done this year despite the turbulent year due to covid, the Spirit Blossom event in particular was amazing and really brightened up my summer after a boring spring of quarantine and zoom classes. Very excited for what the team has in store for next year.

My father told me something when I was a kid and did well in one of my classes, “Now that I’ve seen you get an A, it means I can expect an A. With greater performance comes even greater expectations of future performance.”

Here’s hoping we can continue to deliver on what are ever-evolving expectations from our players.


Originally posted by penguin-cat

pet tax please provide pix of shibas


Originally posted by beardedheathen

As much as I love to complain something keeps drawing me back to league. We also named our pets after league characters. Our dog Annie and cats Kennen and Teemo. I appreciate the work you guys put it. The fire and passion that comes out is really because we love it and want it to be the best it can be.

You’ve got quite the family of fur babies. :)

Also +1 to the passion coming from high expectations.


Originally posted by toiletrage

Wise to hope for the 0/8 Yasuo since that means they won't hit the 0/10 powerspike



Some of you out there already know who I am, for those that don’t, my name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization and Events on League.

Here in the US, many of us are separated from family on a day known for togetherness. Sitting at home and thinking about what I’m grateful for, a few things came to mind that I thought were worth sharing. Here we go.

I’m grateful for the mentors and coaches who believed in me early in my career and invested in me. They gave me opportunities, positive feedback to raise my confidence, and criticisms or perspective to check my ego.

I’m grateful to have a wife that shares a love for League with me. It makes staying up for Worlds or geeking out over things like KDA into things we share and remember together.

I’m grateful for our two Shiba Inus, Ahri and Teemo. In a year where it’s been hard to be home all the time they’ve made it a joy by constantly reminding me to play and be silly, and indulge ...

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24 Nov


Originally posted by dibbyreddit

shyvana kalista and quinn mains await their turn, and im glad to say i think it will be worth it from the quality of this patch's skins :)

Hope you enjoy their skins when they come around. Can’t always promise everyone will like what we make, but know that we do take constructive feedback seriously, and it won’t be 1000 days before they get another one. ;)


Originally posted by RiotSirhaian

Riot Beardilocks is the one who gave Viktor his new VFXs! I only helped by tweaking a couple things, but 99% of the work was from Beardilocks!

You and Beardilocks are da real MVPs


Originally posted by Berserk72

I saw it and thought the main reddit should enjoy the hugs. Thanks for all you hard work, I know the internet can be hard but keep smiling =D.

Very much appreciated. :)

23 Nov


Originally posted by Berserk72

This was fantastic. Hang in there friends. :)


Originally posted by Krabohod

Hi there! Will Elderwood Ornn be available in hextech chests after it becomes just RP skin (not charity skin anymore)?

He will continue to be available via direct purchase. We thought it wouldn’t be fair to Ornn mains to have his next skin locked after the charity event.


Originally posted by theboxturtle57

Everyone stay calm:

Elderwood Ornn, Azir and Ivern:

Everyone is not calm


Originally posted by Drakkros



After Dunkmaster folks said they wanted a dark Ivern skin. Here we are.


Originally posted by YellowGummy

Finally, no more daily posts about Ornn not getting skins for at least the next year bless you Riot.

We got there fam


Originally posted by zeroluffs

skins are supposed to create different fantasies for the champion

Nail on the head. Doesn’t mean Leona won’t eventually be in this thematic, but this is the reason why she’s not here for the first release of Battle Queens.


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hello, what happened to Nautilus skin? The last video implied it wasn't the Conqueror skin...

Nautilus’ next release will be in the second patch of 2021.

21 Nov

13 Nov


Thanks for reporting this. Sometimes we turn a champion to face the camera when a particular back animation looks funky or even terrible from certain angles. This is a newer feature and it’s been a minute since we’ve made a Yorick skin.

Team is looking into it.

Also while this is a bug, it does point out that yeah, we are a bit more relaxed on the “pay to lose” side of things and have way stricter guidelines and diligence on the “pay to win” side of things.

Thanks again for bringing it up. Much appreciated.

Update: This will be fixed in the next patch.

11 Nov


Originally posted by Durgens226

Ofc instead of asking for a Shyvana skin everyone will just say "She is getting a rework soon, dont worry". With nothing being confirmed for her btw

Everyone will get a turn don’t you worry.

10 Nov


Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

End of an era
Skarner finally gets a skin
2025 days

One by one we gettin em. ;)