

26 Jan


Originally posted by hyperion_x91

Thanks for the reply, this is a complete guess on my part as I am by no means a game dev or anything of the sort, but I imagine it is loading the games assets in and toward the end of that load it looks at your graphics settings to tailor the last piece toward your settings. I would guess that at this last bit it pulls the graphics settings and at the same time pulls the audio settings. Probably wrong, but that's how I imagine it working lol

I think it's actually storing that stuff in origin, and then pulls all the settings (probably after the boot level) so I think that's probably spot on!


Originally posted by caffn8d

That sucks. A lot of times folks forget there are people on the other end of their complaints. All the work is appreciated.

Thanks! There are a ton of us who would help but have no idea how, so best we can do is hope the people who know their stuff have the time to right the situation :)

They are all good people, working their butts off right meow.


Originally posted by gogogadgetcontroller

I'm on ps4, I noticed quite a few times with talking to some characters like zoe it sounds like they are talking through a can, same thing for the main character when talking to said person. Almost echoes a bit. Is really annoying.

Logged it. Will be fixed!


Originally posted by C_Rufio

I was upset I couldn’t get into the game so I joked with my friend and said “maybe the Konami Code will work” and it actually did something lol



Originally posted by xblobbyblobbyblobbyx

So, SO cool.

After everything that I've seen and heard of this game - and it is an utterly gorgeous game - the sound artists have done an unbelievable job; you da true MVPs.

Thank you!


Originally posted by VeteranValor

Probably would have taken longer to find if we weren’t all stuck at login. Still cool though!

That is very very true. Thanks for your patience, it's basically defcon 1 over here. Massive amounts folks not going home to their families tonight in order to fix these issues.


Originally posted by hyperion_x91

The problem I'm noticing is that the audio settings are loaded after a little ways into the loading screen. So when I first launch the game the audio starts at 100% blasting my ears in my headset, and then about 40% into loading it jumps down to the % I have it set to in game.

Edit: Ok after testing multiple times, it is actually 100% audio levels until around 75-80% of the loading bar then instantly drops down to the % I have it set to.

Unfortunately I think it's loading your profile and then adjusting. I can look into it, and maybe just default to 50 on PC. I'll look into it for sure.

25 Jan


Originally posted by C_Rufio

Xbox: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
PS4: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right O X
PC: Unsure as of right now.

If anyone can verify PS4 and figure out PC, I’ll edit this post!

EDIT: From u/Isbilen10 “Just did it on PC. It's arrow keys and B, A. People aren't getting it to work because they're doing it before they are supposed to. You need to get past the "Connecting..." and on to the "[Enter] to play".”

EDIT 2: Full 8-bit track posted by u/pastuleo23

Was wondering how long it would take. Nice work Freelancer!


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

yeah i googled early reflection and that sounds like it. the reverb doesn't seem to accurately portray the size of the space or the characters positioning to me when we are in dialogue.

and yes, more walla, especially in places like the bar or the populated market, and music in the bar too. i think sound effects are also very low, i could almost hear the sizzling sound of a guy frying a blue bit of meat, but it was almost inaudible and i only heard it because that entire upper tarsis area is deathly quiet.

Yeah we have spent a bunch of time on tarsis since the demo. Hopefully that's all resolved in the real game :) if not, let me know!


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

talking to zoe and the echo in her voice is very noticeable. it doesn't sound natural to me considering how close she is and...i'm not very good at describing audio, sorry. all i can say is it feels unnatural and it has something to do with the echo in her voice. i noticed it in the tarsis videos too on her and other tarsis characters that were outside.

ah, and one more thing, npcs are all quiet. i'm looking and them and they are obviously deep in conversation but i can't hear them, do random npcs not have like background chatter convos? there's also no music in the bar.

So too much early reflection/reverb when close, and not enough Walla or background conversation volume. Noted!

24 Jan


Originally posted by WarViper1337

Yay! I just want to say the sound of the various explosions are on point! I imagine I will be having a lot fun with the big boy collossus and all the exploding goodness that it brings. Thanks again.



Originally posted by Far_ice

Sure if you're free. Should I PM you after demo launches in case it is fine when servers are up and I can tweak setting?

Sounds good!


Originally posted by leeharris100

Sound is a huge deal for me in games. It really adds to the feeling of power when your guns and abilities have epic sounds.

Some of the gunshots and gun sounds in Anthem feel a little weak and I was initially thinking this is by design as they want "standard" guns to sound standard so that "legendary" guns can have incredibly beefy sounds to match their rarity.

But since you asked for constructive feedback I thought I'd mention this. Truthfully, I enjoy more punchy unrealistic sounds than realistic sounds. Look at COD BLOPS 4 for example. The Paladin has the most unrealistic Sniper sound ever, but it feels SO GOOD when you shoot and land a kill with it.

Crunchy, bassy, heavy sounds should be used for guns that fit. It seriously makes a big impact when you're using headphones.

Preaching to the choir :)

They definitely scale with rarity - and we want some impact to upgrading your gear, something we have found lacking on some other titles.


Originally posted by demonikpanther

What sound mixing will the game be getting? This would be a good game for Atmos sound mix

That is under discussion. We didn't have enough time to do it tbh.


Originally posted by Haezeus369

You guys are so responsive, it is simply amazing! As a huge PC player I love getting my hands on as much customization options as possible. I hope there will be just as many graphical options (for pc obviously). I'm the kind of person who will spend hours getting the perfect settings setup to my liking or customizing my characters. Excited for both!!! (Also this game is my most anticipated OST since witcher 3 or mass effect 3 hands down)

Awesome! Yeah user customization is kinda our bag. Any more suggestions throw em our way!


Originally posted by pig666eon

yeah keep it at - 23 lkfs @ 100% volume but please have the slider at 50% by default, we all have decent pcs that we set our audio levels then along comes a new game at with the audio up at max when you launch it, happens every game and causes alot of messing to turn it down without losing your hearing. i would be nice to see by default the volume slider at 50% by default and if people need to turn it up they can

im not sure also if you have considered the opening volume levels? there is a few games that has the credits at the start of the game that is set to max volume also with no way of controlling it, can you see if there is anything like that in the full release that would be like that? my audio setup is finely tuned by myself around lots of different programs, most games i would set to about 20-40% master volume from ingame settings, along comes the opening credits at 100% volume every time you launch it, i would usually have to take the headphones off for the 20 sec...

Read more

Hey great feedback. We could easily set the defaults to 50 percent on PC only. 24/48 would best.

For the opening, your defaults are stored in your local settings so once you turn it down once it should stick (I think they are tied to Origin or something, so maybe a new playthrough you would have to redo).


Originally posted by Haezeus369

Customized comms feedback sounds like it would be amazing, cant think of a game that does that!

We have our first petri dish idea! I'll get on it :)


Originally posted by chammer88

The menu music is frickin' awesome. Looking forward to experiencing more of what the audio team has to offer in the demo!

Yes! Thanks.


Originally posted by Far_ice

It's PC

Hrm. That makes it tricky with all the possible sound cards. Why don't you PM me and I can try to help?


Originally posted by Tonybear94

Hey so I know you've probably received feedback from this already, but I want to bring attention to the sound and audio feedback from weapons. It sounds great as it is but I think the guns deserve more of a "umph" in firefights. Some of the footage I've seen and audio I've heard doesn't seem to do justice to these mechanical deathbringers. It doesn't seem as viceral as how I would imagine it would sound, seems kinda softer than how I was expecting it. On one end you have the cheesy "pew pew" gun sounds from transformers, and on the other you have the gritty terminator 2 minigun scene.

On it. Play the demo and report back, freelancer.