

27 Jan


Originally posted by MiskatonicUStudent

I know I'm kind of late, but I thought the guns sounded great. I only used the starting assault rifle and an LMG but they both sounded heavy without being so loud that they drown out all the other sounds. Good job.



Originally posted by Thalarian17

I was able to test for a couple hours today. All I did was switch my in game audio settings from stereo to headset and I have been unable to replicate it since. I have had sound effects blackout and become mute for a short period, or stutter slightly, but it always fixed itself later on. I was in the PSN chat as well and nothing on my console was effected.

If there is anything else you need to know, I will be happy to assist! If you need form of audio recording to hear the issues, I will be happy to send some when it occurs again tomorrow.

Good to hear! Keep us posted :)


Originally posted by Metalwell

Hello, I don't know if this is addressed or actually relevant, based on my prior gaming experiences there can be something wrong with "low frequencies" of the abilities that causes some FPS drops. Can this be related? Everytime a Storm uses a fireball or lightning the game fps drops with a huge low frequency skill sound. Maybe you this can be something.

Probably more related to all visual effects that get spawned :)


Originally posted by MOCDETH

It’s never happened on any other game or movie or anything like that, completely unique to this demo. Like I say, the audio cuts out, it does it regardless of the headphones but when I am using the headphones I hear slight ringing, I thought this might be important info to maybe get to the bottom of the problem but maybe not lol. I can deal with this kinda thing it’s no issue for me quitting and loading the game back up. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of it by launch. Other then that problem the audio in this game is fantastic! P.S I have altered the audio settings in the client, I set speaker configuration to ‘headphones’ and dynamic range to ‘wide’. Could this be something to do with it?

Yeah it's probably unrelated to that in this instance. We appreciate your patience and want you to let us know if you can repro this in the ship build for sure. Thanks!


Originally posted by WarMachine425

I booted up the game one time and had the main menu theme music still playing even after loading in to Fort Tarsis. Overlapped on top of the market radio music too.

Yeah that has to do with login event ordering. Sometimes, in this build, it doesn't shut off. Going into free play and back should fix it


Originally posted by MOCDETH

Hahaha, I hope not! I use headphones plugged into my DualShock 4 so that might be difficult but I’ll try. It’s ever so subtle so I don’t know if you’ll hear it through my tv speakers. The sound completely cuts out first then the ringing happens, it’s happened 3 times in the Tyrant Mine stronghold and a few times in freeplay I’ll try to monitor what triggers it, but right now it seems like it’s random.

Errrr highly recommend not using the headphone jack on the controller. It's over BT and is subject to a lot of interference in general. Not sure if it's related, but may be?


Originally posted by MOCDETH

I get a tinnitus ear ringing sound every couple of hours!!! All other audio cuts out and I just hear a long beep until I reboot.

Sounds like a low health treatment, but I'm sure it's not lol. Can you send me a video?


Originally posted by Rikkard

While on Tarsis I get basically zero sound. I don't know if it was like this the entire weekend, but it sounds way way quieter than any other location. Even the UI sounds quieter there.

It's like a spooky ghost town where Zoe occasionally says something, but I can barely hear it.

Definitely not going for spooky ghost town lol. I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with the main game, we spent a lot of time polishing it up. If not, let us know!


Originally posted by Xaolin99

There's a sound issue you guys might not know about. Sound on PC is extremely distorted when loading up the game at the main menu if your PC sound settings are running above 2 channel, 16 bit, 48000 Hz.

Yeah 96k can cause weird stuff. Not sure if it's a DAC thing or not. I'll check it out.


Originally posted by Raide042

I don't know if it's a bug or not, but in my 10 hours of play with my squad we have yet to see any equipment higher tried than rare. Also will you be implementing randoms stats on weapons and equipment for the main launch? Ie getting 3 whirlwind sniper drops all with different damage, rof, mag size, ect?

I'm not the right person to ask. What about Brenon?


Originally posted by brandons5645

My sound didn't cut out ,but more like it all went through a Pringles can got shaken up then played through my headset

Both of these are known issues, and fixed in launch. Sorry for the hassle people!


Originally posted by Ultramarine6

Sounds great! I also love the communication from your teams (thanks for responding!), and the amazing art (both visual and audible) that have been put into the game.

I'll watch for those changes when it officially releases. :)

Thanks! We just appreciate the support.


Originally posted by Autarch_Kade

Here is a video of the chirping/beeping

You might have to turn your sound up to hear it. It happens just before a jump or just before landing, and with every sprinting step.

What in the actual eff. That makes no sense and is NOT in the sound design. Can you try changing your output format? I want to try to fix this for ya.


Originally posted by TreFlipTyler

Intel core i5-6400 2.7GHz, 8 gigs ram, Radeon RX 480 8 gigs, and I believe sound card is just an integrated one. Realtek High definition audio. I have the exact same system as her, and I have no audio issues whatsoever. When I say exact, I mean we literally bought them together from Lenovos website. I have no issues, so it can not be a system problem from my understanding. Any help would be massively appreciated.

Yeah that is tough. Without actively debugging it's hard to say. System problem is actually more likely, as they can be configured differently, have different drivers etc. The build is the same on both machines, so I would double check all her settings match yours verbatim. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


Originally posted by suedeyoung

Yeah I was thinking that it should happen to other things so I launched up other games like Overwatch and Destiny 2 while chatting with my Streaming group on discord but never happened again until I did the recording on Anthem again.

I'm currently going through a Roland VT-3 for my headset and microphone but I can try to use the motherboard output directly. Though I'm curious, if it would only be on the sound card to the headset I don't think that OBS would have been able to pick it up from the system audio right? (might be wrong there, correct me if I am lol)

That's astute. Checking captures is one way to isolate hardware vs. software. We will continue testing.


Originally posted by RealCaptcanada

Get some sleep you guys did so well today you deserve it



Originally posted by darahalian

The audio panning of dialogue in Fort Tarsis seems a bit wonky, at least through headphones: an NPC can be just slightly off center in your view, but it will sound like they are all the way off to one side of you.

Not much we can do here, panning is kinda determined my frostbite. We will take a look at the headphone mix tho.


Originally posted by thegrreatgatsby

I’m running an RTX 2070 Overclocked and an i5 4690K overclocked @4.2 GHZ on an SSD all on a 1440P display.

And Im averaging

30-45 FPS in the fort

30-45 in free play, with huge dips when stuff starts happening

40-60 during missions.

When I turn on VSYNC i drop about 15 frames, averaging 30 FPS flat.

This is all on top of the fact that my PC turns into a f**king jet engine and my GPU actually reaches 80* C

In Battlefield V, a game running the exact same engine, I get 100+ FPS all settings maxed out @ 1440p. Either there’s something wrong with my hardware, or this game isn’t optimized. If it were a beta I would be slightly hopeful that the actual game would see a huge performance increase but this is a demo, at max we’ll be seeing a 10-15 FPS increase if we’re lucky. Is there something wrong with my hardware or is this game just terribly unoptimized for PC?

I’m not hating on the game, I think the game itself is really fun...

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I can't speak for the whole ptlroject team, but I know my audio team was working on a MASSIVE amount of optimization in the final weeks before certification. I do believe we have improved a ton since this build, so hopefully it is better when you get the final build.


Originally posted by Thalarian17

Linear PCM. And exactly, which is why this is so confusing. I played Anthem again this morning without a headset and the only audio error I received after 40 minutes of playing was the audio got mostly cut off (but the playstation menu sound was fine!) for a few minutes and then it ficednitself.

Again, after testing the sound in other games and YouTube, I was never able to replicate it outside of the Anthem Demo.

Can you try switching to DTS to see if it repros?


Originally posted by fuujow

I'm having this same issue. Hoping someone has a fix for it. I already tried restarting comp and uninstall/reinstall game.

Can you post your technical specs including sound card settings?