

28 Jan


Originally posted by dfiner

Np. Thank you for doing an outstanding job. Criticisms I had were probably half bugs, or mostly fixed already. To be clear, the audio experience of the game, when it worked, was top notch, and I loved most of it. Keep up the good work, and thank you for contributing to an amazing game.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Lurern

Hehe. I would if I lived anywhere near. Norway is a tad too far. Good luck with the launch though! You could have something really neat here.

We have a studio in Stockholm :)


Originally posted by Thalarian17

That's great to hear! Thank you very much for listening! Amazing game btw. The sounds are great and the visuals are stunning! Keep up the great work!

Thank you!!!!!


Originally posted by KaosArchon

For console too! As well as a force to 1080p 60 fps! Much prefer framerate over resolution

Agree 100%


Originally posted by hugh_jas

What else are you hiring for? If you don't mind me asking!

It's not so much hiring, it's just always being open to people with mad skills. So always hiring those folks :)


Originally posted by TheOneWhoMixes

I'm late to this, but I saw your flair and wanted to know what you guys look for when building your audio team! I'd be so down for moving out of country if it means working with audio for games that I can really get behind.

It's pretty cold here :)


Originally posted by Rikkard

Near the end of the stronghold in the dead spider-thing room, I was hearing other player's shooting and abilities in a loop. I thought someone was rhythmically shooting for a while, but then a colossus used an ability and it just kept going.

I flew away and it stopped eventually.



Originally posted by Gridoverflow

I tried the shotgun in the game but it felt kind off frustrating to use to me, it feels like the downtime between shots is too long and there is little auditory/visual feedback to tell me that I can't fire right now, this was especially noticeable when trying to use the shotgun in between melees with the interceptor. I would love it if the visual recoil and auditory re chamber sound would be more noticeable so it doesn't feel as frustrating when I keep clicking with nothing happening. I had similar feelings about the sniper rifles, the re chamber time felt too long for the visual and auditory feedback making the sniper just feel kind of weak and unsatisfying. In that aspect I hope they make the weapons a bit more like they were in Mass Effect Andromeda which felt better to me, or at least the Black Widow did.

Mmm black widow. My fav too. We will work on this!


Originally posted by justdeeper-

Dear jer,

Iknow you are busy, but my roommate really doesnt have the right parts right now, to play anthem. Will the fps increase on release? Planning on buying him a pc ;)

Yes, performance work has been happening full bore since the demo build. I would expect it to better all around.


Originally posted by crum1515

I got laid off from BioWare Austin in 2012 during the epic EA “restructuring”. Can I have my old job back? Hahaha

Ugh sorry to hear. Hope you're doing well.


Originally posted by drwiki0074

After playing the demo I would say that I did run into a couple of audio bugs:

  • At points when there was a lot of stuff going on sometimes the sound would cut out. I noticed it the most when I was doing runs through the stronghold.
  • The other audio bug I ran into was in Fort Tarsis. On the map screen while I was moving the cursor around at times the ambient sounds of Tarsis would cut in and out.


In the mission queue screen when you are getting ready to embark on an expedition, I noticed that when in the social tab where you would invite other players there was no audio feedback from inviting someone. It seemed like it didn't work, although it did because I was in party chat with them and they received the invite, but there were no audio queues that let me know I had sent an invite, just a small visual queue that was pretty subtle. I feel like if there was some type of sound it would feel a little better and not seem like i...

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Fixed :)


Originally posted by dfiner

Not sure if you guys are still checking this (flagging u/BioWareJer), but I'll throw in my 2 cents after playing a lot this weekend.

  • The sound effects for most guns and abilities was absolutely top-notch. Same goes for the sound effects of flying both on a storm and other javelins (I got to try all 4 at the end). The sound effects of the Javs running are meaty and solid and really make you believe they are a strong exo-suit.
  • The above applies to when they work. Guns often cut out audio while shooting (the faster they shoot, the more this happened.
  • The storm's abilities are especially noteworthy as awesome-sounding. Glacial Spear (Spike?) is one of the most satisfying audio's for an ability I've ever heard, especially when it triggers a combo.
  • The colossus's abilities are mostly amazing.
  • Any explosive/mortar type ability is perfect IMO.
  • Interceptor Glaive/star a...
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Awesome, detailed feedback. Thanks!

Thanks for the compliments, I have logged your constructive stuff for review. I think we have addressed most, but not all of it.

Thanks again!


Originally posted by Sabotskij

I see you're responsible for the audio, though... sounds in the game was definitely one of the parts that absolutely blew me away this weekend. Applause all around from us who love big explosions!



Originally posted by vhqr

Pasting the content I made into other post:

I don't know if this is already sorted out on the main build. The game had many flaws, but what unsettled the most was the audio. I'm not even a guy who understands anything about audio design or sound in general. I just thought it felt wrong several times when I was playing. I don't mean to bash, just provide my honest feedback. Here some points I had experienced.

  • Music didn't play at times, leaving an awkward silence.

  • Other times, the music playing didn't match what was happening on screen. Specially in Fort Tarsis.

  • Picking up a codex sounds like throwing a hard cover book on the wall.

  • Audio in the menus felt off and contributed to make the UI feel unresponsive. The volume of beeps and boops didn't always match the action, if you can tell what I mean.

  • I once got a bug where the game went completely silent and I had to restart. Never seen a bug like ...

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This is all valid, your English is fine! We have fixed all of this since the demo build. Please let me know if you hear/see anything after release!

27 Jan


Originally posted by Lurern

I'd rather have a job as a coder ;)

We are always hiring! Especially awesome coders :)

Pm me if you're serious.


Originally posted by Throwawayrantyman

Can we Please, please get a FoV Slider for release. I don't wanna zoom into the back of my characters head when i fire my weapon. Or in a tight space and all i can see is my giant head.

That's not my dept but I'll pass it on to the gameplay and camera folks!


Originally posted by Thalarian17

The problem has been replicated and recorded. It effected my menu, but closing the app fixes the issue.

Thanks for showing us. This should be fixed in the release build, but I want to keep a close eye on it. Please report it again if you see it, I'll be watching for reports!


Originally posted by Lurern

I'm writing this because I think this could be a fantastic game, but it has a lot of little quirks and faults that holds it back. The post will seem negative, but I really like the gameplay. This is feedback for the PC version, as that is the only one I've played. The general theme will be that the gameplay is very cool, but everything inbetween is not. Not covering server/connectivity.


  • Post Processing: Medium or below turns off motion blur, but also makes it feel like the game renders only about half the number of frames that the fps counter displays. 80-100fps feels more like 40-50. This is fixed with it set to High or Ultra, but then motion blur is on.
  • Some of the advanced graphical settings don't apply until you restart, or have little to no impact on visuals or performance.
  • While in Tarsis, there is some weird mouse acceleration/smoothing going on, making mouse movement feel really sluggish.
  • ...
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Somebody give this person a job in QA! Great writeup, and we read this stuff. Believe me it matters to have specific, polite constructive feedback. Thank you.


Originally posted by elementalsilence

I think more ambient sound would make fort tarsis feel more alive

100% agree. We are on it.


Originally posted by Metalwell

All right! Because in other games, I have reported that "sounds" were causing issues especially the reverb effect and they fixed it, therefore I thought it may be related!

Probably a bit of both :)

We have optimized a lot. Hopefully it's better!