

29 Jan


Originally posted by Biggy_DX

I've heard that the NPC's in Fort Tarsis don't make any noise when getting up close to them. Is this is a sound bug, or just a design decision? Does it become noisier as more of Fort Tarsis becomes unlocked?

When you say noise, do you mean dialog?


Originally posted by linuxguyz

One thing I noticed:

We were just a small sample size of around 7 people. The two people who were on the pro never had the issue on PS4. But of the other 5 who had OG PS4s, IIRC 3-4 of them got the bug where they claim the audio just shuts off.

Sounds right. It's a CPU/hardware decode issue that almost never happens on the pros. Thanks!


Originally posted by BananaBob55


• I’m fighting that giant ass spider boss

• Epic music in the background

• Spider clompin around, little minion cunts tryin to take me down

• Flying around, using badass abilities

• Teammates giving pro callouts

• Feelscoolman

Then all of a sudden I go down; the music stops, the sounds of my teammates and enemies become dull, and my teammates now sound stupid without the atmosphere of the fight

The awesome and tense moment now becomes a silent wait for a teammate to come and pick me up. I’m taken straight out of the battle.

Solution? Keep the music, keep the sounds, and allow us to spectate teammates so we aren’t just watching them have all the glory while we remain frozen on the ground. We can continue to feel like we’re a part of the fight while watching our brethren battle to save us.

Interesting thread. Maybe make it customizable? Seems pretty evenly divided...


Originally posted by bhouse08

The only other uncommon complaint I have is no matter if you picked inversion look on or off while at fort tarsus the results would always be the same.

Sorry peeps! Was known (relatively hard to trap) issue that we couldn't get sorted before the demo. Fixed in release!


Originally posted by m10594f4293

what about the audio levels some stuff felt so quiet like the dialogue even guns sounds were super quiet.

i could never hear half the stuff in game and settings were at max levels

I'm worried you were getting cutouts too. The release build has a lot of mixing that should address this.


Originally posted by vhqr

A lot of us have been around since mass effect 1, so understand that we take a great audio experience seriously

Thanks for taking the time to reassure your commitment! I'm totally and I hope you guys deliver. Mass Effect trilogy certainly got its sound right and were three of the best games I've ever played.

Awesome to hear. We loved making them too :) Trust me, with Casey at the helm, we are going to do right by our fans on Anthem and beyond.


Originally posted by CroogQT

Ashamed at my inability to report issues, I will sit in the corner and think about what I've done.

Both of us were PC users.

I can't speak for my buddy, but I'm:

Windows 10, Build 17134

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X


Game is installed on an SSD

Two valid connected audio outputs (One Logitech wireless headset, the other is a sound card that was not in use).

The only resolution we could come up with for the issue was to restart the game. I tried:

  1. Adjusting the in game audio settings, hoping that having those values update would remind the game to play audio.
  2. Changing default audio device in Windows 10 around, but it didn't seem like the audio was going to the wrong output. For what it's worth, I was using my headset when the issue occurred, but the rest of my computer's audio was unaffected, and still played from my headset like expected.
  3. Restarting the game.
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Thanks. Will try to repro


Originally posted by TeaSwiz

YUS! I love that yall are staying so involved with the community, best I have seen in a long time, especially given the rough demo launch. Truly appreciate the acknowledgement.

Yeah it was a rough start, no doubt. What matters is how we respond. Proof is in the puddin, so to speak <3


Originally posted by CroogQT

I admitadly didn't read all 297 comments, but I didn't see this in u/BioWareJer replies:

Myself and one of my fellow freelancers both had the game audio stop playing back completely. My experience was during the final encounter for "Inverse Functions". My buddy's experience wasn't during the same quest, but we can't remember exactly where it happened.

I'm not sure if you're only looking for design thoughts here, or if this is the right place for that more technical issue. I'll gladly put it somewhere else if needed.

Aside from that...I played the Colossus. My chest hair grew an inch, my voice dropped an octave, and I'm pretty sure I can speak with bears now. Everything y'all did for the Colossus was brilliant in my book.

Ps4? Thanks for the props on the thicc boi :)

28 Jan


Originally posted by Tom_Neverwinter

I just hope the "market" has more than one track. that tune was so repetitive and boring.

It does! I think the randomization was busted in the demo. Sorry!


Originally posted by JudahYannis

Awesome. You guys are doing a swell job.



Originally posted by Flailing_cucumber

I must say you've nailed the sounds for the Colossus, sounds nice and meaty! The interceptor's abilities on the other hand, as others have mentioned aswell lacked this feel. This gave them a weaker feel than they actually are (shurikens suffer from this alot imo).

Whilst flying I noticed that if explosions were happening nearby, or just alot of different sound sources, the sound of the thrusters would cut out. Now I assume this is to help those sounds seem more impactfull, but the sound of the thruster came back too late. This gave it a laggy/disconnected feel. These stood out the most to me, i do love the sound of the rotating gun barrels though....really satisfying rattle when it slows down!

Yeah that was broken limiting. Fixed!

Interceptor came in hot, also fixed! And thanks!


Originally posted by JudahYannis

Not sure if this has already been addressed.

Also not sure if this is a bug or intended.

The audio for the Interceptor is very lackluster. The attacks don’t have that UMPH behind them. When you hit enemies with any of the shuriken moves or even your melee, it doesn’t make you’re making contact with the air or something.

If I hit a metal enemy, I should hear the swoosh of my blade or shuriken followed up by a clang or something once it makes contact. If I hit a monster or person...I should hear the swoosh of my weapon followed up by a fleshy slice kinda sound once it makes contact.

Again, idk if this is a bug or intended.

Yep. Fixed in the ship build :)


Originally posted by vhqr

I don't know if this is already sorted out on the main build. The game had many flaws, but what unsettled the most was the audio. I'm not even a guy who understands anything about audio design or sound in general. I just thought it felt wrong several times when I was playing. I don't mean to bash, just provide my honest feedback. Here some points I had experienced.

  • Music didn't play at times, leaving an awkward silence.

  • Other times, the music playing didn't match what was happening on screen. Specially in Fort Tarsis.

  • Picking up a codex sounds like throwing a hard cover book on the wall.

  • Audio in the menus felt off and contributed to make the UI feel unresponsive. The volume of beeps and boops didn't always match the action, if you can tell what I mean.

  • I once got a bug where the game went completely silent and I had to restart. Never seen a bug like this in 20+ of gaming.

  • Interceptor m...

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We are aware of all of these issues and have made a lot of progress over the past couple months. The release build should address most of this feedback - but we will continue to improve over the course of live service, so keep telling us what you think!

A lot of us have been around since mass effect 1, so understand that we take a great audio experience seriously, and are committed to delivering one for you :)


Originally posted by TeaSwiz

Posted this in another thread, the sound effects are great, of course the usual "issues" will be fixed but this is something that really bothered me - I hated the muffled sounding bazaar music in the hub area. It sounded as if I was in the javelin. To make it even worse, I wasn't. Which indicated that it was coming from the area, though it was a constant level with no direction so it didn't feel like it was part of the area at all, just literal background music. Make it come out of some sort of radio in the shops area, or maybe a PA system throughout. But make it sound better please.

On it.


Originally posted by IAmTheCheese007

This is not a bug, but rather a design oversight that will add a dramatic QoL change to how you experience the conversations that occur in Tarsis.

The reverb and echo effects used on voice actors in Tarsis are completely overdone. I was listening to people speak outdoors, no ceiling, and no walls next to us and having massive amount of echo. It was like they wanted everyone to sound like they were talking into a big metal silo, and it sounded terrible. This is pretty nit picky, but I can imagine how distractingly annoying this will get after playing for several hours through the campaign.

Yeah it was the wrong reverb in that build. Fixed!


Originally posted by BronzeKnight

My quick thoughts on sound.

Fort Tarsis people sounded a bit echoy and I don’t get why?

Guns were all a bit quiet would like them to have a bit more punch.

Auto cannon the two fast fireing cloud and Torrent should sound different from each other.

Colossus ult sounds great! But when you have a team of 4 colossus ult at the same time it sounds weird. As if each shot is competing for attention. Not sure what can be done about that though.

Noted, thanks!


Originally posted by Haezeus369

This was another concern of mine I had forgotten. Made the game much more silent than it needed to be even when audio wasnt being buggy. Thanks for all the awesome followups, cant wait to hear how all the audio has turned out when I get to play early access on the 15th!

(Btw you said on another post you are alot of the same people from the inquisition audio team, those sound effects popped so well! You guys did an awesome job there!!!)



Originally posted by Haezeus369

Sharing my comment made in the other audio thread

"Why does no one ever mention reload sounds? They were/are non existant... there is nothing quite satisfying while reloading like nice loud pops, clinks, guncocks, or bullet clanks. Reloads were so dull and mute the only way I knew I was reloading was the words "reloading" popping up on screen. No good visual or audio backup to this! What happened to the super satisfying reloads from mass effect 2 and 3 for instance?!?! Bioware knows how to make good impactful gun n reload sound effects!!!"

Yep. Totally.

Came in hot. Fixed in the release build :(


Originally posted by Smokron85

I mainly played interceptor. Felt the audio was weak across most aspects of the demo but on the interceptor it wasn't very strong overall.

Most abilities were lacking in punch. Shurikens barely made any noise. Spark dash didn't do any noise. Same with most abilities.

Sound on the ultimate could have been better. You get this echoey kind of sound but the slices could have been more guttural imo.

I think we have fixed all of that. Let us know what you think after launch!