

04 Feb


Originally posted by CroogQT

If you need a pick me up, go look at the number of players you and your team have managed to murder with your deathtrap of a stronghold.

I'm assuming that's how game devs get their kicks.

Thanks for the update!

Na, we're not making Dark Souls. I actually get more joy out of people playing it and having a good time. Death or not. :)


Originally posted by Cooldudeassassin

How about server drop outs. I have a reasonable broadband fibre optic internet connection and I still experienced sooo many drop outs

You were getting kicked back to Fort Tarsis or loading screen during a mission or freeplay?

03 Feb


Originally posted by originalbars

Thanks so much for responding!

My pleasure.


Originally posted by Zach182

Question, when you say Launch do you mean the 15th for early access or the 22nd for Official release. It would be incredibly annoying for those on Xbox who have ea access to deal with not being able to complete anything for the 10 hours they have to play. my friends were having this issue in missions as well and they had to do one of them 4 times before it finally didn’t crash. Essentially making the time and money wasted for your customers.

Some of the fixes will be patched on the 15th and some sadly had to slip to the 22nd. I don't know which patch this fix is in. We've made every effort to get as many fixes into the early access patch as possible.


Originally posted by DL3MA84

Gotta love this BioWare team, always on point!

We're trying to be the dev team you need.