Honestly, I can't tell if this dude is a troll, or just stupid, but all of his posts are like this.
Honestly, I can't tell if this dude is a troll, or just stupid, but all of his posts are like this.
lol despite disagreeing with you on alot of things, I think you have a fan base of thousands at least.
I've got a fanbase of at least three, I know that.
They depend on me to feed them kibble.
Supercarrier - These would be meatier and harder hitting. Their role would be a titan and dread killers, with a focus on anti-capital warfare. They'd be useless against subcaps and vulnerable to a decent sized group of subcap hulls. Their primary function would be for defense of space - these are the ships you'd pile in on people who brought an invading cap force into your space. They'd also be useful for defending your own cap fleet from hostile capitals. They'd use fighters.
Define decent.
Some folks may think a 5 man loki fleet is decent and should be able to kill this while others may think decent means you need to bring a/some dictor(s)/hictor and 15 BCs and yet others may look at the role of the dread you are proposing and say well decent should mean 50 BS's and tackle.The ideas are not bad otherwise.
I don't think it's out of the realms of normal to expect a group of 20-25 solidly piloted DPS Battlecruisers plus tackle to be able to kick the sh*t out of a dread if it's not part of a well organized strike group.
Shit like this makes me wonder how the f**k you were ever single.
hahahaha <3
I want most of this. I do still want carriers to have fighters or at least the anti fighter fighters as a counter to super carriers. Im not sure about the cyno and JF changes (JFs still need to die I would argue and not be even safer). Everything else here would amazing.
Yeah, I'd consider just a regular cloak for JFs to be honest, so that they're still vulnerable while moving, but there's a few tweaks elsewhere that could be made too.
Just spitballing! :D
Make heavy duty rats spawn on a moon chunk or anomally to force a fleet to form to support the mining fleet. Somewhat similar to an incursion but maybe not quite as deadly. Maybe it require a fleet of 10-15 to support the miners.
Oh yeah, I'd make NPCs way more savage too :P
Turning Titans into a ongrid fleet booster is the reason why these changes will never come to pass...
It will either :
Cause a mass exodus of player that spent their time farming for a titan and amassing massive fleets of those.
Just die at concept phase when 80% of CSM calls it "unfair" or something along those lines, we all know what entity makes up the majority and how many of those ships that entity has... Or yet another "CCP bends the knee" happens when the representative with a wizard hat threatens CCP with bad press/mass unsubscriptions of his loyal pawns...
I'm not interested in doing what's better for this bloc, or that bloc, or the other.
I'm interested in doing what's best for the balance and state of the game.
If that causes an initial downturn in people playing because people ragequit, then fair enough - I'd rather have a healthy and more balanced game with a happier community long term, personally.
Plus, imagine all that tritanium from all the reprocessed titans... all those resources to build with anew, hahaha
The thing with carriers... Doesn't having fighters with multiple roles make sense? I mean aircraft carriers do and they have their own weapon systems too, but they'd always be accompanied. It'd make sense for space carriers to be similar.
I suppose so, it makes sense if it fits an actual role - the beauty of EVE is that carriers don't have to mimic those in real life - they can fit a role thats defined by the needs of the game, not pre-determined by us.
And everyone liked that.
Much like your face. Everyone likes that too <3
It should be...
Thanks for the confidence, but I'm not a trained game designer - just a dude who loves EVE haha :)
What changes have you thought up about SOV and the powerblocks?
Oh man, that'd be another long ass post hahaha
Read moreHonestly, I would like capitals to be the AOE support platforms that this game lacks. FAXes glorified command ships, carriers fighter and AoE bombing platforms, and Dreads siege cannons.
Supercaps should focus more on supporting friendly fleet either by buffing friendly fleet or nerfing enemy fleets. Make supercarriers force projector users first and foremost, with highly nerfed DPS against subcaps. Make Titans the capital destroyers they always are, instead of the counter to everything they currently is. Maybe make Titan or Supercarriers dockable in a siege mode. Battleships or cruisers meanwhile would be the main battle force.
Honestly, I really think that capital ships in EVE are just bigger versions of regular ships: they do damage and tank damage. That's why bigger is better and caps>subcaps. I am not sure if it would work perfectly, but if caps are (mostly) pure support platforms with diminishing returns, I would think alliances will be less enthusiastic abou...
Force Auxillaries as a large cap sized command ship could be interesting, for sure.
Battleships aren't used anymore because of the warp speed mechanic.
And you can lock like an interceptor. Just use all your mids for Sensor Boosters.
"But that would destroy my tank/control!"
Well the FAUX pilot just committed being immobile for 5 fricken minutes. You gotta accept a trade-off somewhere.
Yeah, for sure battleships need some love to be honest.
Would be interesting to set them apart by tier - make a tier more suited to fast attack with a warp speed bonus and faster lock speed, make a set that are more attuned to attacking caps, and a set that are more focused toward a support/EW role... could be really interesting.
Some of this makes a lot of good sense. Super ratting would already be killed by the application changes. Carrier ratting with sentries would still work, but if you want to rat aligned you'd need to boat away from your sentries. Danger, danger! (we like danger)
Cynos being restricted to null makes sense, you don't see NPC cynos.
Carrier ratting with sentries would still work, but if you want to rat aligned you'd need to boat away from your sentries.
Not if carriers had no local reps :)
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Not for perfect safety , but beacause people prefer farm in big ship only beacause they could survive to 200 bomber.
If someone forms up TWO HUNDRED BOMBERS to kill a single target, then fair play to them, they deserve a shot at killing something - THAT is content, not AFK anomaly ratting in a super."
You can't AFK rat in super ... No really go test it. You can't.
If you afk you're fighter do nothing and just die to NPC. If they stop moving, npc shoot they. You can't be afk ratting in super.
You proof again, you don't know the game mechanics. Maybe you want we go in test server, and i explain to you how super works. Maybe could help you. Beacause i think you read a lot reddit and you trust a lot of people who are grrrrrr super/carrier/else. But a lot of this people do'nt know mechanics at all so ...
For the 200 bomber, how bad are you? No really how bad are you to know you're own...
I don't really understand what you're trying to get at here other than raging at me because you don't like what I'm suggesting because it'd affect your play style.
You do you bud, that's all I can say, really!
you should be in charge of game development
and in three months:
Tranquility - Online (9 Players).
What about just a BS sized logi, wouldn't even need to rep much more that the cruisers just having a BS level tank would be good and right now only the Nestor really fills that.
I dunno, it depends on what kinda role it would fill to be honest.
In my eyes at least there's no need for a BS size logistics hull when logi cruisers can hold their own pretty solidly and carriers would fill the gap for caps and supers.
Could be interesting, but I don't see the need really :)
I'm sure there's issues with it lurking somewhere, but I'd be keen for it.
Of course there are issues with it, it was me who wrote it.
That said, the stuff listed there is only part of a package of changes that'd be needed imo.
just go undercover. Call yourself rook, nobody will suspect anything.
hahahaha <3
Falcon you just proof to everyonne here you don't know you're own game :" 6 - Oh, and restrict titans and supers from using the ansiblex too - they can still use cyno beacons but not the gate. " => ALREADY THE CASE
If titan have just boost role and lance , let me be clear : you will se a lot less (so a lot less will be kill), and beacause a lot less you will see a lot less super.... So less content.
Remove all cap and super rating, i m ok : bring back local, remove cloack, and all way to stay in ennemy system without be shoot. Not for perfect safety , but beacause people prefer farm in big ship only beacause they could survive to 200 bomber. YOu can't in subcap. If you want to dekete eve : go toyou're main server and execute this command it will be faster:
cd /
rm -rf *
Falcon you just proof to everyonne here you don't know you're own game :" 6 - Oh, and restrict titans and supers from using the ansiblex too - they can still use cyno beacons but not the gate. " => ALREADY THE CASE
Wow, I've been playing seventeen years and I got one thing wrong from one recently introduced mechanic that I don't really interact with - the sky is falling and I don't know my own game.
If titan have just boost role and lance , let me be clear : you will se a lot less (so a lot less will be kill), and beacause a lot less you will see a lot less super.... So less content.
Good, that's the whole point - there are TOO MANY TITANS IN EVE - let me say that again - THERE ARE TOO MANY TITANS IN EVE - THERE IS TOO MUCH SUPERCAP PROLIFERATION.
The whole idea is to reduce the number of them on grid and get those people who were flying them into smaller, more role focused hulls....
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