

25 Jul


11:37 UTC

Tranquility is now back online and accepting connections.

Thread closed.



11:15 UTC

Downtime has run over due to a startup issue, we’re currently investigating.

11:30 UTC

We’re currently working on rectifying the issue and hope to be back online as soon as possible.

11:37 UTC

Tranquility is now back online and accepting connections.


Hey guys,

We’re currently in the process of bringing Tranquility back online after an issue that caused a delay in startup after today’s daily downtime.

We’ll be back online as soon as we can.

Apologies for any inconvenience this is causing! :heart:

  • F

24 Jul


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We’re happy to announce that as of today’s daily downtime through until daily downtime on August 21st, pilots will be able to earn up to 50,000 additional skill points per day by taking part in New Eden’s first Skilling Spree as part of the Season of Skills.

Each day, pilots will rec...

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22 Jul


Originally posted by wingspantt

I honestly wonder if there's a reason Falcon is being so open about these opinions lately. Typically in a community relations role you don't want your community manager spending a lot of time hyping up players about stuff that has zero chance to happen. It makes me wonder if, even if this isn't what's slated, it aligns in the general direction of some changes CCP has planned.

No, this is not the case - this is just me spitballing ideas, as I've said many times in both these threads.

There should be no expectations here.


Originally posted by Originalfrozenbanana

I just hope you don't have a mob of PMs come after you for siding with the fanbase about changes on the roadmap. I mean I honestly want everything you said, and I would love to play that game - I just worry that you're gonna catch heat for this.

That's the beauty of it - I literally sit and talk to our CEO about this kind of thing.

We're highly encouraged to be open about our opinions, and to discuss ideas... I'm not concerned about it at all :P


Originally posted by ericader

See this is where you lose support. The first response of “oh well a small price to pay” is the epitome of arrogant ignorance.

If some people are completely worthless to you and you have nonissue making that publically known? you cannot get mad at ANYTHING they choose to do in return because... well they were not even worth considering before they retaliated.

You like to spout ideas publically and likely bitch at the devs to make things your way, if you f**k over people please don’t (especially publically) have a “well f**k those guys” mentality. It has killed many a game community.

Kee coming up with fixes, but do the same for keeping people from quitting the game if you are going to be publically representing the company mate

I don't expect everyone to agree with me or support me.

Where would the fun in the world be if there was no chance to have a civil disagreement and talk alternate viewpoints?


Originally posted by Triqutra

It makes me mad to see people spitting on supercapital ratting when herodreads are a thing in WH for way more money per hour and way less headaches because super ratting is actual cancer.

Seems you skipped a BIG point when it comes to Super ratting. I'd rather dread rat in a WH and make 5 times the isk per hour with a ship 1/8th the cost while being in a safer environment.

So let's make it easier for people to get into wormholes too.

More connections to null? More connections to lowsec?

What's your poison?


Originally posted by Aperture_Kubi

What about also pivoting FAXs into carriers optimized for capsuleer ships? As in Force AuXiliary Deployment? Or as a sort of beach-head that isn't a citadel? Nerf the Ship Maintenance bays of the carriers and supercarriers to mostly be frigates and destroyers, whereas the new FAX would just be about on par with, but cheaper than, Titans. Possibly even be a stepping stone to it for smaller groups or just being more disposable than a full Titan.

Carrier . . . I'd probably put them in a position where they could field up to 10 sentries based on drone interfacing skills, then another five based on the level of the carrier skill.

How does that number of drones compare to the number of fighters/etc that they can put out now? Because IIRC less but tankier drones were a tradeoff for more straight drones as an anti-lag measure.

Also if we're talking carrier rabalance, it seems a bit of a shame that superheavy drones (50/50) haven't been rev...

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IMO the Gecko is OP as f*ck, that's why it's so expensive, and it's also why we don't drop that many of them into the game.

I'd prefer trying to avoid that kind of thing.


Originally posted by Ryvaal

This is so true. I don't know if you can comment, but do the people at CCP who can make changes to the meta know just how bad it is? I saw so many of my friends and people in the small gang community quit in 2016, that year in particular was the nail in the coffin for many of them. We saw our gameplay just eviscerated and really lost faith in CCP. It became ISK Maker online, and that's not what I want to play. I play EVE because it's the only MMO out there that has risk to it, but that risk has been removed for those who use capitals, or pack into one region. Remember when Imperium lived in PB, Dek, Branch, Tenal, Tribe, Vale and Gem? Now they all fit into one f**king region because of how broken this game is.

I really hope blackout is foreshadowing (no pun intended) how harder EVE is about to get.

I hope it gets a lot harder. Eye-wateringly harder.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The idea would be to make sure that you had to commit to positioning a group of carriers for logistics / combat support as part of a tactical choice when engaging.

With regular drones you can just herp derp around anywhere within your drone control range without caring about where you were positioned.


Originally posted by AsG-Spectral

Time zone tanking is doing more damage to nullsec warfare than any of this

Yup, I'd get rid of it too.

One timer on a structure, when you ref it, you get 36 hours +/- 12 hours randomly decided by TQ before your structure comes out and you need to defend it, and you know immediately when it comes out as soon as the countdown starts.


Originally posted by cultOfprobability

were CCP Rise or CCP Fozzie trained game designers when they got the job?

No idea, and not my place to comment :)


Originally posted by zerodamage

The problem with those in design is that they don't actually play the game. Sounds like you do.

A substantial number of our designers and other staff do play the game quite a bit :)

Everyone has different ideas of what EVE should be!


Originally posted by Nez_Orlenard

This is probably the 20th of these. Love you too though, thanks for the sentiment.


Originally posted by Lelob_from_EVE

It's actually terrifying that you think these are good ideas.

What's more terrifying is that there are so many people out there who still think living in nullsec is actually risky for big blocs that hold space, when a substantial number of their members are just sat farming ISK pretty much risk free under a super umbrella all day.


Originally posted by Aerlys

Titan - Flagship, no offensive combat other than a doomsday. I'd also delete all doomsdays other than the lance, and create one lance for each race that deals their damage type. I'd also make using the lance have a decent cooldown, and it'd consume fuel too. Other than that, Titans would be totally focused on fleet support via gang links and AOE Buffs with massive bonuses to links depending on race. I'd want to make it so that it wasn't cost effective or tactically sound to have huge numbers of them on field.

I'd also use titans as a mobile stargate too, much like they're used now, but have the fuel costs scale - the longer the portal is open and the more tonnage goes through it, the more the fuel cost increases. Drop the cycle time down for the jump portal for a fast cycle rate so that the fuel costs ramp up the longer you keep a portal open.

In terms of weapons, the lance itself I'd keep traditionally targeted, but it wouldn't do damage t...

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Effectively killing 2000 accounts right off the bat and rendering the Titan useless outside of bridging role, and rendering more than 500 days of training totally useless.

Cool, no worries from my point of view. Sacrificing 2000 accounts for the long term health of the game is fine by me. No stress. Don't wanna use the skills any more, use all that ISK you earned in nullsec and pick up some extractors off the market to re-assign the SP.

Or rename the ship and move them out of the fighter scheme as they are retardedly bugged in any major engagement, which render them useless.

This could actually be a super interesting avenue for supercarriers - what would you suggest their role becomes? Interested to hear :)

because killing structures is so much fun.

If people would stop sh*tting them out everywhere, there wouldn't be so many to need to kill ;) - There's a lot I'd...

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Originally posted by EmpireBuilderBTW

I think he means lowsec pockets surrounded by highsec, for example.

Ahhh, sorry - misread the question.

This isn't a change that'd happen overnight - obvious a decent amount of warning would be given for people to move out if they wanted.

As for people who're inactive and in those systems, if they wanted a one way, one shot trip to the nearest nullsec station when they came back, they could file a ticket.

No stress.


Originally posted by onemoretimeplx

What about Marauders having the ability to combat refit as part of their role.

give them something special :)

Could be interesting for sure :)