No issues reported with Tranquility over the course of the last 4-5 hours.
Must have been networking somewhere between TQ and your computer.
Glad that it’s working again now!
No issues reported with Tranquility over the course of the last 4-5 hours.
Must have been networking somewhere between TQ and your computer.
Glad that it’s working again now!
Perfectly accurate as usual. This is actually what happened.
Apart from me throwing the first punch - I never throw the first punch.
Also, I'm a biter. Biting people hurts.
The benefit for younger players playing catch up mainly, and the ability for friends to share skill points with their wingmen who join the game.
One of our biggest barriers for entry is “I can’t catch up with the people who’ve been skill training for a decade.”
It’s not a view that everyone shares, and I’m not into trying to convince anyone - I can see the benefits myself, that’s enough for me.
That said, there’s changes I’d make for sure!
Completely removing the ships would be a really silly idea, but my personal view is they do need injection restriction, and they need more defined roles for sure.
People should be allowed to have as many accounts as they want, either alpha or Omega.
That’s not gonna change, a lot of people have legitimate uses for them.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of skill farms personally, but they’re just one of those things. Our players will always find ways to min max and make ISK.
On the subject of extraction/injection in general, there’s a lot of people who don’t like it.
I’m a 17 year vet of EVE and I wasn’t a fan when we first discussed it internally - I actually lost my ■■■■ and had a “NOT IN MY EVE” moment, until I spoke in detail with CCP Rise and he ran through the design with me.
I have no issue with extraction/injection now, but I would certainly restrict it a bit more. If it was down to me, I’d prevent the ability to inject any capital/supercapital skills - caps and supers have always been an “endgame” or “veteran” goal in my eyes, and if you want to fly them you should have to commit the time to actually train into t...
Read moreSo just a heads up on this, the link that was in the email is the wrong one, and we’ll be following up with an email that contains the correct one later today!
Suprisingly, I could understand that as a Norwegian.
Doesn't surprise me, from what I've heard those two languages are the closest to old Norse that exist, so they tend to be pretty similar :D
We have these on screens in the office :D
Hey guys,
Sorry for the confusion on this - the team are working on looking into why this offer isn’t showing up
Your thoughts on allowing alliances to Pearl Harbor each other's moored Supercaps?
It'd be an interesting mechanic, that's for sure.
Well, then -- I'm glad that we've come to the conclusion that such changes to asset safety are meaningless if the will to also apply it to lowsec is missing. This was a good discussion.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Are you implying people don't do any logistics to own their space now? Because I know a lot of people who would say it is basically an entire job to keep their infrastructure running.
I'm aware of this - I ran a corporation orders of magnitude smaller than most of the alliances out there for almost a decade, and even that was a ballache.
I'm talking on an individual level, having to actually be out in space is a good thing - regardless of what you're doing.
For the first time ever, you guys managed to hit the 10,000 post limit that Discourse has on threads, so the original thread is locked automatically.
Feel free to continue the discussion of the local blackout in this thread!
Best news yet.
Maybe lead off with this. Not with the shitting on everyone stuff
But where's the fun in that? :P <3
Hey. Um. Could we maybe see something done about equipping stabs to drone boats? Or stabs in general equipped to ratting ships?
Honestly, I'd love to just delete stabs from the game.
Yes PERISH THE THOUGHT, its more than just logistic runs Falcon in that case and it is a BAD THING despite your mockery >:(
<3 I'm just messing with you bud!
one thing that concerns me when the topic of POS removal comes up is that there will be no "safe" place to titan bridge from. Currently I can drop a 500m POS, set it to a password only I know and titan bridge from it in hostile space. You cannot do the same with any structure due to bumps.
I'll agree with you on that point that cap bumping in general is mega sh*tty, but that's just how destiny works.
Not sure if we'd ever revisit the physics engine for EVE, but it'd be interesting for sure.
Thats not really a simple solution if your null group lives out in far null. Having to constantly run back and forth to npc stations sucks.
Oh no, perish the thought of having to do logistics runs if you want to hold space.
Seems like, to me, that such a vignette would drastically increase the value of 0.0 adjacent to lowsec. In addition, it'd render the value of 0.0 not adjacent to lowsec somewhere around the value of dog shit.
I suppose if you were trying to compress the map, this would work -- you could give the game a year to consolidate powers even further along the bits of nullsec that can actually support life (next to lowsec,) and then delete the untrafficked regions.
Is it cowardly and risk averse? Absolutely. Thankfully, no one who matters actually cleaves to that sort of high-faluting grandstanding bullshit. Advantages are to be seized by one's jaws and shaken mercilessly until candy falls out.
There are other ways to give people the incentive to move deeper into nullsec.
Re-balancing resource distribution, for instance.
Maybe introducing depletable or diminishing resources...
All manner of things.
Bad Falcon! please dont get rid of asset safety or supercaps docking, having to coffin a character in a supercap realllly sucks, so does losing everything in a home in null if you have to do some RL Afking. Also wait why do you like mooring for supercaps and not docking?
I like the fact that they're visually exposed and you can use their presence as intelligence to track fleet movements, buildup of arms and use it to gauge someone's military capability.