

01 Aug


Originally posted by AneuAng

Your data collection is already flawed, with the fact you've introduced so many programs in order to get people to login/kill NPCs and so on, during the blackout. How can that be a good data sample? It's ridiculous, on top of the fact your boss stated that its clear from people swapping to a 64bit client, means they are not risk adverse, what kind of logic is it your are using in your office?

Let me make this plain and simple for you, outside of the echo-chamber that is reddit, which you seem to use as your brain-storming saloon, the blackout is a massive flop. It does not fix the massive issues facing Eve. It does not fix the cyno-mechanics, it does not fix the capital proliferation, it does not fix the terrible sov system in place. Adding more chaos to these already terrible mechanics is not going to fix anything. The game is already one of the hardest MMOs to get into online, adding chaos, making it even more punishing is going to push people away from the game. This ...

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It's not like we have the ability to filter data or anything, right?


Originally posted by LuluHottum

Hey Falcon, any chance we ever see those changes you mentioned to capital ships? I for one agree capitals have no place in ganking small ships and ratting...

They were just my opinions mate, I'm not a game designer :)


The futility of posting contentless troll threads on the forums.



This is one of those threads that’s getting locked before it goes apesh*t.

Technical limitations in how the character system was released in 2003 and how the clothing system was released in 2011 mean that clothes are gendered.

That’s just the way it is in EVE right now and there’s nothing that can be done about it without a significant investment in re-writing parts of the game, which we don’t have resources allocated to and which isn’t a priority right now.


We said in the initial communication that we wouldn't be giving a duration for the blackout.

We'll end it when we've collected enough data, until then it'll remain in place.

It's my fond hope that at some point after the test it's reintroduced and becomes permanent, and that we eventually extend changes to local into lowsec too, in some shape or form.

30 Jul


There are no reported issues with TQ’s infrastructure or any of the services associated with it.

It would appear that this is an issue with your connection, or the internet somewhere between yourself and TQ.


It’d be nice to see, for sure… but it’d also be a total bloodbath, knowing our players.


Originally posted by Endo_Riftbreaker

Can you say more about what you mean by “mooring”? I know that term has been used before with regard to citadels, just wondering how it’s distinct from tethering (if at all)?

Separately, totally on board with more risk across the board mechanic wise.

Nope, I'm not a game designer so I couldn't possibly comment :)


This is going to be an interesting thread to keep an eye on :)


Yep, it was announced :slight_smile:


Nope - Then again, I don't think tethering should be a thing at all.

Only mooring for titans and supercarriers.


Originally posted by hematocheziarocks

CCP Blue Falcon

Was that an Expanse reference? 0_o


Originally posted by MoDeMFoX

Your comment made me think the following.

The scene right after that in the car, windows all steamy:

Falcon: Hilmar stop being a carebear, I want to show you how you wreck the purple doughnut.

Hilmar: No, that's an exit Only... Oh Falcon...

Falcon: This is how you create destruction!

Falcon later pulls out of the brown doughnut and proceeds to reenact the EVE gate, spewing little vessels all over "New Eden"...

End Scene.

And now everyone knows how twisted my mind is! LOL

You've got issues mate.

29 Jul


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Take a look at this devblog for more information on changes to sales taxes and brokers fees that are coming to New Eden soon!

Read all about it here.


Yep, the text on this one was a bit screwed up - it's been fixed now :)

27 Jul


Hey guys,

Quick update for you here - we’re aware that there were a few issues where some players experiencing issues receiving rewards from some of the challenges.

We have a fix in place for that now that stops any new occurrences of the issue, however it doesn’t un-stick the challenges for those who’re in limbo.

If you’re trapped without a new challenge, please file a support ticket.

The customer support team will give you the SP rewards you’re missing and will make sure that they issue you a new challenge to unstick you.

Sorry for the delay in response here, hopefully this clears up any confusion.

26 Jul


(✿◕‿◕✿) gonna chill and cook some steaks this weekend! (✿◕‿◕✿)

(✿◕‿◕✿) hope you all have an amazing weekend, stay safe out there! (✿◕‿◕✿)


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Check out this devblog for more information on changes that are coming to the recruitment program next week!

Read all about it here!


It can be confusing for some new players, but our patch notes are based on the current development branch that we're working in.

Given that the last release was the June release, we're still working in the June 2019 branch (known as FIRBOLG internally). Next release will be August 2019 (GOBLIN internally), so the patch notes will move over from being part of the June to the August release. :)

Rule of thumb is to look here:

Current release patch notes are the highest on the list, and within the patch notes for that list, most recent update is at the top :)

Hope this helps!