

10 May


Originally posted by EACarrie

IIRC, it was in the Malak build which we made the somewhat late call to give ourselves another day to work through some beta feedback. For a good portion of the 10th though, we still thought we would have it out on time. When we moved the build, we should have put the MF up anyway but it takes some work to create a separate build and QA it and we’ve been making decisions to de-risk where we can because we’ve had some build issues of late.

But it’s a fair point, the second we made the call to move the build out, we should have posted that the MF would be delayed a day as well.

One of the things we did fairly recently is put a DD over community (not sure what kind of Dev you are or if Development Director has the same meaning that it does at EA), but he’s basically building out better organization and structure for that group. Workflows, etc. I agree it’s been especially sloppy this year, and it’s not for a lack of effort. So we are now coming in with a big process ma...

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While I loathe JIRA (and overly rigid structure that inhibits creativity), I am pretty excited to hand off the stuff I dislike (scheduling, tracking statuses) and do the stuff I am good at (?, Carrie is welcome to dispute me) at (producing content, dreaming up new campaigns, publicly harassing Crumb).

05 May


/u/intheorydp, send me your ticket number and we’ll look into this when we’re back in the office.


We just rolled Sith Assassin back but not GG. Submit a ticket at and DM me your ticket number and we’ll look into it first thing when we’re back in the office.

04 May


/u/Zeroliver14 have you submitted a ticket at yet?

03 May

01 May


Originally posted by ChorzoGhost

“882 out of millions did it so stop complaining”

Please let erik handle all communications honestly. If anything just so we can get information that actually matters and not just random facts worded into a way to try to prove your point.

Hey DM, perhaps this could have been worded a little clearer, but I don’t think we’re expecting everyone to be satisfied because x% of completely F2P ($0.00) players got him. But I do think it’s an important thing to note that in the context of very little lead time and it being a very challenging event, a non-trivial number of players made difficult trade-offs over the course of months, choosing not to invest in certain other characters for the sake of chasing the thing they wanted, and it paid off for them.

We can talk about the merits of so many different things, whether characters should be more or less attainable, more or less obvious to divine the requirements, how long we should get to prepare, what’s the right pace to roll out new characters, etc, but many of the negative comments I read daily seem to suggest something along the lines of "I should be able to get every new thing and dominate every part of the game, all the time - and I shouldn’t have to spend a dime...

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Originally posted by CG_SBCrumb

I hear your feedback and I'm actively talking with the team about it. I'll try to get you some insight into Padme's gear requirements as soon as possible.

We've found an issue with Padmé's gear. The team will follow up tomorrow morning.

Hi holotable heroes,

We are aware of an issue with Padmé's published gear and will further address it tomorrow.


Originally posted by joel42000

Wow! I couldn’t have imagined a better honor than having it on the one laptop used at Capital Games!

Better yet, it's on the TV in the entrance for all to enjoy!

27 Apr


Setting this as the background on the studio laptop!


Originally posted by ThatTorontoDude

Woah woah woah, too much excitement here. Careful around the laptop guys. Congratulations on having a second computer by the way. We seen a photo of it! Haha

Maple syrup + laptop, not good.


Originally posted by ThatTorontoDude

Now if only that upvote could turn into an interview. This guy's work contract ends in 3 weeks. LOL

Edit: I'll bring the maple syrup.

Who has two thumbs, is from WI and has legit made maple syrup? This guy.

Edit: /u/CG_SBCrumb loves pancakes.


Originally posted by ThatTorontoDude

I trust this guy, because he knows that the previous guy gets it, which means he seems like he knows what he's talking about. Take an upvote!

Hey CG_SithA**, errrr, TopHat, we got an upvote!


It’s been a struggle to keep it consistent over time, but we’ll keep trying.

26 Apr


Originally posted by Nidion001

I know this is a shot in the dark and won't happen but can we please get a comment on why CG thinks they need to dictate the meta to how THEY see fit, and not let players dictate it themselves, as it has been traditionally in this game.. and almost every game a meta takes place in. I know how I feel about this, I know how the majority of the community feels about it.. It'd be nice to get a devs perspective on it.

This is an interesting question and there are tons of nuance to sort through, so maybe this isn't the right forum, but I'll make a note and perhaps we can address it in an upcoming Q&A or dev interview.


Originally posted by joel42000

Very curious about the 50/20% numbers they cite.

I always though they have more complex balancing (or mis-balancing) logic, like offense/defense win rate tiers based on the gear levels, zetas etc. Not just an average of everything which can be skewed.

It's far more complex than the top line numbers, but these numbers are a good conversation starter.


Originally posted by QuietThunder2014

I make those sort of mistakes all the time at work and sometimes you just gotta look at and laugh. Glad you were a good spirit about it. Sorry if I came across a little mean.

Not at all, friend!