

22 Jun


Did anyone proceed to the attack mode? A few of us devs progressed into attack instead of review.


Sorry for any confusion my tongue-in-cheek title may have caused. I was trying to give mildly cheeky nod to that we’d found a small issue only a couple hours into the Exhibition.

When we first release new game modes, it’s customary to run an exhibition season where we work out any experiential or operational kinks that aren’t uncovered during internal or beta testing, ensure everything is stable as we scale from hundreds to many thousands of players, etc before we move over to prime time.

Thankfully this issue was pretty minor and only resulted in a quick client restart. Good luck this weekend and keep the feedback coming!


Originally posted by thesampsonsolo

I think it's a great idea. I donate anything I can and as a new player any currency at all is mega appreciated.

I don't see CG implementing anything like this in the future, unfortunately. I do think it would be a pretty awesome addition to the game though

It’s an interesting idea for sure. No promises, but I’ll make sure it gets considered.


Originally posted by CableSCES

Do the new batches replace the original batch, or add to?

This could change, but for the moment my understanding is that new feats which pop up later in the event will add to the existing batch, rather than replace the existing feats. A feat will only be removed at the end of its visible countdown timer (or when the player completes it).

21 Jun


Originally posted by irishdogmeows

Can you possibly help me out as well I’m getting desperate

/u/irishdogmeows I sent you a chat message.


Originally posted by CableSCES

Do the new batches replace the original batch, or add to?

That’s a great question. I’ll get an answer from the team tomorrow.


Originally posted by CG_Erik

Some feats are on different schedules and you'll see periodically see new batches of feats show up. There will be a badge to alert you about the new feats.

But as far as having a feat that's linked to the completion of this or that feat, or immediately backfills a completed feat, I don't believe so - at least at this time.


Some feats are on different schedules and you'll see periodically see new batches of feats show up. There will be a badge to alert you about the new feats.


Hi /u/Nyoj, what specifically is confusing? Happy to clarify!


Thanks for reporting this. We're planning to add a day to that feat.

20 Jun


CG_Cyanides alluded to that we're looking at some ways of giving players value for accumulated gear, but we don't have a specific answer to share right now:
Q: How about a mechanism for fusing lower level gear into higher level gear i.e. 10 mk 4 stun guns makes 1 mk 5. -DocSweet770

  • A: CG_Cyanides: Fusing lower level gear into higher level gear is not something we're currently looking at. We are thinking about a few ways that your accumulated inventories of lower-level gear can be of some value for your collection and I am optimistic that we will eventually come up with something that makes longtime players happy.
Hi all,

We've discovered a small issue with the current Exhibition Championship. We're going to attempt a fix this evening. The only expected impact is a change to the round counter, however we'll have to do a loud release (i.e., your client will restart). Keep an eye out for an in-game pop-up for more information!

Although we're hopeful this fix will work and the Championship will be not be interrupted, there's a chance this fix won't take, and we'll update you accordingly if that happens to be the case.

The Exhibition championship is in place to ensure player experience is as smooth as possible and to ensure we've got all of our operational ducks in a row. Thanks for your patience!


Your division does not affect your end of championship rewards. It will however affect your league promotion rewards (i.e., you will get more rewards when promoting from Carbonite to Bronzium in Division 11 than in Division 1).

As others have mentioned, these rewards are for the Exhibition and are not final.

Check out CG_Cyanides post about Exhibition Rewards for more details:

Read more

CG_Cyanides just posted about the Exhibition rewards that may help clarify: You're only seeing the End of Championship rewards here, not the day-to-day rewards. Remember, these Exhibition rewards are not final!


/u/WomPuhh, send me a DM, and I'll get the details we need to look into this case.

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update contains several minor fixes for the game. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

  • [EVENT] - Fixed an issue where concurrent writes would cause Total Stars to increment multiple times for Territory Battles.
  • [GENERAL] - Fixed an issue that would cause an error if a Mod Loadout name was missing.
  • [GENERAL] - Fixed an issue that would cause an error when disbanding a guild.

19 Jun


Thanks for reporting this. I paused the pop-up shortly before noon (pacific). If you continue to get this pop-up, please let me know.

14 Jun

After a lengthy discussion with the Game Changers, we wanted to send a note to let you know that Capital Games is discontinuing the SWGOH division of the Game Changer program.

We will continue to gather feedback from these Game Changers and the player base at large as part of our extensive suite of beta programs, and we will work with these Creators (and more) on an ad hoc basis, but just not as part of an official program.

We agreed collectively that this is the best way forward to ensure independent analysis. The SWGOH Game Changers will continue to have access to a special build and the ability to talk to developers, but we’ll not be releasing information through the Game Changers moving forward.

The SWGOH Game Changers will remain a part of the EA Game Changer Network, and you’ll see them producing videos for other games both inside and outside of EA. We value their contributions and dedication to the game, and look forward to this new phase of our ... Read more

11 May


Originally posted by porkins_sf

What is it about Jira that you loathe? Not gonna lie, I get a little concerned when I hear people on a sw project talk like that. I've worked primarily on safety critical systems my career and tools like Jira & Bugzilla & others are crucial for knowing what's going on. I can understand why non-safety critical products might not need that same level of intense attention to detail but it's always helped things run smoother and especially keep track of problems.

I don't like overly rigid structures either...for example whenever I work with a legacy products using waterfall or spiral methods I do what I can to move away from that. But we've never moved away from using Jira-like tools for tracking features and bugs.

I'm not really bagging on the tool. It's more a shorthand for my own PTSD about the times I've had people who knew how to wield a hammer (JIRA) see everything as a nail - and the hours and hours of arcane debates I've had about "what exactly constitutes an Epic vs a Story vs a Subtask?" and other esoteric conversations that would make a mystic blush.

JIRA (or any number of other systems) are great for tracking the status of tasks, features, bugs, etc. and can be incredibly powerful tools if you do the work to configure it in a way that works with your team's workflow. I'm personally much more of a visual/tactile learner, always want to jump up and diagram stuff on a whiteboard, make mind maps, user story mapping, move sticky notes around, etc.

I remember early on in my career as a Producer on a different title, a Technical Director sat me down and told me the only way I could communicate with the engineering team was to deliver a flat list of user stories strict...

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