

06 Jun

Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote ... Read more
Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote ... Read more
Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote ... Read more
We wanted to talk to you today about Dark Side Territory Battle - Geonosis and how a guild can qualify to play it. Before we dive into the specifics of qualifying, I want to lay out our thought process in order to provide context on why we have qualification requirements in the first place.

First, we decided early on in the development of Geonosis that we would be running Geonosis concurrently with Hoth. We weighed the pros and cons of running them back to back versus running them concurrently and ultimately decided that we didn’t want to ask guilds to engage in such a heavy coordination exercise in addition to the Territory War coordination. If we have Territory Battles every day you will end up overlapping with Territory Wars which could be exhausting (and we’ve talked a lot with our beta testers about how the game can already be demanding for veteran Guilds).

Second, Geonosis is intentionally much more difficult than Hoth. As the game ages and rosters become mo... Read more

05 Jun

It’s come to our attention that there is a team in Phase 3 of the Heroic Sith Triumvirate that can functionally solo/”loop” the Phase. This team is composed of Mother Talzin, Asajj Ventress, Nightsister Initiate, Old Daka, and Jedi Knight Anakin. This loop works due to an unintended interaction between Mother Talzin and Jedi Knight Anakin taking a bonus turn. As has been a long-standing policy of ours, when we discover infinite loops we take action on them. Due to our current slate of work in finishing the Grand Arena Championship and the Dark Side Geonosis Territory Battle, and the fact that with these releases, the Sith Raid is intended to be more trivial, we will not be taking action on this issue until after the release of the Territory Battle. After their release we will evaluate the issue and let you know if or how we plan on addressing it. Because Jedi Knight Anakin is currently sitting where we want him to sit in the meta, our efforts will be to address this interaction first a... Read more

22 May


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

Thanks for flagging. We are looking into it now. It may be a local issue. I’ll update soon.

Yeah, we just scanned the logs. This looks like a local service disruption. We’ll continue to monitor and see if anything on our end spikes.


Thanks for flagging. We are looking into it now. It may be a local issue. I’ll update soon.

01 May


Great solution.

One question - If it was over by a stun gun, wouldn’t there be an associated carbanti as well? Or is the assumption that the gearing might have had a carbanti in place of the stun gun, or something like that if not that exact scenario?

That salvage is used for the G12 Stun gun which doesn't require carbantis
With the release of Padmé Amidala’s kit yesterday, a number of players noted the stringent requirements to upgrade her gear level. After digging into those gear requirements, we realized she required more high-end gear than we intended. The following gear is in excess of her spec:
  • 100x Mk 8 BioTech Implant Component
  • 120x Mk 8 BioTech Implant Salvage
  • 50x Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs Salvage
  • 50x Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype Salvage

This was due to an error in the gear creation tool we use to design characters, which has been rectified.

First things first, we want to say thank you to the testers who jumped in to help us test Padmé over the last week. The first test was launched rapidly and the testers started looking at it with very little notice from us. Early on in the process, the play testers were focused on identifying bugs, potentially problematic synergy interactions, etc., and it wasn’t until fairly late in the proces... Read more

30 Apr


Originally posted by rs420rs

that Mace two of us

I always Luke the other way.


Originally posted by CG_SBCrumb

Windu you sleep? :P

Yoda man.

27 Apr


Originally posted by CG_Erik

Hey CG_SithA**, errrr, TopHat, we got an upvote!

That means we get to use the computer! MS Paint here we come!

19 Apr


Dang. I wanted one.

13 Apr


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

I just got a report on this from another source. I'm investigating. Let me see if I can get feedback from the team on it.


I just got a report on this from another source. I'm investigating. Let me see if I can get feedback from the team on it.

12 Apr

Apologies, there's another change to note with Subvert Defenses:

Description: Deal Special damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. (Cooldown 2)

+10% Damage
+10% Damage
+10% Damage
+10% Damage
Add Stun for 1 turn
+10% Damage
+20% Damage, add Buff Immunity for 2 turns

Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy. Dispel all buffs on them, inflict Buff Immunity on them for 2 turns, and Stun them for 1 turn.

That's embarrassing. I'm updating the forum posts now.

11 Apr

In addition to the above new ability, Bastila Shan's Unique 1, Legendary Battle Meditation, has been updated to the following:

Description: At the start of Bastila's turn, all other allies gain 1% Turn Meter (doubled for Jedi) and Legendary Battle Meditation for 1 turn.

Legendary Battle Meditation: +25% Potency and +10% counter chance (doubled for Jedi)

+1% Turn Meter Gain
+10% Potency
+10% Counter chance
+15% Potency
+15% Counter chance
+1% Turn Meter Gain
Add 2% Protection Recovery per buff at start of turn and Legendary Battle Meditation can't be dispelled

Final Text: At the start of Bastila's turn, she recovers 2% Protection for each buff she has, and all other allies gain 3% Turn Meter (doubled for Jedi) and Legendary Battle Meditation for 1 turn.

Legendary Battle Meditation: +50% Potency and +35% counter chance (doubled for Jedi). Legendary Battle Meditatio... Read more