

03 May


Originally posted by AfrostLord

You can't just tell me there was a Heimerdinger alternate wincon but not reveal what it was

UNCONKABLE would be able to shed more light on it. But if I remember correctly it was trying to build tons of turrets. It's similar to how he ended up, but I can't remember what the wincon part was.


Originally posted by Seba7290

Super interesting read. I love getting insights into Riot’s creative process - both on this game and on League.

Glad you liked it! It was the first time I've been able to work with the LoR team, and it was really delightful. They're incredibly talented. I hope I can do more of these in the future!

24 Apr


Originally posted by Tryeeme

I say A - feel - ee - os, probably not quite accurate. I definitely butchered the pronounciation of that name (and some others) to make that clue!

Can confirm, is incorrect.

It's A-fell-ee-os.

I heard Interlocutioner say it about 50 times.

11 Apr


Originally posted by Megalodontus

This is an odd but good time as any question then, are you guys planning to update the Voli plush then to match his VGU?

Not sure. That's a question for the Merch team. I can ask!

10 Apr


Originally posted by Riven2main

If he is anything like Sett then I am gonna quite league for a while, halve a year probably. because I want nothing to do with a juggernaut like that.

You leave my sweet baby boy Settrigh alone, you MONSTER.


Originally posted by The_Level_15

While you’re granting wishes, please tell me you’re giving Evelynn the hybrid scaling that was removed with her rework, since it was such a huge part of her champions identity

I am but a lowly meme regurgitating writer who has played like 4 games of post-rework Eve and never pre-rework. So I cannot help. D:


Originally posted by DudeToManz

please tell me you are releasing teddy bears of voli very soon as well



Originally posted by DudeToManz

define very soon please :)

Is now soon enough?

08 Apr


Originally posted by LizardJan

The good ol'Rioter move.

You discuss things about the game: no rioter appears (which i get, there are the same threads every week/day)

You talk about chicken: u/Cashmiir "Now this looks like a job for me!"

  1. I don't work on League so I can't comment on things directly about it. :( I don't want to misrepresent myself to anyone and promise things I can't deliver on. If you want some spicy memes I'm your person. But I do try to pass on stuff from Reddit to the right people.

  2. I f*cking LOVE chickens.

07 Apr


Originally posted by _Hotel

Holy moly. That's not a chicken. That's a tiny dinosaur.

It's a Brahma chicken! They're one of my favorite breeds (behind the Ayam Cemani chicken and Polish crested chickens). They used to be the main meat chicken breed in the US.

That one's way bigger than normal and looks like it's even bigger than a Jersey Giant, which iirc is the largest breed of chicken.

19 Mar


Originally posted by -Tian

Don’t need it now that TFT is out, can just wait on the toilet until it dries up down there

The tears from all of my losses keep me clean. 😢

03 Mar


Originally posted by Signor65_ZA

f*ck I went like a week without listening to this. Thank you.


Originally posted by Pika310

Please revert Sona to her original kit

That's just too far.

02 Mar


Originally posted by JoXul

I really want the sound as my notification

It's the last sound clip in this article.

Someone should be able to make it from that!


Originally posted by PsychoPass1

That makes me wonder how they recorded that. Some guy was just breathing into a microphone and the SFX guy worked their magic?

It's Riot Sound Bear screaming and pigs.

I cover it in the last section of this article.


Originally posted by Tinbuster00

Will miss clicking on a post by a Rioter and have all the comments being something like "Buff my main pls"

Literally still happens on Reddit 🙃

Edit: I deserve this for posting at 5am

28 Feb


I don't get it. It's literally just the same music video next to each other.

27 Feb


Originally posted by helloquain

Not sure what rank you are, but if you're Gold or lower I recommend just learning Amumu jungle (or AP Malphite jungle, which seems to work for me, but feels questionable). It's pretty straight forward: ignore your laners desperate cries for attention (you: Level 3, half health, killing bot scuttle; your top lane: PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING), clear camps, rush to 6, kill someone with ult, take an objective, go back to jungle for two minutes, repeat. You'll be pretty effective with that relatively straight forward, low complexity gameplan and from there you can learn to weave in efficient/effective non-ult ganks, invading, optimal routing, surviving the asshole Lee Sin who really wants your dick, etc.

From there you can pick up more complex stuff, but something with a simple play pattern will help you focus on learning the nuance of jungle.

I learned how to jungle on WW. 10/10 would recommend because the "vision" you get on injured enemies is really handy. His clear is also pretty fast and his kit's pretty simple.

Amumu is also a great one because you just farm until you can press R and then you win.

21 Feb


Originally posted by appleeeeee

do y’all have any information science/ux related collegiate internships open? i’m a rising junior and i’d love to work at riot!! 🥺

Hello! We host internships every year. The positions available differ annually, but they're usually posted here.

The positions generally get listed in July/August/September for the following year and close a few months later.

The UX team sometimes ...

Read more

Originally posted by RiotAryeila

Hello Cashmiir! Nice to meet you for what's definitely the very first time ever! ;)

I love sharing my puns with people who can't escape them, so it feels pretty good. My favorite Champ Spotlight video is Neeko's, and my favorite pun is "Neeko Neeko Nii"--I stuck it in as a comment and nobody knew what I meant. "Trust me," I said--"they'll love it. They're all weebs." And I was right!

I do all kinds of technical edits, but the Tech Blog is my main domain. This means sourcing stories, supporting authors, managing stakeholders, providing (typically many) edits, handling staging/publishing, and coordinating with other teams like social.

Did you know that our first interaction was during my writing test when you highlighted my em dash and freaked out?

What I'm saying is that I'm upset you used the evil -- in your response instead of the far superior — . Please respond.