Is there any place where I can see the new emotes animated yet?
Is there any place where I can see the new emotes animated yet?
Maybe use it similar to Heimer's "I just topdecked lethal" but when you literally only had 1 out?
It's in here! :D
It would be crazy if there was some way to quickly communicate all of that with your voice to your teammates. O well, maybe in another 100 years.
Doesn't solve the problem. Even if I get on voice chat with my solo queue team they won't understand me. I'm a boosted ape.
Will it only be here for a month again or for the whole year? I'd pay money to keep this trans flag trail all year long because I love it so much
I believe it's just for the month and not the full year.
Same D: I wanna fly my bi-pride bb.
how long will this stay? i wanna keep the transgender trail forever!
I believe through Pride month (June), but I can double check!
Ty for the cool stuff, I think it genuinely means more than people give credit. We all out here gay af in 2020.
I only worked on some of the comms around it (posts coming out ON May 17). The team deserves all the credit in the world for the hard work they did.
Can someone show all of them? The colors etc
I don't have an image or gif of all of them. I think someone posted one in the comments somewhere. But I have this, though.
hey mr rioter does the special homeguard thing still apply if i have the icon from last year equipped?
Yes! The original Rainbow Fluft has the same rainbow homeguard trail!
Yep, a different one for each icon even, I think.
This is correct! There's a unique homeguard trail per icon!
Omg, I'm honored of that! :] Thank you so much for your kind words. They really makes me happy!
Your cosplay is seriously great! I sent it to Lonewingy (Sett's original artist) and Riot Earp (he worked on the Mecha Kingdoms skin) when you first posted!
I just want you to know at least five other Rioters have sent me your cosplay. My love of Sett knows no bounds. This is beautiful. 10/10, sent it to my mom.
Hey Cash, a bit late to the party here but is there anything you can share about Quinn's development process and why the devs designed her the way they did/where they took inspiration from?
As a Quinn main from League going on 5 years now, I absolutely LOVE playing her and her team of rangers in LoR - not only due to their amazing theme and visuals, but also because of the Scout mechanic that accompanies them. Forcing fights feels so good, especially in combination with Rally.
This is coming from someone who's never played card games before and swore he'd be disappointed if Riot released one! I'm having a blast so far and feel incredibly grateful to have my favorite champion in the game, so thank you :)
I didn't get a chance to talk to the team about Set 2, but I'll see if we can cover her in a later article maybe!
My manager is also a Quinn main, and as a Yuumi main, there's nothing I love more than running at someone with Youmuu's Zoomies and just obliterating them in one shot. So I'm pretty in love with her LoR mechanic. :D
We're hoping to do more of these in the future, so I'd love to go back and talk about the ones we missed in here.
That would be great! While this text talked about some instances of champions for which the LOL mechanics were hard to translate into card games (fast!), what makes me more curious is how you guys came up with some of the designs that are more unique to card games and don't really match much with their LoL-selves (Maokai with toss/mill, Nautilus with Deep, ...).
Also would love to hear the history behind Swain's design, as I feel like he has a lot of different facets that could have ended up with very different versions of the champion card.
Would love to do more of these and cover those champs! I'm also very interested to know that!
Just asking will you do this for every single champ
I would love to! LoR is great and I really love learning about this and sharing it.
The article was a very interesting read, especially as it helped me learn a bit more about the different regions! Also hearing that one of the devs is a fan of yugioh put a smile on my face. However, I’m still very new to the lore as this is the only game I’ve played, didn’t know anything about League of Legends before this. I wanted to ask, what’s the difference between Runeterra and the summoners rift? Is that a different region not in the game yet?
Summoner's Rift used to be a central area where combatants from Runeterra came to fight. I'm not sure if that's still the case or not.
But ST is just the name of the main map in League. So it's not exactly a natural environment for these champions.
It was nice to get an insight as a new player, I'm having a lot of fun so far with my good ole pal TF. As much as it was nice to get an insight though, it felt like this was just a flavour of the full creative process, is there any more content that goes in-depth on card design and the creative process from a mechanical sense that people know of? Would be very interesting for me
This is something we'd like to do in the future!
Thank you Riot Cashmiir. You have made a man's day.
Also, that name is very cool :D
Awww shucks you.
Lol ty! I've been using it for years. Since Classic Runescape through Vanilla WoW up to now. :D
Edit: Your name is the bane of my existence. Second only to Num Lock.
Wow Kalista and thresh left out :( kalista is understandable because she already got redone(and it’s much better).
We're hoping to do more of these in the future, so I'd love to go back and talk about the ones we missed in here. They all have really interesting stories. I can't count the amount of times UNCONKABLE repeated that when we were talking.
Thanks for the insight ! You didn't talk about Freljord, but I really like how Ashe and Sejuani complement nicely each other, both for leveling conditions and when they are leveled up.
When you do Lissandra, it would be cool (haha) if she had an ability like "Whenever you Frostbite an enemy, deal 1 to the enemy Nexus". This way, when all 3 of them are leveled up and attacking, you get a big wombo combo !
I shall pass this feedback on to the team, but I can't make promises. I'm just a writer and have no influence over the game's design. :)
But that would be pretty solid and absolutely horrifying. Thanks. I hate it. :D
Okay, I wasn't very sure of my claim, and I wasn't expecting Riot Cashmiir to answer me.
Just to be clear, LoR Senna was developed before LoL Senna?
Yes! LoR Senna was developed before LoL Senna, but the teams worked together closely to ensure there was a consistent story and that both versions of Senna were representative of who she is.
Edit: Grammar. WrItEr AcKsHuAlLy