

14 Sep


Originally posted by Meirnon

Wrong, and I'm surprised u/Threef and u/Cinco4706 are suggesting this is the case.

Recruit Repeaters cannot be powersurged. They will always stay at T0, for 10 Power.

Twin Suns have a 90 power advantage. This amounts to a power modifier bonus of about +.257, which seems like a lot but there's a HUGE problem with Twin Suns kit.

Recruit Repeaters will hit for 150MV/shot.

Twin Suns will only hit for 90MV/shot. Even with its crit empowerment kit bonus, that's only hitting for about 108eMV/shot. When we apply its power modifier bonus, it's only hitting for 136 damage on average per 150 damage the recruit repeaters deal. You spent $10 to deal 10% less damage on average than recruit repeaters.

And I highly disagree with the notion that Twin Suns have a lower skillcap.

Edit: Just read back, user mentioned lvl 4 (I assumed 40 power repeaters)

I also worded that poorly. I meant at a lower level people will do more DPS with Twin Suns, so they have lower entry barrier (based on data). They do underperform compared to other repeaters late game though, as everyone has mentioned.


Originally posted by TheFaytalist

So then for early game (Repeaters Level 4), before reforging is even unlocked, Twin Suns is much better than Recruit's Repeaters yes?

Yes, but also something to keep in mind is Twin Suns have a much lower skill cap entry barrier so less experienced players are likely to do more with Twin Suns either way. Do what's fun, do what you enjoy, Twin Suns are perfectly effective.

You only really need to worry about the small details if you're trying to get on the Trials leaderboard. Otherwise, what works for you and is fun is what counts. My take is, if you forget to enjoy the journey, how will you enjoy the destination? Also, I still use Twin Suns for neutral weapon bounties cause they're fun.

12 Sep


Originally posted by Knight-112

Ok thanks! I think I’ll give it a try 😀

Just as an additional note, not only can you play with friends, you can play cross-platform between PC (Epic), PS4, Switch, and Xbox, you can also log into any with the same character and progress.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Impossible-Koala-656

I replied to the email, if not a bit firmly, hopefully it'll be easy to find, I listed my Reddit name as well. Thank you as well for taking the time out of your day to help me with this problem!

It looks like we didn't get it, I suspect you're in touch with Epic support rather than Dauntless support which explains the ticket number.

In this case, when it comes to Nintendo accounts, they would be the correct people to contact as the link issue would be between Nintendo and Epic. However, if they're unable to assist at all, you can contact us here with full details, and we can guide you through the process and I'm confident we'll come to a resolution:

If you do need to contact us, please link to this reddit thread so we can get a basic picture of what your ...

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08 Sep


Originally posted by HandsomeGangar

Heads take more stagger damage that limbs, tails and the main body don’t take stagger damage.

Tails* take more part damage than other parts if you’re using slashing type attacks (sword, axe, and the non-wounding attacks from pike and chain blades).

All parts take the same amount of core damage, except if you’re using Drask weapons (don’t).

*technically any part that’s internally flagged as “severable” but for most behemoths that’s just the tail.

Just to add to that, hammers "Weighted Crown Mod" which you can unlock in the Slayers tree says "Stagger damage is no longer halved when attacking Behemoth legs" which is a pretty good tip off on how Stagger works on different parts.


Originally posted by AresThreeFive

▪ In-Game Name: AresThreeFive

▪ Type of Bug: Rumour Dye Quest

▪ Google Drive Link(s):

▪ Normal Behavior: Getting the dye rumour drop should give access to the rumour quest to unlock the dye.

▪ Actual Behavior: In the drop results for the Fenroar it shows a rumour dye called Petrified but no quest starts from this drop.

▪ System Specs: N/A

▪ Geographic Location: US EAST

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 I got the drop multiple times but nothing in the quest log to complete it.

It looks like this is impacting a specific set of users, we're working on a fix. Thank you for the report!


Originally posted by Impossible-Koala-656

I am unsure of where the support ticket is, since now it's on email but I do see this number within said emails. 20701727

If that's the support ticket number, great, if not, I could always forward the emails privately. Just let me know.

Unfortunately, that's not it. I'd say just respond to it. I'll find it. Thanks!


I'm inherently biased so I'll keep it pretty basic.

In my opinion any free game that's *checks Epic* "Great for Quick Sessions" is worth at least trying as it's as easy to jump out as it is in. Especially if it was worth 200h before.

I'm not seeing many recommendations on what to look for when you first jump back in if you decide to. The interface changes can be a bit much at first but I'd say 1-13 escalations (you can unlock on the slayer tree) is a great place to start and go from there.

I wouldn't worry about resetting or anything, just starting there and moving forward you'll start to figure things out again.


Hey there, u/Impossible-Koala-656 sorry to hear that, this sounds rough. Can you please give your support ticket number either in message or here. It should be safe to do so as long as it's just the number. I can look into it, discuss how we can move forward and we'll respond in the ticket itself. Thanks!

25 Aug


Sorry about that, we posted the instructions here

We're looking into this, hopefully everything is looking good after the patch in 15 min!

11 Aug


This looks amazing and terrifying. Brings back memories of Thrax thrashing me with portal claws.


Originally posted by Solaris123_com

While I agree with you on most of these, why Nine Lives? Nine Lives isn't very good.

You die less and allows you to die more. It'd be one of the first things where the second you beat it you go "Okay, it looks like I don't need that" and shuffle it into damage, or maybe you realize you do. For that one it's lvl 6 or bust though, lvl 3 is not good at lvl 6 you get an extra life every 5 min, and between that and weapon revive it gives you a lot of room for a lot of mistakes.

10 Aug


Expert terribad here. This will go in the face of every piece of meta advice ever. I learned this out of curiosity on what the real entry barrier to Heroics is. In short, I wanted to see if it was accessible to players that struggle with the game for one reason or another.

Trials require a lot of learning moves. Hescas require the right build mostly.

  1. First bit of advice is to get lvl 25 in the given escalation tree.
  2. Start with Warpike, I did and started with right click spam as a test of "how bad can I be basically using 1 button?"
  3. Again, throw out meta, your goal is to get to lvl 80+ not to beat it in 10 minutes. You have more time than you'd think to get lvl 80, or even 90.
  4. Full facetank cells. Try to avoid armors that give negative, but it's okay if you get 1 or two.
  5. Two options, Bastion, or Iceborne. For this example let's go Iceborne, you can go from there.
  6. Koshai's Bloom is a must, since we're going lifesteal/...
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26 Jul


I'd encourage anyone with this issue to try repairing the client, then write into support here

I suspect it's more of an account issue, but worth trying client repair first. u/Great--Owl u/fondocean not sure if you already have in the past, but if so, please try again and ...

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11 Jul


It looks pretty solid for 1080p to me, but it can be difficult to tell from a static image. u/Zwixern if you're seeing worse quality than in the past please do the following:

  1. Go to the "Video" settings page, at the bottom under "advanced" try dropping the "Epic" quality down one notch.
  2. Go back into game.
  3. Go back to Video settings and bump them back to Epic again.

If there is an issue, this should refresh the settings and fix it.

05 Jul


I find Kharabak when mixed with other more difficult behemoths can be rough since it's good at attacking over/around them. Thrax claw portal always seems to come when I run out of stamina. Second Torg activation after jumping into the arena is a bit harder to time than the first, though likely just the limited encounters. I haven't tried the new heroic chrono solo so I can't speak to that as I'd imagine it's much harder solo due to its moves.

I still have a lot of improving to do, but have a bit of an edge over most as my Slayer Tree is starting to fill out and I've maxed Escalation trees.

Savhyt I find isn't as bad once I started dodging in the same direction it's going so I don't have to chase it in circles as much.

01 Jul


No question is silly if you learn from it! This was asked a few months ago, you can find a response there as well:\_the\_game\_is\_running\_on\_ue4\_will\_there\_be\_a/

24 Jun


Originally posted by noocarehtretto

• In-Game Name: marill404

• Type of Bug: Performance I guess

• Expected behavior: the game not to crashed when going back to Ramsgate

• Actual behavior: if I'm in a hunt or escalation when go back to Ramsgate the game freeze or crashed. I have to restart the game. At least I can travel between islands. It's been like this since 1 or 2 weeks. This happened when I play on my Switch.

I already reported this in game but I haven't see this bug on Favro and I saw a few people who has the same problem as me. If possible, I would appreciate an update if t5y666y666

• Reproduction Rate/Steps: 10/10, going back to Ramsgate from a hunt or when the escalation is over.

• System Specs: Switch

• Geographic location: Canada (ET)

Much appreciated, we're looking into this one as it appears to be happening to several people, no ETA on a resolution yet.


Originally posted by -eXiGe-

Occasionally when using tempest, the dash will go twice as far as it normally would.

Hey there, can you please check out this article that will show you how to capture it if it happens again, and send it into the support team on the same page? We'd be happy to take a look!

22 Jun


Catalyst does not impact Slayer Flasks, only Tonics. 60% duration is 60% better on its own, 60% Effectiveness on its own is 60% better, but since you get the Effectiveness on the duration as well, the end result is more than the two on their own.

Add that to a tonic like Aetherdrive which on its own (when upgraded in the slayer tree) is 125% lantern cooldown rate and you have a very spammable lantern ability. Got a wound bounty? 50% increased wound damage tonic now looks a lot more effective.

It's possible to get through anything without tonics, and even slayer flasks, but people competing on the Trials leaderboard use things like tonics to stay on top, and they certainly make life easier in general.

For increased sustainability you'd want to look more towards Iceborne or Bastion Omnicell builds. Though Aetherdrive Tonic with Koshai's Bloom and/or Lifedrain tonic would certainly add a lot of life steal.